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  1. Not James Stockdale

    Alternate Aircraft of Nations

    The Soviets had purpose-built, surface-launched cruise missiles since the 1950s.
  2. Not James Stockdale

    Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 4

    Smoke shells fired from a direct fire weapon are not used for self-protection. The purpose is to interfere with the ability of the enemy to engage friendly forces. An example could be firing a smoke shell at or in front of an enemy MG nest to prevent them from accurately shooting at friendly...
  3. Not James Stockdale

    Alternate warships of nations

    A warship like this will almost never be single role. If you have added a helicopter because helicopters are useful for surface target acquisition, the only other things a Soviet ship would need for ASW would be a hull-mounted sonar and torpedo tubes. You will never be able to guarantee that...
  4. Not James Stockdale

    Alternate warships of nations

    If they wanted to replace the main turrets with the four missile launchers, that would be reasonable. Maybe the S-125 launchers would be small enough that they could fit along the sides of the superstructure in place of the 100mm twins, which would allow you to keep two of the 152mm triples...
  5. Not James Stockdale

    Alternate Aircraft of Nations

    An-8 introduced in the late 1950s. 10k HP and 11 ton payload. Only 150 built. An-24 introduced in the early 1960s. 5k HP and 4 ton payload. Over 1,300 built. An-26 introduced in the early 1970s. 6k HP and 5 ton payload. Over 1,400 built.
  6. Not James Stockdale

    Alternate warships of nations

    This kind of design is why I don't like single-purpose launchers. Here, you have 8 x RIM-7, 8 x RUR-5, and 8 x RGM-84 ready to fire in four launchers, which basically just adds ASROC to a Kortenaer class. However, a 4,600 tons, the frigate is larger than European air defense frigates like the...
  7. Not James Stockdale

    What if the USA realised that the Sherman was not fit for use in Europe and decided to copy the T34 and the IS2?

    Fundamentally, this disagreement in this thread is not about tactical issues like you are trying to make out. It concerns the operational deployment of the Armored Division on the offensive, but the issue is confused because the US did not use Soviet terminology that only appeared in Western...
  8. Not James Stockdale

    Alternate History Combat Aircraft

    More generally for any country using an aircraft carrier (Essex-sized or maybe smaller) in the 1960s. These LWF prototypes would be entering service after 1975, so not fitting the time period I'm looking for. The Aeronavale got their Crusaders in 1965, and I am looking at a similar timeframe...
  9. Not James Stockdale

    Alternate History Combat Aircraft

    What would be a good alternative to the F-8 Crusader as a carrier based light fighter in the 1960s?
  10. Not James Stockdale

    Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 4

    You would be looking at the AVDS-1790 and a French 105 firing Obus G, probably the full-size CN 105 F1 found on the AMX-30 rather than the smaller variant on the M51 Super Sherman, unless you can find some M47 turrets and upgrade those with 105 mm L/52 guns like the Spanish or Italians.
  11. Not James Stockdale

    What if the USA realised that the Sherman was not fit for use in Europe and decided to copy the T34 and the IS2?

    I once managed to turn four posts about Operation Sealion into a 60 page thread. As far as the Sherman, speeding the development of the Ford GG aero engine could allow the M4 to be designed from the start with a driveshaft on the hull floor, if not rear drive from the start. If that happens...
  12. Not James Stockdale

    Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 4

    It might be a good reason to keep the Panther to 35 tons rather than allowing it to grow to 45 tons, but there were other reasons like the Panzer IV drivetrain and suspension to move to a new tank.
  13. Not James Stockdale

    How "should" WWII in 1940 have gone?

    The Belgians must have known that the French planned to fight their next war with Germany almost entirely on Belgian territory. The Belgians would have compared the human and economic toll of another German occupation with the cost of seeing Brussels destroyed in a Stalingrad- or Verdun-style...
  14. Not James Stockdale

    Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    Sable and Wolverine were far more useful as training platforms than in any kind of combat capacity. It would have been easier and faster to put flight decks on tankers being built on the West Coast and get them into combat as escort carriers.
  15. Not James Stockdale

    A Sound of Thunder: The Rise of the Soviet Superbooster

    That looks like the kind of quasi-aerospike that Stoke is building. The article says five engines on the first stage, but the diagram appears to show eight in an octagonal arrangement around the perimeter of the vehicle and one in the center. VTVL and air relight of a GG hydrolox motor would...
  16. Not James Stockdale

    How "should" WWII in 1940 have gone?

    The dysfunction in the French Army was such that the first German breakthrough that could get to operational depths would collapse the entire front for 2-4 weeks. It just happened that IOTL the Germans went with the high-risk, high-reward Sickle Cut. If the Germans had concentrated their armored...
  17. Not James Stockdale

    WI: No Sino-Soviet Split - Two Scenarios

    Because the Chinese would be unable to contribute to a large ground campaign except in Korea, they would be unlikely to create a significant change to the correlation of ground forces, globally speaking. NATO would still concentrate the vast majority of their forces for operations in Europe. US...
  18. Not James Stockdale

    Battle of Britain - Big Wing - opinions

    What the British needed was a single theater-level air defense commander (like a JFACC) and battle staff (like a US CAOC) to coordinate fighter operations across the entire Channel-North Sea front. A functional GCI system would be able to emulate the Big Wing tactic in the aggregate by vectoring...
  19. Not James Stockdale

    Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 4

    If they are anything more than a security unit, like the Air Force Security Police units that used Cadillac Gage armored vehicles in Vietnam, you are going to want more off-road mobility than what a 4x4, especially an armored one, can provide. The GDLS LAV I and LAV II but probably the most...