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  1. Ana Luciana II

    Selig Sind Die Toten - Scheubner-Richter's Reich

    Yeah the Richterine Wars begin in 1940.
  2. Ana Luciana II

    Selig Sind Die Toten - Scheubner-Richter's Reich

    You’d be surprised. IOTL German submarine technology was quite advanced. Many of the West’s submarines in the early 1950s drew from German designs and plans. Anything that helps the submarines dive for longer is vital as being forced to stay at the surface for long periods outside of combat...
  3. Ana Luciana II

    Selig Sind Die Toten - Scheubner-Richter's Reich

    He’s got more of a “modern vision” than AH let’s say. We’ll get into this in Chapter Twelve but SR advocates a war strategy known ITTL as ‘Peripherieumschließung’ (peripheral encirclement) which aims to defeat the European powers by cutting them off from their sources of raw materials in their...
  4. Ana Luciana II

    Selig Sind Die Toten - Scheubner-Richter's Reich

    I’ll have to do some more reading on this. Most of the right-wing British upper class groups, people like - Wallop’s group, Mistery, and the Link - will probably gravitate towards Nazism whilst the street-level paramilitaries and intellectuals of New Labour will hew towards Italian Fascism...
  5. Ana Luciana II

    Selig Sind Die Toten - Scheubner-Richter's Reich

    The Naples Conference of 1933 (which largely supersedes the smaller Montreux Conference ITTL) will largely be about defining the ideology and working out the differences and divisions between capital F Italian-style Fascism and Nazism.
  6. Ana Luciana II

    Selig Sind Die Toten - Scheubner-Richter's Reich

    Notsky hasn’t sat idly in his Finnish exile. Due to the purge that followed the Goebbels coup most regional and district leaders of the Black Front fled Germany. And many of them have collected in Helsinki. The Black Front lives! Sure it has about fifty active members and they spend most of...
  7. Ana Luciana II

    Selig Sind Die Toten - Scheubner-Richter's Reich
    Threadmarks: “Hot Chocolate”

    “Hot Chocolate” Helsinki, Finland February 22nd, 1933 Tova weaved her way between the benches, the hot cups scalding her hands, deftly dodging the searching hands of the coffee shop’s male patrons. The air up to the oak rafters was thick with the smell of coffee grounds, melted chocolate, and...
  8. Ana Luciana II

    Would Germany have beat the Soviet Union if they could focus 100% of their power on them?

    Far be it from me to glaze the Wehrmacht. But from what I’ve read they were a very effective well-rounded fighting force. In-particular they had an energetic and talented officer corps. It helps that there was a long running Prussian militaristic tradition that helped foster this officer corps...
  9. Ana Luciana II

    Do you consider Britain’s blockade of Germany in WW1, that led to 800,000 civilian deaths a war crime?

    Also worth noting that the Ludendorff-Hindenburg Junta did their best to shift the effects of the starvation onto those that were most vulnerable. For instance mental patients were often abandoned to die or starved to death due to improper provision of government aid. The government exacerbated...
  10. Ana Luciana II

    WI: Romani Nation in East Prussia/ The State of Romany

    The issue with this is it involves forcibly relocating a large population already distrustful of outsiders recently traumatised by forced deportations and the Porajmos. I’m sure a small, vocal minority of young Roma would be happy to go along with this plan but the elders, the community leaders...
  11. Ana Luciana II

    Would Germany have beat the Soviet Union if they could focus 100% of their power on them?

    Very true. The Soviet people had everything to lose in the event of Nazi victory. For example of White Russian prisoners in gulags who volunteered to serve in penal battalions or offered to work extra shifts because, as Russian nationalists, the thought of Russia being conquered by Germany was...
  12. Ana Luciana II

    Would Germany have beat the Soviet Union if they could focus 100% of their power on them?

    No. The Soviet’s massive manpower, technical, and organisational advantages would eventually win out.
  13. Ana Luciana II

    Goring: Cunning, Ruthless Leader, or Incompetent drug addict?

    There was nothing run of the mill about Goering’s antisemitism I’m afraid. He eagerly participated in planning antisemitic policies as a member of the government. He advocated petty cruelties such as prohibiting Jews and Non-Jews from travelling in the same train car and banning Jews from beach...
  14. Ana Luciana II

    Who was worse until 1941: Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia?

    This is a complete mischaracterisation of the initial German invasion of Poland. The idea that the Germans didn’t aim at “the destruction of people” is simply not true. The Germans engaged in a genocidal massacre of Polish intellectuals, political leaders, and army officers. To quote Burleigh’s...
  15. Ana Luciana II

    Goring: Cunning, Ruthless Leader, or Incompetent drug addict?

    Both. I’m going to focus on Goering’s political and economic activities as I’m not well versed in military history. So let’s talk first about Goering’s achievements since there are a few of note. Firstly there’s actually manoeuvring himself into power. Goering was a top class organiser, the guy...
  16. Ana Luciana II

    Selig Sind Die Toten - Scheubner-Richter's Reich

    Oh my lord this is hilarious
  17. Ana Luciana II

    Selig Sind Die Toten - Scheubner-Richter's Reich

    There’ll be internal ideological justifications to the slavery system. The enslavement of Soviet “Asocials” and Prisoners of War will be justified on the grounds of removing their “aggressive taint” from the Russian gene pool so that a new Germanized Russian nation can be born. As you say, the...
  18. Ana Luciana II

    Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VII (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

    ITTL Italy disentangles itself from the Axis but remains an impoverished parish state kept afloat by occasional injections of loans and foreign aid from Western Europe and America. Italy’s fascist leadership are a bunch of out of touch octogenarians by the late 60s. In 1970 the whole house of...
  19. Ana Luciana II

    Selig Sind Die Toten - Scheubner-Richter's Reich

    Thank you very much. I look forward to posting them! Marginalised. There will be a hyper nationalist faction in the KPD through the early 50s but it eventually gets killed off. Some of their ideas re-emerge in TTL 2010s-2020s.