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  1. FossilDS

    These Fair Shores: The Commonwealth of New England

    Well, then I don't think you'll be very pleased living in TFS' New England. Although it's a place with generally socially liberal policies, high quality of life and representative government, it is still a part of the British Empire and consequently an arm of British Imperialism. It has just...
  2. FossilDS

    Map of the Fortnight: All Stars Invitational | Interest Thread

    4 is thematically appropriate, but I feel like I can also do a lot with 3. Ultimately, I'm fine with nearly all of the prompts.
  3. FossilDS

    Geronimo : What if Osama Bin Laden was killed prior to 9/11?

    I know I'm ultra late to the conversation, but this changes... basically everything about spaceflight in TTL. It will be subtle at first, but the changes will really start kicking into gear around 2015ish. The first ramification is that SpaceX means one less competitor for COTS (the commercial...
  4. FossilDS

    Map of the Fortnight: All Stars Invitational | Interest Thread

    I haven't made a map in ages, but I'm down to participate.
  5. FossilDS

    Edifice: A History of the National Redoubt

    Never underestimate Humanity's capacity to build some truly stupid weapons systems. You say SLAM should never be taken seriously, but OTL Russia is spending oodles on money they don't have on a miniature, modernized version of SLAM- the nuclear powered cruise missile 9M730 Burevestnik. Nevermind...
  6. FossilDS

    The American System: A Henry Clay TL

    You know, I was really expecting Cameron to go out with a bang. A defiant stand at the White House and being dragged kicking and screaming into prison, or maybe even a self-coup with tanks rolling up Capitol Hill. But I guess the universe thought he deserved a kinder fate and took him out...
  7. FossilDS

    The Dream Survives

    I loved how the updates were scheduled every five hours. Not only does it keep my impatient appetite for space TLs sated, but it thematically reflects how hectic and extraordinary a schedule the Shuttle operated in ITTL. An amazing April Fools Day treat!
  8. FossilDS

    Small Steps, Giant Leaps: An Alternate History of the Space Age

    Awesome to hear that this amazing timeline is continuing! I just want to put a small word in about how appreciative I am that this timeline decides to give attention to planetary science. As much as I love some of the other amazing alt-spaceflight works on this website, they often make the...
  9. FossilDS

    Geronimo : What if Osama Bin Laden was killed prior to 9/11?

    Hmmm. This has been an amazing timeline, but spaceflight has definitely not been one of the focuses (which is definitely okay, I don't think there would be that many divergences.) based on the CNN headline, it sounds like a shuttle is in trouble, but not fatally damaged- probably not anything...
  10. FossilDS

    Map Thread XXII

    Very nice! Not to nitpick though, but was the Aral Sea that dry in 500 AD?
  11. FossilDS

    Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid: A More Radical American Civil War

    One of the smaller (but still amazing bits) of this TL is how wonderfully evocative and poetic the chapter names are. It highlights in general how *authentic* this timeline feels to the time period. Not only have you created a compelling narrative of a more transformative ACW, you've captured...
  12. FossilDS

    A Sound of Thunder: The Rise of the Soviet Superbooster

    There's a fascinating new piece from RussianSpaceWeb about the planned public announcement of the N-1/Groza system if it were successful: I'm not sure if nixonhead was aware of these documents when he wrote the ITTL press release, but in any case he nailed it- the announcement of Zond 9 as a...
  13. FossilDS

    Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VII (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

    Incredible that within 40 years of the first African American dining in the White House, America has an African-American Vice President. That America is really going places! (Henry Ford as president for the Labour Party is pretty nuts too)
  14. FossilDS

    2024 Turtledoves - (Closes (15/02/24) - Best Spaceflight and Technology Timeline Nominations and Seconds

    I second the above nomination for: Best Spaceflight and Technology Timeline: Time After Time: Imprints of the Space Transportation System Booster by @Rocketdyne_J2
  15. FossilDS

    España No Ha Muerto: If Franco brought Spain into the Second World War

    I wonder how Salazar would feel about this fate rather then what happened in OTL. Sure, he lived a lot longer and saw his dictatorship entrenched, but became a tired old curmudgeon who lived in a fantasy after being booted out of the PM's office, reading fake newspapers and issuing fake...
  16. FossilDS

    2024 Turtledoves - (Closes (15/02/2024) - Best Graphic Nominations and Seconds

    I second the above nomination for: Best Graphic: Return (in A Sound of Thunder); @nixonshead
  17. FossilDS

    A Sound of Thunder: The Rise of the Soviet Superbooster

    As others have said, the value is most propaganda and one-upmanship. There probably is *some* value in gaining experience sustaining human life over interplanetary distances as well as interplanetary communications, but other goals such as pretty pictures or probes are easily achieved, with much...
  18. FossilDS

    Map Thread XXII

    I understand these are difficult and important topics, but isn't this a too current and too off topic for the map thread?
  19. FossilDS

    The American System: A Henry Clay TL

    That portrait of Howard looks like he is staring into the distance thinking of new and interesting ways to purge and punish all of those damned turncoats. Very ominous and perfect for his vindictive third term.
  20. FossilDS

    The American System: A Henry Clay TL

    Cameron, based on a wikibox that can be found on page 68, looks like the arch-segregationist Homer Martin Adkins, the 32nd Governor of Arkansas who was derisively called "Holy Homer" by his critics. Cameron's personality and politics on the other hand, is broadly based on Juan Perón, who I'm...