Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VII (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

Little ASB scenario based on my 2 complaints that;
1st, in movies the "new" Nazis are always Germans (Moon Nazis, Antarctica Nazis, Secret Nazis) and never some US neo Nazis.
2nd, that in those movies the Nazis always only fight against either the US or a broad "global coalition", never with modern Germany having any major part in fighting against the new Nazis.

We have ASB resulting in White supremacist, Latino supremacist and Black supremacist fighting together against an NATO-(democratic)CSTO coalition.

The Glorious Revolution is the name given to the seizure of power by Fire Lord Zuko at the end of the Hundred Years War. Its name is in reference to its relatively bloodless character.

By the end of the Hundred Years War, the Fire Nation was stretched to the point of breaking. Years of conscription had hollowed out its domestic population base. Nearly all economic capacity had been diverted to the war effort. The industrial revolution had come unevenly, and while there was work in the factories traditional craftspeople faced ruin.

Abroad, the picture was similarly bleak despite the appearance of near total victory. The victory at Ba Sing Se had been achieved through subterfuge, not conquest, and control of the city proved tenuous outside the palace. The Conquest of Omashu had not, as expected, opened the door to the rest of the South. Instead the Army of Omashu, and their King, had gone underground, often literally, and proved a constant harrying force. Indeed the Fire Nation was losing more soldiers than ever before to hit and run raids by insurgents. The long turn towards element supremacism had alienated many collaborators, leaving the army undermanned and overexposed.

Ozai’s plan for the return of Sozin’s comet was genocidal in outlook. Contrary to his pronouncements, he lacked the ability to slaughter every Earth Bender. However he could raze as much of it to the ground as possible reducing them to their “honest barbaric state” and opening up new areas settlement, never mind that the land would be ruined and the Fire Nation was already set of colonists.

In the Caldera, Ozai’s increasing megalomania was becoming concerning, even to his court sycophants. His crowning himself as Phoenix King ran contrary to the long established taboo against the title King. Meanwhile his natural replacement Iron had escaped prison on the day of the Black Sun. Azula, the only other member of the family, was undergoing her own mental breakdown and was thus an unacceptable candidate.

Almost perfectly, into this situation flew Prince Zuko, challenging his sister to an Agni Kai for the title of Fire Lord. A battle which he won. Zuko had been stripped of his title several times, but he had the royal blood and a victory in an Agni Kai. It was known he had traveled with the Avatar. But there was little knowledge of what that entailed.

Thus the Fire Sages and government officials conceded to his proclamation demanding immediate cessation of hostilities. Despite tragedies such as the Scouring of Zhihu, this order was mostly obeyed on the day of the comet.

Meanwhile, the domestic political apparatus fell almost entirely in line. Change had happened so quickly few even noticed. The news the Iroh, Dragon of the West would be serving as First Minister was also heartening. In addition to his military record, Iroh had served in this role as Crown Prince and was generally regarded well as an administrator.

Fire Lord Zuko soon issued Emergency Order 1, a call for all troops to return to barracks or, if lacking barracks, to march back towards the Fire Nation. The response from the army was unexpected even by the Fire Lord. Voting with their feet the army, almost entirely of its own accord, dissolved it's positions beyond the Jiantau and Huang Rivers. Only the Navy, relatively untouched by insurgency, held its positions.

The “Great Retreat” proved a bloody and chaotic time. Retreating soldiers took all they could carry, and unit cohesion broke down. Meanwhile insurgents began to operate openly and harass retreating soldiers, despite nominal declarations of peace.

Ozai supporters began to be removed from public office, with Zuko turning towards the small but blossoming peace movement for support.

The Glorious Revolution is generally held to end with Fire Lord Zuko’s coronation. This is not entirely because it represented a triumphal ending. In fact, it represented a troubled beginning. Zuko’s coronation brought with it further withdrawal orders, from areas that had been Fire Nation possessions for several years. Meanwhile the Navy quickly began to develop a stabbed-in-the-back mentality around the end of the war. At home appreciation for peace remained, but it was somewhat hard to reconcile the new status quo with propaganda about imminent victory.

The Colonies and Occupied Areas with Colonists, also saw violence break out. Settler colonists reacted violently to the notion of being dispossessed. Meanwhile Earthbending rebellions erupted, and the orders from the Caldera were titling in their favor. Events would spiral until the creation of the United Republic and the ensuing coup attempts in the Fire Nation.

Some scholars have increasingly resisted the historiographical concept of the Glorious Revolution. It is undoubtedly a concept that can only really be applied in the Fire Nation’s domestic political context. Although the war was over, the Earth Kingdom still burned with violence over the entire course of the Revolution. Nor do the subsequent Coup attempts align with the view of an easy transition of power. Still, the Fire Nation was clearly exhausted by Ozai’s status quo, and jumped at the first chance of replacement.

Hubert Horatio Humphrey Jr. (May 27, 1911 – January 2, 1979) was an American pharmacist. politician and pianist who worked in the Twin Cities Music Scene for decades. He was Mayor of Minneapolis in the 1940s and was crucial in founding the Democratic Farmer-Labor Party. In 1948 he gave a well received speech at the Democratic National Convention and seemed poised for a strong Senate run, only to suddenly depart.

Instead Humphrey persued a career as a musician, despite lacking formal training. However he quickly developed a reputation as a strong pianist in a variety of roles, both in more experimental and traditional spheres. He often played for local orchestras, both as a soloist and an accompanist, as well as a national audience. In 1969 he played for President William Douglas at the White House He also, starting in 1961, was a regular organist for the Minnesota Twins.

Humphrey also has some renown as a composer in his own right. His most successful work was his album, *Sugarplum Dreams* which featured vocals from various Minnesota artists. Most critics, however, prefer his *Impressions of Time* which remains a regular favorite at concert venues the nation over. Some of his more experimental work was sampled by Prince. Humphrey died of bladder cancer, and was recognized by the State of Minnesota and various national music organizations.

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Hubert Horatio Humphrey Jr. (May 27, 1911 – January 3, 1978) was an American pharmacist. politician and journalist who anchored ABC News for years. He was Mayor of Minneapolis in the 1940s and was crucial in founding the Democratic Farmer-Labor Party. In 1948 he gave a well received speech at the Democratic National Convention and seemed poised for a strong Senate run, only to suddenly withdraw.

Instead Humphrey entered a career in the media, in particular the still undeveloped field of television journalism. The charismatic and well-connected, but inexperienced, Humphrey was soon tied to ABC, the third wheel of broadcasting at the time. Humphrey however would make his mark, always proving a ratings success.

In addition to his service as anchor he also worked on and presented several defining stories that made him one of the most prominent journalists of his generation. He was among the first to take the Nixon Administration to account for the escalating and endless war in Laos, and was the face of the COINTELPRO scandal, exposing Nixon’s efforts to manipulate the Democratic Party, helping contribute to his resignation. Despite allegations of bias Humphrey also played a role in uncovering the Milkpro Scandal which forced the resignation of Vice President John Connolly.

Humphrey retired from active reporting following the 1976 election, writing several books prior to his death. Notable are his detailed account of the COINTELPRO Scandal and his scathing critique of what he saw as an overly cozy relation between press and White House.


The Glorious Revolution is the name given to the seizure of power by Fire Lord Zuko at the end of the Hundred Years War. Its name is in reference to its relatively bloodless character.

By the end of the Hundred Years War, the Fire Nation was stretched to the point of breaking. Years of conscription had hollowed out its domestic population base. Nearly all economic capacity had been diverted to the war effort. The industrial revolution had come unevenly, and while there was work in the factories traditional craftspeople faced ruin.

Abroad, the picture was similarly bleak despite the appearance of near total victory. The victory at Ba Sing Se had been achieved through subterfuge, not conquest, and control of the city proved tenuous outside the palace. The Conquest of Omashu had not, as expected, opened the door to the rest of the South. Instead the Army of Omashu, and their King, had gone underground, often literally, and proved a constant harrying force. Indeed the Fire Nation was losing more soldiers than ever before to hit and run raids by insurgents. The long turn towards element supremacism had alienated many collaborators, leaving the army undermanned and overexposed.

Ozai’s plan for the return of Sozin’s comet was genocidal in outlook. Contrary to his pronouncements, he lacked the ability to slaughter every Earth Bender. However he could raze as much of it to the ground as possible reducing them to their “honest barbaric state” and opening up new areas settlement, never mind that the land would be ruined and the Fire Nation was already set of colonists.

In the Caldera, Ozai’s increasing megalomania was becoming concerning, even to his court sycophants. His crowning himself as Phoenix King ran contrary to the long established taboo against the title King. Meanwhile his natural replacement Iron had escaped prison on the day of the Black Sun. Azula, the only other member of the family, was undergoing her own mental breakdown and was thus an unacceptable candidate.

Almost perfectly, into this situation flew Prince Zuko, challenging his sister to an Agni Kai for the title of Fire Lord. A battle which he won. Zuko had been stripped of his title several times, but he had the royal blood and a victory in an Agni Kai. It was known he had traveled with the Avatar. But there was little knowledge of what that entailed.

Thus the Fire Sages and government officials conceded to his proclamation demanding immediate cessation of hostilities. Despite tragedies such as the Scouring of Zhihu, this order was mostly obeyed on the day of the comet.

Meanwhile, the domestic political apparatus fell almost entirely in line. Change had happened so quickly few even noticed. The news the Iroh, Dragon of the West would be serving as First Minister was also heartening. In addition to his military record, Iroh had served in this role as Crown Prince and was generally regarded well as an administrator.

Fire Lord Zuko soon issued Emergency Order 1, a call for all troops to return to barracks or, if lacking barracks, to march back towards the Fire Nation. The response from the army was unexpected even by the Fire Lord. Voting with their feet the army, almost entirely of its own accord, dissolved it's positions beyond the Jiantau and Huang Rivers. Only the Navy, relatively untouched by insurgency, held its positions.

The “Great Retreat” proved a bloody and chaotic time. Retreating soldiers took all they could carry, and unit cohesion broke down. Meanwhile insurgents began to operate openly and harass retreating soldiers, despite nominal declarations of peace.

Ozai supporters began to be removed from public office, with Zuko turning towards the small but blossoming peace movement for support.

The Glorious Revolution is generally held to end with Fire Lord Zuko’s coronation. This is not entirely because it represented a triumphal ending. In fact, it represented a troubled beginning. Zuko’s coronation brought with it further withdrawal orders, from areas that had been Fire Nation possessions for several years. Meanwhile the Navy quickly began to develop a stabbed-in-the-back mentality around the end of the war. At home appreciation for peace remained, but it was somewhat hard to reconcile the new status quo with propaganda about imminent victory.

The Colonies and Occupied Areas with Colonists, also saw violence break out. Settler colonists reacted violently to the notion of being dispossessed. Meanwhile Earthbending rebellions erupted, and the orders from the Caldera were titling in their favor. Events would spiral until the creation of the United Republic and the ensuing coup attempts in the Fire Nation.

Some scholars have increasingly resisted the historiographical concept of the Glorious Revolution. It is undoubtedly a concept that can only really be applied in the Fire Nation’s domestic political context. Although the war was over, the Earth Kingdom still burned with violence over the entire course of the Revolution. Nor do the subsequent Coup attempts align with the view of an easy transition of power. Still, the Fire Nation was clearly exhausted by Ozai’s status quo, and jumped at the first chance of replacement.

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Honestly, thank you for this; I've been putting to gether an application to work as storyboard artist for the rising Avatar Studios, and after a long depressive season this has given me the energy I need to return.
Mitchell Hundred
Mitchell Hundred (born August 12, 1968) is an American politician, metahuman, superhero, civil engineer and convicted felon best known for operating as the superhero known as the Great Machine and serving as Mayor of New York City from 2002 to 2005. Hundred was born in 1968 to the Greek god Hephaesteus and Martha Hundred in New York City. Hundred grew up believing he was the son of Thomas Hundred, Martha’s husband. Thomas was of Jewish descent, a distant relative of the famous Rabbi Avram Meyer whose father changed the name to Hundred from Harmatz after converting to Presbyterianism. He worked as an engineer under Howard Roark. Martha, meanwhile, was the daughter of Tom and Daisy Buchanan and inherited quite a bit of their wealth when they died in the 1940’s. The couple married in 1959, but had a very fraught marriage, made worse by repeated disasters in New York City. The 1964 bombing of New York City by the USSR in retaliation for a previous strike on Moscow destroyed the Hundreds’ first home, forcing them to move to public housing. Thomas became abusive after being fired from his job at the Unidyne Corporation in 1966, which eventually culminated in Martha having a tryst with the Olympian Hephaestus just blocks away from the Empire State Building. Mitchell Hundred was born 9 months later. Thomas was killed while Hundred was still a child by Martha in an act of self-defense.

Hundred, growing up, lived in a very dangerous city. The neighborhood the Hundreds resided in was dominated by the Corleone crime family and fell into open warfare as that family was supplanted by the Lupertazzis and the Foot Clan in the mid-1970’s. Thanks to the passage of the Keene Act, superhero activities were limited for several years in the late 1970’s, leading to major attacks by supervillains. As a child, Hundred was nearly eaten by vampires before being saved by the Slayer Nikki Wood. His mother was in the live studio audience during the infamous final episode of Night Owls with Jack Delroy and barely escaped with her life. As a teenager, Hundred was nearly consumed by cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers, During World War III, Soviet bombing raids so devastated parts of Manhattan that the bulk of the island was declared a penal colony by President Samuel Baker Tresch until a crash-landing on the island and a near-death experience convinced him to dissolve the penal colony in 1987. Despite all of these obstacles, Hundred grew up, received good grades and was admitted into the University of Ithaca, where he studied civil engineering. After graduating, Hundred was easily able to secure employment with the city of New York, thanks to the regular alien incursions, supervillain attacks, natural disasters and other events that regularly caused harm to the city’s infrastructure.

In Hundred’s career as a civil engineer, he quickly proved to be a quite skilled figure. He participated in rebuilding after the destruction of several Decepticon bases in 1993, removing the remains of the mysterious hyperactive plant growth in 1994, the Harvester invasion of 1996 and the 1998 incursion of the giant lizard dubbed Gigantis or Zilla for being a smaller mutated specimen of Gojirasaurus. It was 1999 that would prove the most fateful for Mitchell Hundred, as that year he would be called to investigate a strange object at the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge. On touching the device, it exploded, injuring Hundred but also giving him the power to connect to electronic devices, being able to hear and manipulate them. Hundred accidentally caused a blackout shortly after acquiring his powers. After realizing the nature of his powers, Hundred decided to become a superhero based in part on cultural influence. In the 1990’s aftermath of the Eugenics Wars, the SCP Foundation had abandoned its previous accord with metahumans and created a conspiracy to hide the existence of superhumans from the public, seeking to convince them they did not exist. This plan would later fall apart in 2001 when video footage of a fight between the Overseer and the Beast was leaked to the public, but in the late 1990’s, Hundred was convinced he was the first superhero in the world. Hundred acted as the Great Machine for several years, being subject to both praise and criticism.

In 2001, Hundred was recruited by the National Security Agency for help analyzing the device that had given him powers in exchange for immunity. The NSA also believed Hundred’s abilities might allow them to secretly implement the provisions of the failed Telecommunications Security and Privacy Act without getting Congressional authorization. Any potential work on mass surveillance would be blocked by the events of September 11th, 2001. Terrorists affiliated with the Umayyad Revolutionary Council hijacked four airplanes and sought to crash them into pivotal targets. Two hit their targets–the Pentagon and the North Tower of the World Trade Center. One was seized by passengers and crashed in the Pennsylvania countryside. The last plane, however, was diverted from its path to the South Tower by Hundred using his powers, a gesture which largely won over the public. Hundred, who had revealed his identity to run for Mayor of New York City that year, was easily elected Mayor, taking office in 2002. Hundred’s actions on 9/11 led to him receiving a Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Jed Bartlet and the title of ‘America’s Mayor’ to the chagrin of his predecessor Randall Winston, the actual mayor during the attacks. Hundred, while a Republican, was more socially liberal than the national party, favoring same-sex marriage, the rights of Hork-Bajir and Tectonese refugees and abortion rights.

Despite being seen as overly moderate, Hundred was actively courted for support by many Republican candidates in the 2004 primaries. Hundred ended up staying neutral, but following the resignation of Kenneth Yamaoka, he actively campaigned for Republican nominee and eventual victor in the 2005 special election George Sears. Hundred advocated a very hawkish foreign policy, supporting the invasions of Afghanistan and Adjikastan and intervention in Qumar launched by the Bartlet administration but additionally favored military intervention in Iraq, which did not come to pass until the Sears administration. Hundred advocated war against Turkey after Polat Alemdar killed several American soldiers, though cooler heads ultimately prevailed. Hundred additionally was a fiscal conservative whom many critics claimed was too close to the likes of the Bamberly Trust, Vandelay Industries, the Stoneheart Group and the Ultor Corporation, allowing them to influence his tax, spending and regulatory policies. Despite this, Hundred commanded high approval ratings and was widely expected to easily win reelection, but surprised many by declining to seek a second term. The reason for this became clearer when President John Blutarsky nominated Hundred as Ambassador to the United Nations, a move largely encouraged by his newly-appointed Secretary of State Linton Barwick. Hundred’s post being at the UN meant that unlike most Blutarsky cabinet members, he was not killed by John Horus. While Hundred supported the Superhuman Registration Act, he was not targeted by Horus, nor did he directly attempt to fight him.

Hundred remained at the United Nations until 2008, when after the ascension of Mackenzie Allen to the presidency despite her predecessor James Johnson’s deathbed request for her to resign he chose to resign in protest. Despite being a more moderate figure overall, this move firmly aligned him with the Republican establishment against the more moderate Allen. As a bid to shore up support from moderate Republicans as well as capitalize on Hundred’s continued popularity for helping defeat the Cloverfield entity, Republican nominee Arthur Coleman Winters selected Hundred as his running mate. The Winters campaign was seen as underdogs going into the 2008 elections–over the past 4 years, the wars Sears and Blutarsky started had gotten less popular and the Republican President Caroline Reynolds was forced to resign after being discovered to have poisoned her predecessor, bipartisan Democratic former House Speaker Benjamin Asher, had soured many on the GOP. Even Johnson’s death in 2008 being at the hands of former President Sears weakened any sympathy bump. Additionally, there was a huge risk of the Republican vote being split, with President Allen running as a moderate independent and conservative political pundit Stephen Colbert mounting a surprisingly popular bid as the Constitution Party candidate. Coupled with a strongly charismatic challenger in the form of Maryland Senator David Palmer, the odds looked to be strongly against the Winters/Hundred ticket.

However, on Election Night, to the shock of many on both sides, Winters was announced as the winner in the electoral college despite a popular vote loss. Commentators on UBS, ACN and GNN scrambled for answers to what had happened. In the end a narrative established by political consultant Dre Ross and Mary Phillips took off as the mainstream explanation for the upset. The argument Ross and Phillips made is that the economic downturn prior to the election that would later become the Great Recession had largely been attributed by voters to the incumbent Allen administration rather than weighing down the Republicans as many expected. The Zentraedi invasion additionally amplified anti-alien and hawkish sentiment. As Republicans are often perceived as better on economic issues, this helped collapse Allen’s numbers (which were reflected in the results) as well as boost the GOP with independents at large, allowing them to narrowly win key swing states like Iowa, Ohio, Florida, Winnemac, North Carolina and Catawba. While some were skeptical, pointing to exit polls showing a plurality of voters blamed Republicans for the economic downturn, this provided enough assurances that while many called for the abolition of the electoral college, most accepted Winters’ legitimacy. This included President Allen, who appointed Winters as Secretary of State during the lame duck period to get started on foreign affairs. The first such issue arose when Prime Minister Harold Saxon of Britain announced first contact with the Toclafane. Winters, on behalf of the United States, asserted himself to meet the alien envoys only for the Toclafane to assassinate him as part of a plot by Saxon before his wife assassinated him in turn.

This left Hundred in the position of being the apparent President-elect, Many commentators noted that, once again, he was stepping into a time of crisis and thus commanded high approval ratings– satirical commentator Tom Dobbs described him as ‘more popular than God’ at one point. However, cracks soon began to show with his announcement of Governor James Devlin as his Vice Presidential nominee. Devlin was known to be corrupt and he was forced to withdraw from consideration quickly. What proved the most damning though was the November 30th leaks. These leaks, acquired and posted by Dan Hern’s fsociety organization, showed that the voting results were fraudulent. As later investigation would confirm, the vote totals had been manipulated by Hundred using a device known as the White Box. Hundred used this device to alter the voting results much like how the Network had in the 1996 election on behalf of William Cozzano. Hundred’s actions altered just enough votes cast for Allen, Colbert or Propertarian nominee Martin Vreeland in tipping-point states to make it appear as though Winters had received more votes than Palmer. When the affected states carried out a thorough canvass, they confirmed the White Box leaks. Palmer was in fact the legitimate President-Elect and had been the whole time. Despite denials from Hundred, he was indicted as the electoral college formally convened and made Palmer the first African-American elected to the Presidency.

Hundred’s trial lasted for two years and ended in a guilty verdict. As Hundred was indicted on numerous counts of voter fraud, he was sentenced to prison for 30 years. His cell was fitted with advanced technology (and after the Awakening of Magic, magitek) to avoid him using his powers to escape. In the end, Hundred’s early release was secured not by escape but by a pardon. President Herbert Garrison, early in his term as President, pardoned Hundred for his crimes as part of a bid to get impeached. In the end, even when Garrison was removed from office, Hundred remained a free man. Hundred condemned the removal of Garrison as part of a ‘witch hunt’ against the President and closely aligned himself with his second successor Quentin ‘The Boss’ Carroway prior to his disappearance. Hundred accused his Vice President, the Fitzgerald Grant-aligned Conrad Dalton, of being behind the disappearance. While this was not proven, support for this theory from the likes of Lindsey Bluth-Funke, Curtis Swint, Gus Baker and other far-right figures as well as support from the likes of ATN is probably a major factor behind the nomination of the far-right David Jefferson Adams in the 2020 election. Hundred was a key member of the Adams campaign and stood by claims of widespread voter fraud being responsible for the victory of Jonathan Lincoln Duncan in the 2020 election (which many pundits noted was an ironic claim given Hundred’s own actions). Following the President’s Day Massacre, Hundred retreated from the public eye. Many have suggested he was working on behalf of the Adams administration to take down superheroes who could pose a threat to his regime and maintain order within his native New York City. Hundred briefly reemerged to endorse Adams’ reelection bid (a somewhat moot point given the disqualification of most legal opposition), but otherwise largely has remained quiet.

Mitchell Hundred.png

Ex Machina, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Golem and the Jinni, The Fountainhead, The Great Gatsby, Fail Safe, Mirage (1965 film), The Godfather, The Sopranos, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Watchmen, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Late Night with the Devil, C.H.U.D., Red Dawn, Escape From New York, Favorite Son, Mr. President, Road Trip, Transformers, A Troll in Central Park, Independence Day, Godzilla (1998), SCP Foundation, Glass (2019 film), Enemy of the State, Jack Ryan series, The West Wing, Spin City, Animorphs, Alien Nation, Eagle: The Making of an Asian-American President, Metal Gear Solid, SOCOM: Navy SEALS Combined Assault, Valley of Wolves: Iraq, The Sheep Look Up, Seinfeld, The Strain, Saints’ Row, Animal House, The Thick of It, Black Summer (comic book), Marvel Comics (Civil War), Commander in Chief, Cloverfield, Doctor Who, Prison Break, Olympus Has Fallen, The Colbert Report, 24, Network, The Newsroom, Anchorman, Coyotes of Carthage, Grand Theft Auto, Macross, Works of Sinclair Lewis, Look Homeward Angel, Man of the Year, Oz, Asylum, Mr. Robot, Network, Alongside Night, Shadowrun, South Park, Quantum Night, Scandal, Madame Secretary, Arrested Development, Blue Bloods, Beavis and Butthead, Succession, Shattered Union, The President is Missing, The Handmaid’s Tale, Silver City, Rules of Engagement

The Glorious Revolution is the name given to the seizure of power by Fire Lord Zuko at the end of the Hundred Years War. Its name is in reference to its relatively bloodless character.

By the end of the Hundred Years War, the Fire Nation was stretched to the point of breaking. Years of conscription had hollowed out its domestic population base. Nearly all economic capacity had been diverted to the war effort. The industrial revolution had come unevenly, and while there was work in the factories traditional craftspeople faced ruin.

Abroad, the picture was similarly bleak despite the appearance of near total victory. The victory at Ba Sing Se had been achieved through subterfuge, not conquest, and control of the city proved tenuous outside the palace. The Conquest of Omashu had not, as expected, opened the door to the rest of the South. Instead the Army of Omashu, and their King, had gone underground, often literally, and proved a constant harrying force. Indeed the Fire Nation was losing more soldiers than ever before to hit and run raids by insurgents. The long turn towards element supremacism had alienated many collaborators, leaving the army undermanned and overexposed.

Ozai’s plan for the return of Sozin’s comet was genocidal in outlook. Contrary to his pronouncements, he lacked the ability to slaughter every Earth Bender. However he could raze as much of it to the ground as possible reducing them to their “honest barbaric state” and opening up new areas settlement, never mind that the land would be ruined and the Fire Nation was already set of colonists.

In the Caldera, Ozai’s increasing megalomania was becoming concerning, even to his court sycophants. His crowning himself as Phoenix King ran contrary to the long established taboo against the title King. Meanwhile his natural replacement Iron had escaped prison on the day of the Black Sun. Azula, the only other member of the family, was undergoing her own mental breakdown and was thus an unacceptable candidate.

Almost perfectly, into this situation flew Prince Zuko, challenging his sister to an Agni Kai for the title of Fire Lord. A battle which he won. Zuko had been stripped of his title several times, but he had the royal blood and a victory in an Agni Kai. It was known he had traveled with the Avatar. But there was little knowledge of what that entailed.

Thus the Fire Sages and government officials conceded to his proclamation demanding immediate cessation of hostilities. Despite tragedies such as the Scouring of Zhihu, this order was mostly obeyed on the day of the comet.

Meanwhile, the domestic political apparatus fell almost entirely in line. Change had happened so quickly few even noticed. The news the Iroh, Dragon of the West would be serving as First Minister was also heartening. In addition to his military record, Iroh had served in this role as Crown Prince and was generally regarded well as an administrator.

Fire Lord Zuko soon issued Emergency Order 1, a call for all troops to return to barracks or, if lacking barracks, to march back towards the Fire Nation. The response from the army was unexpected even by the Fire Lord. Voting with their feet the army, almost entirely of its own accord, dissolved it's positions beyond the Jiantau and Huang Rivers. Only the Navy, relatively untouched by insurgency, held its positions.

The “Great Retreat” proved a bloody and chaotic time. Retreating soldiers took all they could carry, and unit cohesion broke down. Meanwhile insurgents began to operate openly and harass retreating soldiers, despite nominal declarations of peace.

Ozai supporters began to be removed from public office, with Zuko turning towards the small but blossoming peace movement for support.

The Glorious Revolution is generally held to end with Fire Lord Zuko’s coronation. This is not entirely because it represented a triumphal ending. In fact, it represented a troubled beginning. Zuko’s coronation brought with it further withdrawal orders, from areas that had been Fire Nation possessions for several years. Meanwhile the Navy quickly began to develop a stabbed-in-the-back mentality around the end of the war. At home appreciation for peace remained, but it was somewhat hard to reconcile the new status quo with propaganda about imminent victory.

The Colonies and Occupied Areas with Colonists, also saw violence break out. Settler colonists reacted violently to the notion of being dispossessed. Meanwhile Earthbending rebellions erupted, and the orders from the Caldera were titling in their favor. Events would spiral until the creation of the United Republic and the ensuing coup attempts in the Fire Nation.

Some scholars have increasingly resisted the historiographical concept of the Glorious Revolution. It is undoubtedly a concept that can only really be applied in the Fire Nation’s domestic political context. Although the war was over, the Earth Kingdom still burned with violence over the entire course of the Revolution. Nor do the subsequent Coup attempts align with the view of an easy transition of power. Still, the Fire Nation was clearly exhausted by Ozai’s status quo, and jumped at the first chance of replacement.

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It's nice to see the Wikibending infoboxes again, King of the Uzbeks.

Good work as always!

A few wikiboxes for a timeline where, instead of proclaiming himself Emperor, Napoleon restores the Bourbons under a surviving Louis XVII, albeit with the King reduced to a figurehead and the Bonapartes serving as hereditary Prime Ministers. With the Napoleonic example to look toward, similar regime in Nepal and Japan also survive to the present day.

A few wikiboxes for a timeline where, instead of proclaiming himself Emperor, Napoleon restores the Bourbons under a surviving Louis XVII, albeit with the King reduced to a figurehead and the Bonapartes serving as hereditary Prime Ministers. With the Napoleonic example to look toward, similar regime in Nepal and Japan also survive to the present day.
I've considered a scenario like this a few times before, although I think you'd need a pretty early POD to have the Bonapartes as a Shogun-type figure for the Bourbons. Namely, I think you'd need to keep the Bourbons from being deposed in the first place, such as by having the Feuillant or a similar faction come to power, and then still having Napoleon coup the government while keeping the King in place for legitimacy. If the POD is with Napoleon's coup, it would take a big personality/ideology change for him to restore the Bourbons. Honestly, even in the scenario I conjured up, assuming Napoleon still comes to power, he may very well still depose the Bourbons in favor of crowning himself Emperor, but I think that's more likely than a restoration.

As an aside, I feel like a title like Consul would fit the Bonapartes better than Prime Minister, but that's just my own personal taste.
A few wikiboxes for a timeline where, instead of proclaiming himself Emperor, Napoleon restores the Bourbons under a surviving Louis XVII, albeit with the King reduced to a figurehead and the Bonapartes serving as hereditary Prime Ministers.
The Mayors of the Palace pulled the same stunt, as did a number of Roman Military Commanders around the 400s, I wonder how long this version will last....

A few wikiboxes for a timeline where, instead of proclaiming himself Emperor, Napoleon restores the Bourbons under a surviving Louis XVII, albeit with the King reduced to a figurehead and the Bonapartes serving as hereditary Prime Ministers. With the Napoleonic example to look toward, similar regime in Nepal and Japan also survive to the present day.

I've considered a scenario like this a few times before, although I think you'd need a pretty early POD to have the Bonapartes as a Shogun-type figure for the Bourbons. Namely, I think you'd need to keep the Bourbons from being deposed in the first place, such as by having the Feuillant or a similar faction come to power, and then still having Napoleon coup the government while keeping the King in place for legitimacy. If the POD is with Napoleon's coup, it would take a big personality/ideology change for him to restore the Bourbons. Honestly, even in the scenario I conjured up, assuming Napoleon still comes to power, he may very well still depose the Bourbons in favor of crowning himself Emperor, but I think that's more likely than a restoration.

As an aside, I feel like a title like Consul would fit the Bonapartes better than Prime Minister, but that's just my own personal taste.

The Mayors of the Palace pulled the same stunt, as did a number of Roman Military Commanders around the 400s, I wonder how long this version will last....
The offer made to Napoleon as Consul in OTL was to rule the country as Marshal of France under the restored Bourbons as I recall.

A few wikiboxes for a timeline where, instead of proclaiming himself Emperor, Napoleon restores the Bourbons under a surviving Louis XVII, albeit with the King reduced to a figurehead and the Bonapartes serving as hereditary Prime Ministers. With the Napoleonic example to look toward, similar regime in Nepal and Japan also survive to the present day.
the absolute funniest version of this was the 50 year stretch when the shikkens puppeted the shoguns who were pupping the emperors absolutely hilarious shit.
I've considered a scenario like this a few times before, although I think you'd need a pretty early POD to have the Bonapartes as a Shogun-type figure for the Bourbons. Namely, I think you'd need to keep the Bourbons from being deposed in the first place, such as by having the Feuillant or a similar faction come to power, and then still having Napoleon coup the government while keeping the King in place for legitimacy. If the POD is with Napoleon's coup, it would take a big personality/ideology change for him to restore the Bourbons. Honestly, even in the scenario I conjured up, assuming Napoleon still comes to power, he may very well still depose the Bourbons in favor of crowning himself Emperor, but I think that's more likely than a restoration.

As an aside, I feel like a title like Consul would fit the Bonapartes better than Prime Minister, but that's just my own personal taste.
Yeah, that sounds about right. I wasn't too focused on plausibility here, the idea just popped into my head and I made the wikiboxes quickly.
The Mayors of the Palace pulled the same stunt, as did a number of Roman Military Commanders around the 400s, I wonder how long this version will last....
I admit that I was inspired by Merovignians and Carolignians for this.