Recent content by Praying_to_a_gof

  1. To the Edge and Maybe Over: An Alternate 21st Century

    That's not a good sign at all
  2. List of Alternate Presidents and PMs II

    I can't believe little miss "Hitler had good ideas and why do you hate black people?" will have a career in 2041
  3. Alternate TV Tropes pages.

    TIME: A Story from the future Time is the 1981 musical by Electric Light Orchestra. It stars Colin Baker as Horace Wimp, an avenge Joe who accidentally gets set to the year 2095 HERE IS THE TROPES Bittersweet Ending: Horace does end up with Julie, but she dies a few years, meanwhile...
  4. WI: McAfee buys a country.

    Belize goes down the shitter and Johnny gets assassinated by a nationalist
  5. You Gotta Have Hart: A Different 1988 and Beyond

    You're not the first or last to make this error
  6. List of Alternate Presidents and PMs II

    I can see this happening and that scares me
  7. To the Edge and Maybe Over: An Alternate 21st Century

    I was being somewhat tongue in cheek
  8. List of Alternate Presidents and PMs II

    The Prime Ministers Hugo Thompson(2019-2020) Jeremy Corbyn(2020-2025) Hamish Watson(2025-2040) Just to cull the "whhhaaaaaaaaaaaat" factor it's not a thing that's gonna be put up on this site
  9. List of Alternate Presidents and PMs II

    I will be taking questions at 6
  10. List of Alternate Presidents and PMs II

    A thing I'm on working on Henry Wallace(1946-1949) Thomas Dewy(1949-1961) Robert Kennedy(1961-1963) Lyndon Johnson(1963-1969) Dick Nick(1969-1975) Spiro Agnew(1975-1977) Jimmy Carter(1977-1981) Donald Brean(1981-1989) George H.O Bush(1989-1993) Hill Clinton(1993-2001) Jeb Bush(2001-2009) Barry...
  11. Your Personal Pop Culture Utopia timeline

    -Roger Delagado lives longer -Wesley Willis gets proper treatment(and lives longer) -Colin Baker gets to still the eight years he wanted -The animated adaptation of Kevin & Kell finally gets made -Ben Diskin plays Ruby in above -RTD never touches Doctor Who -South Park & Steven universe never...
  12. Bill Holbrook said Trans rights( I'm not making this )

    Bill Holbrook said Trans rights( I'm not making this )