Just as a reference note, Syd Mead has tons of 70s style retrofuturism that might be a great reference point in the more modern day chapters, I highly recommend sourcing his art for an almost self parody elegantly done 70s futurism.
Hugely popular himmler and Hess modern (2010s) sports car, a great status symbol to prove one is the “pinnacle man.”

Note: I was originally going to do 50s style fan posts, but hey, I can adapt to the proper cultural canon.
Here are my contributions from the interwebs to the 70's retrofuture collection:


Two Pinnacle Men and a Pinnacle Woman gathered around the Rollarite Zenithite (2022 colorized)


The James Figg Athletic Complex in Boston (2017)


An ORRA man stands guard by the Supreme Chief's Colonel Ford Supernova (2019)


The house of the Pinnacle World of Tomorrow (2009)
Actually that reminds me of a question I thought of earlier @Napoleon53 :

Why did you decide to go with 70's punk? I have to admit, it's not something I think I've ever really seen before. Especially in a dystopic TL. It's definitely not what I was thinking would happen. I figured that if the Union didn't get stuck in the 50's (the absolute fav decade of totalitarian alt-Americans) I would have envisioned the 20's or 30's. Maybe the 40's. Has that grittier P. I./industrial feel that seems perfect for the Union. While I obviously wasn't alive then, the 70's always seemed like a goofy, gaudy, oversexed, extravagant mess from what I've read/heard. It seems like a strange, albeit hilarious choice.

Also, I hope my question doesn't sound disrespectful as I assure that's not how I mean it! I'm just legitimately curious about how your mind is working in regards to this, and a little curious to see if any hints regarding the future are involved.
All the pictures are amazing!

Coming in TTL's 2019: a bunch of LSD addled teens and millennials try to Storm Camp 222.


Actually that reminds me of a question I thought of earlier @Napoleon53 :

Why did you decide to go with 70's punk? I have to admit, it's not something I think I've ever really seen before. Especially in a dystopic TL. It's definitely not what I was thinking would happen. I figured that if the Union didn't get stuck in the 50's (the absolute fav decade of totalitarian alt-Americans) I would have envisioned the 20's or 30's. Maybe the 40's. Has that grittier P. I./industrial feel that seems perfect for the Union. While I obviously wasn't alive then, the 70's always seemed like a goofy, gaudy, oversexed, extravagant mess from what I've read/heard. It seems like a strange, albeit hilarious choice.

Also, I hope my question doesn't sound disrespectful as I assure that's not how I mean it! I'm just legitimately curious about how your mind is working in regards to this, and a little curious to see if any hints regarding the future are involved.

The main reason is it is unlike anything else. But the second most important reason is that the 70s were an era of excess and maximum materialism (before the oil crisis). Cars were ludicrous, everyone was as flashy as they could be, and the Bicentennial Era has a certain feel I want to capture for this TL (I own a BUNCH of Bicentennial kitsch antiques; my lightswitch is a Bicentennial plaque XD). Also, as I've hinted at before, the Oswald era is going to be an era of excess and materialism, so it's the perfect fit.

It's also OTL an era I associate with sleazy televangelists, corrupt politics, cold war paranoia, and insane politics.

But the main thing I want is a distinct feel to make the TL unlike anything else. Avocado green carpet, orange walls, and woodpanel everything crossed with fascism is quite unlike anything I've seen. Lol
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All the pictures are amazing!


The main reason is it is unlike anything else. But the second most important reason is that the 70s were an era of excess and maximum materialism (before the oil crisis). Cars were ludicrous, everyone was as flashy as they could be, and the Bicentennial Era has a certain feel I want to capture for this TL (I own a BUNCH of Bicentennial kitsch antiques; my lightswitch is a Bicentennial plaque XD). Also, as I've hinted at before, the Oswald era is going to be an era of excess and materialism, so it's the perfect fit.

It's also OTL an era I associate with sleazy televangelists, corrupt politics, cold war paranoia, and insane politics.
How is technology progressing? Which areas are ahead, and which behind? What sort of "cool" technologies are mainstream?
Just what we needed to make the RU even worse. Now not only it's a fascist, racist nightmare, but it's also a country of drug addicts! I don't even want to imagine how fucked up the future will be.
But the main thing I want is a distinct feel to make the TL unlike anything else. Avocado green carpet, orange walls, and woodpanel everything crossed with fascism is quite unlike anything I've seen. Lol

I mean with all the fucking drugs everyone is on you'll probably get some Rococo-meets-Picasso design choices. I could actually see the RU tear up the Nazi ideal of "good art" and embrace modern-art like 3 decades ahead of schedule, because shit like Lipstick Ascending gets popular by reminding people of their hallucinations.

But sooner or later this behavior has to hit some kind of wall... right? How long can this economy keep running when a third of its people are living on 7 Cuils, another third are working but increasingly less efficiently from... jittery fingers, and the remaining third is a brutalized herd put together from scraps of once-numerous peoples?
This came during a time of economic decline and increased tensions with the South American Neutrality Pact and the Eduist menace of Brazil,
If this is foreshadowing of the next Great War, South America will be probably burn to the ground by ORRA troops stoned out of their minds

Also i just realised that the Balkans are more peaceful ITTL than their OTL counterparts,considering Serbia Bulgaria and Romania are still allied and they have been more focused on fighting the Austrians than simply trying to kill each other.
If this is foreshadowing of the next Great War, South America will be probably burn to the ground by ORRA troops stoned out of their minds
Honestly, I’m kinda hoping there isn’t a war with South America. The RU/NUSA annexing the entire continent was probably one of the worst implausibilities of Madness 1.0 and really hoping Napo avoids that this time around. If he must have a war, maybe it can be a Vietnam style war between puppet states and failure to win that can be what prompts Nixon’s power grab against Oswald
Honestly, I’m kinda hoping there isn’t a war with South America. The RU/NUSA annexing the entire continent was probably one of the worst implausibilities of Madness 1.0 and really hoping Napo avoids that this time around. If he must have a war, maybe it can be a Vietnam style war between puppet states and failure to win that can be what prompts Nixon’s power grab against Oswald

Them annexing the whole continent is pretty unrealistic, albeit less so than in Classic because that was also the time they took Canada, the South and California.

I think for a plausible "maximum Union victory" they could grab Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, and Ecuador. Maybe a few bits of Peru. You combine that with the Union Peacemakering most major urban centers in Brazil and elsewhere, that's something that is both plausible and devastating.

But sooner or later this behavior has to hit some kind of wall... right? How long can this economy keep running when a third of its people are living on 7 Cuils, another third are working but increasingly less efficiently from... jittery fingers, and the remaining third is a brutalized herd put together from scraps of once-numerous peoples?

Honestly, given the number of people OTL who took similar substances and were able to remain perfectly productive for quite a while, I think the Union economy will chug along in that sense. The real costs we'll probably see will come from the healthcare system being burdened by thousands of people od'ing and the health problems associated with long term use.

The main reason is it is unlike anything else. But the second most important reason is that the 70s were an era of excess and maximum materialism (before the oil crisis). Cars were ludicrous, everyone was as flashy as they could be, and the Bicentennial Era has a certain feel I want to capture for this TL (I own a BUNCH of Bicentennial kitsch antiques; my lightswitch is a Bicentennial plaque XD). Also, as I've hinted at before, the Oswald era is going to be an era of excess and materialism, so it's the perfect fit.

It's also OTL an era I associate with sleazy televangelists, corrupt politics, cold war paranoia, and insane politics.

But the main thing I want is a distinct feel to make the TL unlike anything else. Avocado green carpet, orange walls, and woodpanel everything crossed with fascism is quite unlike anything I've seen. Lol

First of all, avocado green carpeting shouldn't be crossed with anything. It's very existence is an affront to the laws of God and Man.

As for the rest, that makes plenty of sense. The Union is going to go full out hedonistic craziness and aside from maybe certain aspects of the 80's, the 70's really were the most extravagant and materialistic decade in American history (so far anyway). The 50's might have been up there for the materialism but were too tied to Faith, Flag, and Family values wise to really hit that level of excess. Speaking of the 50's, etc:

Maybe the Carolinas can be either a 50's punk or dieselpunk nation. A lot less flashy, more austere, more drab coloring, and a more traditional set of values. I'm not just recommending this because I want my fav faction to be as different/independent as possible from the Union. After all, this wouldn't do shit to change geopolitics. However, I do think it would be a good way to show that while it's still obviously a Yankee satellite state, it's actually very different from the rest of the Free World what with still having actual elections/rights and not having Fundamentalism. Maybe that more austere aesthetic can be the result of Carolina trying to be autarkic and less dependent on the Free World for trade, making their economy less prosperous than it could be. An angry redneck economically shooting himself in the foot because he wants to be seen as self-sufficient is actually fairly plausible if you think about it.
European Parks
Tussard Group

Port Adventura
Alton Towers
Trope Park
Chessington Worlds of Adventure
Hedie Park
Pragues Reundios

Attractiepark Slagharen
Pargue de atraccoiness de madrid
American Adventure

Virgin parks

Flevo Funworld
Loraine Joyland
Avenir Land

Other Parks
Tivolia Gradens
Europa Park
Black Pool Pleasure Peach
Worlds of Wonder Glawgco
Der da Baken (Demenmark)
Euro Diseny
La Pal

Opps I posted this in the wrong thread. I will delted it
One thing I wondered how many people picked up on was the end of Patton's memo that said "don't make the quartermaster let the cat out of the bag." If I recall correctly, that means cat o' nine tails, not a cat. I rwas rather pleased with that line. Lol

I'm considering doing a semi-regular update form, or at least a couple special chapters, called "Project Percival Internal Memos" covering the antics going on at the offices, going sometimes from hysterically funny to grimdark. Lol
Honestly, given the number of people OTL who took similar substances and were able to remain perfectly productive for quite a while, I think the Union economy will chug along in that sense. The real costs we'll probably see will come from the healthcare system being burdened by thousands of people od'ing and the health problems associated with long term use.
If the Madness healthcare system is anything like OTL healthcare, I can see a lot of that od-in and drug related health problems being spun by the Economic Clans as moral/spiritual failings and the victums getting blamed for their own problems and not the dangerous additives

I would think the Union would create puppet I mean sister republics like Carolina in South America.
Sister Republics where they can dump undesirables from their conquered territories and where the Economic Clans and corporations can have free rain. Banana republics? no, whole cocaine sweetie states! Armed guards of the Sweet Victory Corporation rolling through towns to keep the peace while the natives work the land to fuel the might lozenge market
Napeleon sorry about the acidentall post. However I am think that although diseny land will prblly neaver open some thing simallair would probbly open. I think Patorit Dream land would be a good name for it. It verison of jungle would probbly be a ride animotic pincale men burn now primatie villages and slaughing the natives. I think i now the guy to open it,. Cornelus v wood. He was Otl Disney general mange of the disneyland project. He was know for his falling out disney. He also built the imfausly patroic Freedomland U.S.A.. I feel that if wood built a his own veriosn disney world called patoric dream world the second gate instead of beign epcot would a more succesful freedom. Given how jingo the NUSA a park golfied america would be a higher projoity then a permate worlds fair.