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  1. WI: NACA Modified P-38

    Something else to think about...instead of Frigidaire coming up with the M-3 in .50 cal, what about coming up with a M-3 in .70 cal. Not only to mount in aircraft, but use them in the quad mount vice the M-2 .50 cal.
  2. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3

    NTC Fort Irwin 1943 style...its a shame they can't be deployed to Irwin and at least run the armored divisions through before deploying...
  3. Malaya What If

    My dad was in the 487th AAA SP Weapons Battalion...quad .50s and the 37mm/dual .50 was in the Coast Artillery Corps
  4. WI: NACA Modified P-38

    Draconis, is it possible to build some pressurization into the pre-production models? What about an experimental model with a pair of Merlins?
  5. WI: NACA Modified P-38

    Glacier Girl needs to make an appearance at the opening of the 2028 Olympics as part of a salute to Rosie the Riveter (far, far better than any of that bizzaro crap the French came up with!!!)
  6. A Date that will Truly Live in Infamy

    Admittedly, I'm looking at the American situation from above as it could be said, but in the immortal words of Lee Corso "Not so fast my friend!!!!" How many Japanese are left on Peale Island? My estimate is as follows: Patrol Boat 32; 94 of 180 personnel made it on shore, however most of...
  7. A Date that will Truly Live in Infamy

    Is Triton going to pass on a report to Pearl that most of the fleet is gone from Wake?
  8. A Date that will Truly Live in Infamy

    I simply hope some of the torpedos work....wouldn't it be great to have a S boat assisting? Mark X torpedoes work!!!!
  9. Malaya What If

    best of luck to you and yours with the move!!!
  10. Protect and Survive: The Last Game, February 19, 1984

    they obviously didn’t know what’s going on in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama…
  11. Malaya What If

    Hi vl100butch, Nellie?, that's a horse in my book! hey Fatboy, just channeling my inner Keith Jackson calling an Iron Bowl football game... can't wait to see the trains run into the Japanese...
  12. Malaya What If

    WHOA NELLIE!!!!! Very practical use of armored trains...Brits are moving out fast, getting ahead of the Japanese OODA curve in my opinion....
  13. Malaya What If

    Just an interesting twist with timing….MATADOR is going down on Dec 7…do you think the average American is going to care when on Dec 7!
  14. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    Please accept my apologies in advance, but what would be available from the remains of the MN? The two battle-cruisers with an updated AAA suite would be very useful IF they are still available.
  15. Tommy Dorsey and the U.S. Army Band

    GOOD GRIEF!!!!!! First, Ronald Reagan did serve, he was a Reserve officer who was diverted back to Hollywood by the Army (not his choice)....this is documented. The following is Overcome by events due to operator headspace: I thought the word was "wait" rather than "wail": NO USO tours...
  16. Onderzeeboot Nekt Navalisme - Or: The Dutch Submarine Service during World War 2

    This a very interesting premise. The RNN with decent submarines and doctrine to use them with torpedoes that worked.
  17. What if relief force to Wake Island (December 1941) was not recalled ?

    What would the Japanese fuel situation look like after a couple of days operations around Wake?
  18. Malaya What If

    For all the talk about the UK/NL/US problems, what about the Japanese? Everything that Gort and company has accomplished so far will make Malaya a much tougher nut to crack. Will the wheels fall off the Japanese offensives in various places because don't have the logistical capability to be...
  19. Malaya What If

    What effect does the British war alert have on the USN? I'm going to ignore Mac because of Sutherland and Willoughby being in rectal defilade. If Hart takes the British alert seriously and implements some alert measures for the USN, can that throw a spoke in the wheel of the Japanese...
  20. Malaya What If

    Will there be a flying squirrel recon force attached to Bullwinkle Force?