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  1. The Eagle's Nest, An Alternate 1812 French Invasion Of Russia TL

    So essentially, both France and Prussia are mostly losers (as they spent a lot of treasure and money, and France had to make major concessions while Prussia gained very little), while Austria and Bavaria won a lot without firing a shot.
  2. Treatment of civilian population of Hawaii under Japanese occupation?

    Would they even bother ship Japanese‐Americans away as conscripts when logistics are so tight AND they can't trust them ? Might as well use them as conscripts locally, for their occupation force
  3. Into the Fire - the "Minor" nations of WW2 strike back

    Well, once Romania is invaded by the WAllies, it's not like they'll have the choice. But yeah, they'll probably manage to get Bessarabia, either by somehow rushing across Ukraine fast enough to get it, or simply have it handed by the WAllies at the negotiations for the post-war order.
  4. Into the Fire - the "Minor" nations of WW2 strike back

    The Allies will certainly get Romania too (as it's right next door to Bulgaria, while the Soviets are still fighting in the Kuban / eastern Ukraine), and of course, Albania and Yugoslavia. The Soviets might still manage to gain Hungary and Czechslovakia, though. And will certainly get Poland...
  5. Reactions to an Italo-Yugoslav War in 1934

    France might feel compelled to join in (otherwise, France will look like a rubbish "ally" that is ready to throw lesser partners under the bus on a whim and/or so weak that it fears fighting ITALY. Which would push Poland to get closer to Germany. And the French know this. On the other hand...
  6. Russia throws Serbia under the bus in 1914

    The point of a coalition would be to reduce the risk of other powers (read : Britain) moving against you
  7. Franco-German alliance instead of a Franco-Russian alliance in the late 19th century

    Also, any colony that France gives away, Germany will take for itself.
  8. The Eagle's Nest, An Alternate 1812 French Invasion Of Russia TL

    Well, it may vary with individual Czars. But even without Panslavism, the Russian designs to gain Constantinople and the Straits (because of the Third Rome myth + access to southern seas) and the "protector of the Orthodox" role already existed for decades (see Catherine II and her Greek Plan)...
  9. It's A Long Way To Nagasaki: The Anglo-Japanese War

    Stalin also won't start any offensive actions (even once his country is ready) if there's peace. He only ever picked on small countries when great powers were distracted, or when he hoped they would tolerate it (and backed down when the USA refused to concede, in Iran and Berlin)
  10. The Eagle's Nest, An Alternate 1812 French Invasion Of Russia TL

    Of course, if Russia reforms itself under Konstantin, and starts industrializing in the 1820s, and has a bigger population boom, it might become a primary threat in the eyes of Britain (because Balance of Powers + Great Game) and Austria (rivalry over Balkans + threat of Panslavism, as the...
  11. The Eagle's Nest, An Alternate 1812 French Invasion Of Russia TL

    France might have the industrial potential for it, but has to prioritize protecting itself from Russian/Prussian/Austrian land invasion (while Britain can afford a smaller land army to fund a bigger navy).
  12. The Eagle's Nest, An Alternate 1812 French Invasion Of Russia TL

    I wonder if the 1815 Barbary War will still happen
  13. The Eagle's Nest, An Alternate 1812 French Invasion Of Russia TL

    Well, if France refrains from major provocations in the following decades, the coalition will likely split apart. The Austro-Prussian rivalry, plus potential rivalries between Britain and Russia (over the Ottoman Empire and Persia), and even Austria and Russia (over the Balkans) would eventually...
  14. What is the maximum territorial expansion Germany can achieve in Europe WITHOUT triggering WW2? (Assuming WW1 goes as OTL)

    Which wouldn't happen. Stalin only preyed on weak isolated countries when the other great powers were busy, or if he hoped to peacefully get away with it. He took a bit more risks in 46-48 (Iran, Berlin) but did back down when the USA stood firm So in 38-41, if Germans don't start a war first...
  15. 1940-1943 Casualties on a long Battle of France

    Also, the war might take a bit longer because the Anglo-French would prefer the German population to SEE their defeat (by having at least OTL West Germany conquered BEFORE ceasefire), and force Germany into unconditional capitulation (followed by full demilitarization, satellite status, and...
  16. What if the French navy rejected the armistice with Germany in 1940 and kept fighting with the British?

    Also, if Mussolini loses Libya (while Hitler took Western Europe), he's 100% trying to invade Greece to have some win And he'll still loose to the Greeks, and need a rescue by Hitler Except this time, the Anglo-French (having wrapped up Libya) will be ready for a mainland Greece campaign...
  17. 1940-1943 Casualties on a long Battle of France

    Minor nitpick, but the Soviet-German trade was never covert (and with the volume of traded raw resources, couldn't be)
  18. France holds on, the fate of Japan?

    Sure, and preferably Soviets want all of them. But the most open ports (in Persia or China) can't be gained through an opportunistic low-risk war/invasion against a weak, or already defeated country. Not in this timeline at least.
  19. France holds on, the fate of Japan?

    Indeed Soviet Union wants warm water ports on the Baltic. And more importantly, prefers to not have powerful rivals on its direct border (which would happen if the WAllies liberate Poland and it becomes an Anglo-French staunch ally...). So at least Poland and Eastern Prussia, and likely the OTL...
  20. France holds on, the fate of Japan?

    Well, they would have to worry about the Japanese threat on their colonies (and prospect of a major second front) Distracting/containing Soviets is a bonus Also, no, Stalin would likely NEVER have launched a war of aggression on the Western Allies (or on the Axis). At most he'd have taken...