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  1. ETGalaxy


    Very hard to pick a winner for this. Y'all knocked it out of the park with some of the most creative alternate history I've seen in a while combined with excellent maps to boot. BEST MAP OVERALL: iko's "We Will Bury You" (I'm always a sucker for anarchist revolutions, and the anarchist map in...
  2. ETGalaxy

    WIP Map Thread

    That's an impressive United States for the 1790s. How'd they manage to take Ireland?
  3. ETGalaxy

    Changing of the Seasons: an Independent Oregon TL

    Looks like it's a constitutional monarchy. IDK if that means some alternate version of the reforms of the Meiji Restoration or something more divergent from OTL, however.
  4. ETGalaxy

    Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VII (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

    Ah, I was thinking this was a Kaiserreich alternate history and the French Revolution in question was the syndicalist revolution in France from KR.
  5. ETGalaxy

    Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VII (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

    Very interesting, I like the implications of this. I am curious why anarcho-syndicalism isn't listed as a variant of syndicalism here, however, as the origins of anarcho-syndicalist arguably predate the presumably early 20th Century POD you have here.
  6. ETGalaxy

    Photos from Kentucky Fried Politics

    A lot of Walt's initial motivation was having enough money to leave his family well-off after he died, as opposed to exclusively paying for his cancer treatment. The plot still kinda works if it exclusively revolves around his desire to provide for his family and you cut out the medical payments.
  7. ETGalaxy

    Map Thread XXII

    Very interesting scenario, and I like the political system you developed. Actually, having a "mega-Libera" that expands over much of Africa like this used to be a trope I loved to play around with years ago when I was just getting into alternate history and mostly made maps for myself, so it's...
  8. ETGalaxy

    Man-Made Hell: The History of the Great War and Beyond

    Absolutely! College has been a lot this last semester, so unfortunately I don't know when the next chapter will come out, but rest assured I'm not done with MMH yet. Thank you so much! Sorry for not getting around to this until now, but I do think it makes sense that the French Commune would...
  9. ETGalaxy

    Man-Made Hell: The History of the Great War and Beyond
    Threadmarks: Man-Made Hell: The Modern Tragedy Novel Release

    Hello everyone, it's been a while, and that is partially because I've been working on a new project over the past year which I'm really excited to finally announce. Man-Made Hell: The Modern Tragedy has just been published by Sea Lion Press as the first volume of this timeline, which will...
  10. ETGalaxy

    Map Thread XXII

    This is such a cool concept, and I'd love to know more about this world. I am curious about what Canaan's economic and political system is like. It's obviously a theocracy that seems to be inspired in part by OTL Iran, but the one-party regime part is interesting. Is this essentially just Iran...
  11. ETGalaxy

    Map Thread XXII

    Interesting, so a world where the UK is a part of the Central Powers? I'd be really curious to see what the wider world looks like ITTL. The redrawing of Africa in totality after WWI seems interesting given that the map implies significant French domination on the continent, and I'd also be...
  12. ETGalaxy

    no “Star Wars” movie, instead George Lucas jumps straight to the “Indiana Jones” movies

    IIRC, the idea for Indiana Jones was first formulated when George Lucas went on a vacation during the release week of Star Wars because he expected the movie to flop and didn't want to be around when it did, so in a world without Star Wars, there's probably no Indiana Jones either, at least not...
  13. ETGalaxy

    Realistic POD for Napoleon wins in Russia?

    A few years back, I actually wrote a oneshot where the POD was a French victory in the invasion of Russia, and I'd stand by the specific POD I used for the TL as one of the more plausible ways you could see Napoleon win in Russia. Basically, at the OTL 1812 Battle of Smolensk, Napoleon's primary...
  14. ETGalaxy

    Map Thread XXII

    Ooh, so Spain and Russia swap roles ITTL?
  15. ETGalaxy

    Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VII (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

    Ooh, a Frank Lloyd Wright presidency? I love it, a lot of architects and urban planners around this time (including Wright) had some pretty whacky political views that make for some very fun alternate history.
  16. ETGalaxy

    Would a Central Powers Victory be Dystopian?

    This is a fun question, but I don't think there's really a clear answer to it. First off, when and how exactly do the Central Powers win WWI? A German victory at the Marne bringing about a decisive Central Powers win across the continent's gonna look radically different from a world where the...
  17. ETGalaxy

    The Proletarian Presidents: The Graphical History of a Socialist America

    Chomsky being president in 1980 has since been retconned, although Baldwin's infobox hasn't been updated to reflect that.
  18. ETGalaxy

    The Proletarian Presidents: The Graphical History of a Socialist America

    Haywood will be a one-termer, but Chomsky won't be elected president until 1981. Yep, Director Dick Nixon's a hardline cold warrior (great struggler?) from the very start of his career and consistently promotes closely monitoring and investigating suspected counterrevolutionary activities...
  19. ETGalaxy

    The Proletarian Presidents: The Graphical History of a Socialist America

    Aw geez, thank you very much, that's very kind of you! Something I wanted to go for going into this TL is to create a world that's a bit more nuanced than a straight dystopia or utopia, so I'm happy to hear this reaction! Don't get me wrong, if you're a socialist, there's a lot to like about...
  20. ETGalaxy

    The Proletarian Presidents: The Graphical History of a Socialist America
    Threadmarks: Map of the World circa January 1973

    ~Map of the World, circa January 1st, 1973 AD~