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  1. water123

    Map Thread XXII

    what do the colours mean?
  2. water123

    Map Thread XXII

    Didn't realize I was coming off as that condescending, was going more for a "cool and vaguely disinterested" vibe 😅 need to back to Cool School™ i guess But basically, the thing about the Amazigh is that they've existed in northern Africa for eons (the semitic languages may have diverged...
  3. water123

    Map Thread XXII

    This is incredibly easy ngl, there's no less than about fifteen different ways to do this. Almost wrote a scenario but it's so easy that honestly I just kinda don't have to? Unrelated but I at one point had designs for a map where the Bantu migrations went north instead of south, and so...
  4. water123

    Map Thread XXII

    Trying to avoid having my garbage proof of concept derail falk's amazing map, but let's just say I have some ideas. Also, who should I reach out to about the image size limit? Getting kinda fucked here.
  5. water123

    Map Thread XXII

    Don't worry, I've got my own extremely ambitious map already in the works :p this is fucking sick love it
  6. water123

    Map Thread XXII

    I have lots of ideas. For example:
  7. water123

    SLIGHTLY LESS MID 2024 Worlda Contest!

    @WheelyWheelyLegsNoFeely For the record I give you full rights to continue this.
  8. water123

    SLIGHTLY LESS MID 2024 Worlda Contest!

    i will have you know that the cute latina that i met on r/femcelgrippysockjail DEFINITELY doesn't have me chained to her radiator and DEFINITELY isn't holding me at gunpoint to write this
  9. water123

    Worlda Contest 2024 (All are welcome to join!)

    man im so grateful i was voted unanimous sexiest map maker ever
  10. water123

    Worlda Contest 2024 (All are welcome to join!)
    Threadmarks: DISCUSS WHO WON HERE
  11. water123


    IF ITS NOT 6/12/2024 12:00:01 AM EST YET GET OUT OF THIS THREAD DORKS Two weeks ago, a number of narcissistic psychopaths with a long history of brutal violence would come together to make a series of worldas. These worldas turned out to be extremely good. But which is the best? It is finally...
  12. water123

    Worlda Contest 2024 (All are welcome to join!)

    By popular demand, the final submission date is now 6/11/2024 AT 11:59 PM EST.
  13. water123

    Map Thread XXII

    How the fuck did I miss this you ruined everything you gave GEORGIA to those degenerate savages in SOUTH CAROLINA???? What the fuck is going on in the upper peninsula? Why is Louisiana circumcised? God the longer I stare the worse it gets what sin have I committed against the heavens to be...
  14. water123

    Map Thread XXII

    Shit, nice. I keep seeing all kinds of conflicting information as per Puntland so this is cool.
  15. water123

    Worlda Contest 2024 (All are welcome to join!)

    oh god im so fucked why did i do this to myself if i don't enter im fucked if i do enter im fucked like zoinks scoob looks like the next mystery will be where i go after i lose all face
  16. water123

    Worlda Contest 2024 (All are welcome to join!)

    In case anyone is wondering how I'm doing: This is my third complete scrap-and-redo of Europe