Mar 17, 2018 1 KitFisto1997 What's worse? The Fedora Atheists that are posting stupid shit about Stephen Hawking, or the Fundies doing the same bloody thing?
What's worse? The Fedora Atheists that are posting stupid shit about Stephen Hawking, or the Fundies doing the same bloody thing?
Mar 17, 2018 1 KitFisto1997 Senator Di Natale should know the difference between the danger of importing potential terrorists from Syria over a mob of Saffa farmers
Senator Di Natale should know the difference between the danger of importing potential terrorists from Syria over a mob of Saffa farmers
Mar 16, 2018 KitFisto1997 The state government doesn't give a fuck about you unless you live in Brisbane. Come to Gladstone and enjoy the meth epidemic instead.
The state government doesn't give a fuck about you unless you live in Brisbane. Come to Gladstone and enjoy the meth epidemic instead.
Mar 14, 2018 1 KitFisto1997 Home Affairs Minister Dutton is trying to fast-track visas for White South Africans. DO IT. JUST. DO IT.
Home Affairs Minister Dutton is trying to fast-track visas for White South Africans. DO IT. JUST. DO IT.
Mar 10, 2018 1 KitFisto1997 at the very least, Gladstone is safe the from the socialist hoards down in Brisbane or, God forbid, Melbourne
at the very least, Gladstone is safe the from the socialist hoards down in Brisbane or, God forbid, Melbourne
Mar 10, 2018 1 Ban KitFisto1997 to the fucking cunts robbing my shitty neighbourhood, don't you have some durries to smoke?
Mar 10, 2018 1 KitFisto1997 tfw you suddenly need a weapon because some bogan cunts are robbing shit in your neighbourhood
Mar 2, 2018 1 KitFisto1997 I am in favour of a new multi-racial Great Trek. If South Africa is lost, I'm more than happy to accept refugees.
I am in favour of a new multi-racial Great Trek. If South Africa is lost, I'm more than happy to accept refugees.
Feb 27, 2018 1 KitFisto1997 North Queensland needs to secede if Brisbane isn't going to help the rest of the state. Might as well take CQ with it too.
North Queensland needs to secede if Brisbane isn't going to help the rest of the state. Might as well take CQ with it too.
Feb 6, 2018 2 KitFisto1997 'Democracy: The God that Failed' is one of the most though-provoking, but also downright terrifying political pieces ever written.
'Democracy: The God that Failed' is one of the most though-provoking, but also downright terrifying political pieces ever written.
Jan 27, 2018 KitFisto1997 Apologies for the lack of updates and writeups. Family shit and being down in Brisbane doesn't help...
Apologies for the lack of updates and writeups. Family shit and being down in Brisbane doesn't help...
Jan 27, 2018 1 Jack810 Yo mah dude, i made a new thread
Yo mah dude, i made a new thread