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  1. España No Ha Muerto: If Franco brought Spain into the Second World War

    Not really sure about the US involvement in Afghanistan. Its risky to invade without a clear plan, it is also perhaps compromised by US and British earlier support for the radical Islamises to do down Russia, well that worked out well. We really only ended up in Afghanistan because we helped...
  2. The Die: a story of the United Provinces of British North America

    Interesting, but there is no such word as coronated the term is crowned.
  3. Keeping the British Liberal Party flag flying high

    Unless they understudy Mays 2017 campaign
  4. Can Barbara Castle succeed Harold Wilson if Michael Foot and James Callaghan suddenly die in the early 70s?

    Labour has historically been the most institutionally sexist of all British parties and is still the only one never to elect a female leader so not going to happen. That is without of course factoring in the massive hostility to castle from trade unions both generally and because of her support...
  5. The Future of Rome in a World Where Carthage Won the Second Punic War

    Unless Rome is completely eliminated as a power they just rebuild and have another go in a few decades. That's what Rome always did.
  6. Loyalist Middle Colonies timeline

    hmm depends. in theory you can get a pro monarchist left if the Republicans are identified with the interests of slave owning aristocrats. This could have developed more into a thing if the Brazilian or Mexican Empires had endured longer.......
  7. Malaya What If

    Sadly it often leads to very poor outcomes, with the main casualties being civilians and trees due to the extremely poor targeting of such material as happened in Vietnam
  8. Malaya What If

    hmm Gough Whitlam was dismissed rather later than the Statute of Westminster......
  9. Belisarius overthrows Justinian in Nika riots

    This of course assumes that reports of the affair were true this is still disputed.
  10. AHC: Have a former European colony speaking a language no longer spoken in Europe

    Its a shame Iceland is sort of in Europe because it would otherwise qualify, as a former Danish Colony using a language no longer used in Scandinavia.
  11. Do you consider Britain’s blockade of Germany in WW1, that led to 800,000 civilian deaths a war crime?

    The blockade, unlike unrestricted submarine warfare against neutral shipping for eg was clearly legal under international law at the time, whether its moral or not is a question, but it was undoubtably legal.
  12. WI: the Third Home Rule bill is rejected in 1914, effects on the Home Rule movement and WW1.

    although the real damage was not the rising, which failed to secure support, but the British reaction that turned public antipathy to the rebels into sympathy.
  13. What if Andrew Jackson had invaded Cuba? How plausible and Successful would he be?

    Unlikely the British Government and people would not put Canada andUS trade at risk to support a bunch of slavers. Mind you I think the US would not be able to conquer Cuba in 1821. If there were an intervention by the UK against the US it might be against them conquering it in the first place...
  14. More than three branches of government?

    Well If you are the Islamic Republic of Iran etc you could have a Religious branch to Government. Although in Islam there is an overlap between this and the Judicial System, it could be deemed a separate branch. Alternatively instead of putting Bishops of the Church of England in the Lords make...
  15. For the Republic: A History of the Second American Civil War

    Lets hope the Republicans have a plan to secure spies and assets at liberation, a number got falsely accused and even targeted as collaborators by mob justice at Liberation OTL in Europe
  16. For the Republic: A History of the Second American Civil War

    Yet another eg of the regime's excesses alienating their perhaps natural supporters and narrowing their base of support
  17. For the Republic: A History of the Second American Civil War

    If Social Credit does gets a bump it could be interesting in Canada where the SCP actually did quite well in West Canada for some time OTL
  18. For the Republic: A History of the Second American Civil War

    Without even the redeeming Virtues or Vices of Long, who could at least argue .. circumstances .....
  19. For the Republic: A History of the Second American Civil War

    I dont know Hogan's Heroes had some seriously funny and incompetent Nazis (as did more recently a certain British Comedy (Hello Hello) and the Nazis were definitely on the wrong side of history ....