Recent content by Vidal

  1. Vidal

    If the 22nd Amendment Had Not Passed, Would Eisenhower Have Run for a Third Term?

    Oh, I think he didn't campaign for Nixon bc he fckng hated him loll but I agree w your general point that he was 1) In terrible health; 2) Could not have survived a third term
  2. Vidal

    If the 22nd Amendment Had Not Passed, Would Eisenhower Have Run for a Third Term?

    Ron explicitly shares that he noticed cognitive decline in the second term and that afterwards he grew so worried he spent a day shadowing Reagan — and that day did nothing to abate his concern. Source here...
  3. Vidal

    Jimmy Two: America in Carter's Second Term

    Just a quick update that we've reached one of those periods where the posted chapters have basically caught up to the written ones and the outline -- will be spending some time over the next few weeks extensively outlining some of the remaining plot points of Mr. Carter's second term, and then...
  4. Vidal

    Last One for the Gipper: Ronald Reagan and His Quest for a Third Term
    Threadmarks: 07/01/87 - 09/30/87

    JULY 1, 1987 REAGAN NOMINATES BORK FOR SCOTUS; DEMOCRATS ALREADY VOICING THEIR OPPOSITION TO CONTROVERSIAL PICK President Ronald Reagan announced his choice for the Supreme Court: Judge Robert Bork. Washington, DC -- From the White House Press Room, President Ronald Reagan announced his...
  5. Vidal

    2024 Turtledoves - (Closes (15/02/24) - Best Cold War to Contemporary Timeline Nominations and Seconds

    I second the above nomination for Best Cold War to Contemporary Timeline: Geronimo : What if Osama Bin Laden was killed prior to 9/11?: @Iwanh
  6. Vidal

    TLIAW: Nor the Battle to the Strong

    After reading Booker's chapter, I did not think you could top it. And then today happened -- I love how in the Newsom chapter there's less affection for the subject from our in-character author than in others. I think why Booker and Newsom stand out to me is capturing something real about their...
  7. Vidal

    All the Way to Washington: Howard Dean and the Fight to Take Back America

    Edwards' affair was 100% butterfliable. He did not meet Rielle until after the 2004 election and in all of the years since there's never been another accusation of him having affair that I'm aware of. Not defending his affair with Rielle at all, but I do think it's plausible that if he doesn't...
  8. Vidal

    TLIAW: Nor the Battle to the Strong

    What an outstanding premise for a TLIAW!! Watching closely.
  9. Vidal

    All the Way to Washington: Howard Dean and the Fight to Take Back America

    Wdym by ATWTW truther?? Hahah All the way to Washington — the title of the timeline which is itself taken from the Dean Scream remarks
  10. Vidal

    All the Way to Washington: Howard Dean and the Fight to Take Back America

    YEAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHH!! Here we go! So excited for you, my friend. I know I’ll have fun reading this one.
  11. Vidal

    Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VII (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

    My god --- this is beautiful. extremely well done. @Enigma-Conundrum get in here
  12. Vidal

    WI: President Ralph Nader '72

    This is key to the whole thing, and it's why I think you're justified, as @Naderposting says in it being 50-50 FDR or Carter. He's aligned with the liberal base (something Carter didn't have going for him) but he's still a prick... I lean towards, the joys of Nader swooping in give him one...