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  1. WI: Franz von Papen as dictator of Germany?

    What did they say about Franzchen? "What is the difference between Bismarck, Hitler, Goebbels and Papen? Bismarck said what he believed, Hitler believed what he said, Goebbels did not believe what he said, and Papen did not say what he believed."
  2. Long Live Sacred Germany: The Oster Conspiracy | Alternate Timeline

    Perhaps they had been watching Things to Come (1935) which begins with such a bombing raid.
  3. What if there had been an actual race for the bomb?

    Perhaps the Reichspost project would work out. You have a message from the Reichspost --- Our Words Are Backed by Nuclear Weapons! We request a postage rate increase of one-half pfennig per 30 grams.
  4. What if Joseph McCarthy became President?

    He thrashes about accusing people of being Communists, but can never prove his charges. He becomes an international embarrassment for his frothing about. He drinks himself to death. The CPUSA gains supporters and members. Many officials of the government become spies to retaliate against him...
  5. The Career of a Naval Officer
    Threadmarks: CIA Headquarters, 1000 Colonial Farm Rd, Langley, Va, December 31, 1973

    CIA Headquarters, 1000 Colonial Farm Rd, Langley, Va, December 31, 1973 The Director of Central Intelligence had declined a going-away party. He had severed all communications with the Mossad, and opened a liason with the Mukhbarat, having them provided with intelligence regarding...
  6. Long Live Sacred Germany: The Oster Conspiracy | Alternate Timeline

    I'm surprised no one has mentioned this. The Oster Conspiracy of 1938: The Unknown Story of the Military Plot to Kill Hitler and Avert World War II
  7. The Career of a Naval Officer
    Threadmarks: CIA Headquarters, 1000 Colonial Farm Rd, Langley, Va, January 2, 1964

    CIA Headquarters, 1000 Colonial Farm Rd, Langley, Va, January 2, 1964 The new Director of Central Intelligence was sworn in. He began to issue orders immediately. The assassination attempts against Fidel Castro were terminated. The Mafia members who had worked on them were set up for...
  8. The Career of a Naval Officer
    Threadmarks: Musikhaus, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 25, 1963

    Musikhaus, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 25, 1963 “A Communist! I’m not surprised!” His guest, Congressman Robert A. Taft, Jr., looked startled. “Admiral Heydrich —” he began. Heydrich stood there, a glass of cognac in one hand. “He was finally, finally learning. In a year, I...
  9. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    How about Tricycle describing how some officers dropped hints over a bottle of good port?
  10. Robert Falcon Scott survives returning from the South Pole

    Scott hoped to become commander of a battlecruiser after he returned. (Of course, that might mean he would be blown up at Jutland.)
  11. The Career of a Naval Officer
    Threadmarks: Naval Station, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, January 1, 1960

    Naval Station, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, January 1, 1960 The New Year’s Party was breaking up. Tomorrow, Admiral Heydrich would be relieved as CINCPAC. He had lost the struggle in naval politics. In spite of presiding over the launching of six supercarriers, with two more on the way, he...
  12. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    No, this is the Home Guard Pike.
  13. AHC: Make college rather than high school the popular setting for media within academic settings or focused on academic protagonists

    There were a number of movies in the thirties which were set at colleges. They are forgotten -- except for their parody, the Marx Brothers' Horse Feathers!
  14. The Career of a Naval Officer

    The Sixth Fleet commander ordered it, out of a desire to maintain order in the Eastern Med.
  15. The Career of a Naval Officer

    He was thinking ahead. It was desirable to keep oil prices low to make, for example, keeping the fleet's bunkers full and facilitate operations.
  16. The Career of a Naval Officer
    Threadmarks: Fairfax, Virginia, December 24, 1954

    Fairfax, Virginia, December 24, 1954 Vice-Admiral Heydrich prepared to celebrate Weinachten with his family: Claire, and their children Reinhard II, Silke, and Marte. (The oldest son, Klaus, had been killed in a traffic accident. The driver of the car which had hit him had died not long...
  17. The Career of a Naval Officer
    Threadmarks: Pentagon, Alexandria, Virginia, May 15, 1948

    Pentagon, Alexandria, Virginia, May 15, 1948 Captain Heydrich fretted. He was a man of action, not a staff clerk. He had sent in a proposal for the organization of the new Central Intelligence Agency. They had ignored him. Now, he was furious. The Jews had established a country...
  18. The Career of a Naval Officer
    Threadmarks: USS Wasp. Task Group 38.1, October 23, 1944

    USS Wasp, Task Group 38.1, October 23, 1944 “Sir, we should head for the Philippines. The submarine reports say that the Japanese battleship force is headed for Sibuyan Strait.” Admiral McCain seemed dubious at first, but Captain Heydrich finally persuaded him, and the group headed...
  19. Zimmermann telegram and USW are fake and staged by Britain

    Yet it was a mainstay of isolationist thought. In spite of the fact that Zimmerman himself admitted it was true, and was praised by a vote of the Reichstag for his initiative in the war effort.
  20. The Career of a Naval Officer
    Threadmarks: “Cactus Striking Force”, Tulagi, January 26, 1943

    “Cactus Striking Force”, Tulagi, January 26, 1943 Captain Heydrich and the Nicholas had a vigorous war, conducting bombardments on various occupied places of the Solomon Islands. Then the order came. He handed over command to his X.O. and caught a Catalina for Honolulu. After a tour...