Recent content by Wildcard F. Kennedy

  1. Plausible Ted Kennedy presidency in '76?

    So after playing the game The Campaign Trail an idea struck me. For those that don't know the game is about you assuming the role of one of the candidates during whichever election year and answering questions to try and get elected. I was playing as Humphrey running in '68. I chose an...
  2. Best President USA never had post World War 2

    No RFK? Possibly the greatest President we never had.
  3. Christian fundamentalist push to ban DnD unwittingly causes the expansion of space exploration

    The push against D&D from the religious community didn't occur until the 80's. D&D really didn't even become a thing until the late 70's. The space program was in place in the 60's. So you'd need a much earlier POD than D&D I think.
  4. Gore 2004

    Given how Gore won the popular vote in 2000 it just might galvanize the Democrats. Learning from the mistakes of 2000, Gore allows Bill Clinton to do some campaigning for him. Edwards was on the short list in 2000, now with more experience, I think he'd be the selection. Another close one but...
  5. Was it ever possible for RFK to win the nomination in 1968?

    Possible? Certainly possible. He had Daily in his camp, who was running the thing. Perhaps if he gets McCarthy to drop out early enough and have McCarthy support RFK. It was always going to be an uphill battle, but I don't think it's completely impossible. Especially if he survives an...
  6. Ronald Reagan in 1968?

    He's barely in the Governor's office at that point. Way to soon to have him looking at the presidency.
  7. What would the policies be if Kennedy had run for governor of Massachusetts in 1956 and been elected

    You'd need a POD that keeps him from the senate. At this point as per OTL he's already a senator. I can't see him giving up his seat to become governor. I mean his name was already floated as a potential VP candidate in '56. He was on the rise and had to be aware that the presidency was at least...
  8. Meta: Robert Kennedy Clichés?

    Except that in OTL LBJ dropped out of the race while RFK was still alive and still in it. Agreed that LBJ didn't like RFK at all, and didn't want him to be his successor, but your statement isn't correct.
  9. Freedom Dies in Darkness: The Story of the 1968 Election and Beyond

    Faithless electors skewing the election! Radical change ensues afterwards.
  10. Freedom Dies in Darkness: The Story of the 1968 Election and Beyond

    Johnson wins. The House Dems are in the majority. Even with the party split, the House Dems that don't like him will still hold their noses and vote Johnson. The question is which party controls the Senate? EDIT: Nevermind, the Dems control that too. Johnson/Humphrey wins!
  11. Freedom Dies in Darkness: The Story of the 1968 Election and Beyond

    Ok interesting. Thank you for not killing Robert Kennedy. Some minor nitpicks if I may, 1. Why is Humphrey still on the ticket? His exchange with Johnson about not being his stooge is sure to infuriate Johnson no? 2. RFK saying he'd easily beat Nixon with his name recognition. Not words I think...
  12. Bush Becomes Republican Nominee In 1980. Who does he pick to be his running mate?

    Any chance Bush goes out on a limb and nominates a woman? Margaret Heckler perhaps?
  13. WI John F. Kennedy wasn't assassinated

    Governing from a wheelchair worked for FDR. As long as he's capable mentally there's no reason to think he can't be effective.
  14. Elizabeth Dole - Jeanne Kirkpatrick 1996

    It's interesting, certainly. The ticket as printed though would go down in flames. In 96 it's going to take a lot to beat Clinton and this Dole has an even worse chance than her husband actually did. An all female ticket is quite progressive and may set the GOP up nicely in 2000 especially after...
  15. WI: Truman ran in ‘52?

    He was unpopular at the time. He did run, briefly, but after losing a primary, he withdrew. Had he somehow gotten the nomination, he would have lost.