Return of Horrible Educational Maps

Most of these are explainable as just attempts to make an OTL map with little effort into them, but the first one is just ridiculous. A really poor attempt at alternate history that somehow got mistaken for OTL? I can't think of any other explanation. And is that an Austria that includes none of actual Austria? :closedeyesmile:

Maybe Italy annexed it (at least that's what it looks like) or maybe a rump-Hapsburg Austira.

Also, dat Romania.
This is a standard map of the game of Diplomacy.
It's not an educational map, but whatever
Wow. Whoever made this just failed at history. Or they believe that the North American Union is a real, existing thing...or the US just took all Mexico in 1848, and Cuba, Hispaniola, Bermuda, and the Bahamas were annexed into the US to this day, Australia is a divided continent, Norway-Sweden still exists, Finland's still a part of Russia, France still holds the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Northern Italy, Germany's even smaller but holds the Prussian Gold Coast, a giant German African colony, Tanganyika is still Prussian, France has Cameroon and CAR, the Guyanas are part of Gran I can't even keep going. It kind of hurts.

Obiously written by a Finnish nationalist, from humble beginnings in the 17th century, Finland grows to become a utopian superpower with electric cars galore. Randomly conquered and annexed Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Karelia, Kola Peninsula, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria and Italy without Sicily for some random reason. Despite a PoD in the 17th century, the timeline still contains the Soviet Union, Nazism, the moon landings in the 1960s, John Lennon and Marilyn Monroe. Despite glaring inaccuracies, Finland is somehow the world's dominant economic and military superpower, and despite having all that conquered territory whose inhabitants outnumber quite heavily actual Finnish people, has no signs of major separatist conflict.

There are probably worse timelines, but this is an example of everything wrong with

I really love this bit.

The largest minority language and the second official language is Swedish spoken by 5.9 percent of the population. Other minority languages are italian (28.9 percent), Polish (12.8 percent), Russian (2.8 percent), Estonian (0.3 percent),

Sounds like the author slept through math class.