Feb 9, 2017 1 CannedTech When the first thread you find in the day is "Ian Sucks Big Black Dicks", you know it's gonna' be one of those days.
When the first thread you find in the day is "Ian Sucks Big Black Dicks", you know it's gonna' be one of those days.
Jan 29, 2017 1 CannedTech Remember everybody, stay on the side of the gamers and away from the demon weed. Don't smoke weed kids!
Remember everybody, stay on the side of the gamers and away from the demon weed. Don't smoke weed kids!
Jan 18, 2017 3 PachPachis Daisy Fitzroy was correct about everything she genuinely believed in, she was forced into trying to kill that kid by the Lutteces. Viva Vox Populi!
Daisy Fitzroy was correct about everything she genuinely believed in, she was forced into trying to kill that kid by the Lutteces. Viva Vox Populi!
Dec 15, 2016 1 CannedTech "Gee CannedTech, when will the epilogue for AKISOT be finished?" Good question.
Oct 31, 2016 1 CannedTech Gonna' take a break from MG stuff for a while. Will make supplimentals but no turnerinos until Spring at least.
Gonna' take a break from MG stuff for a while. Will make supplimentals but no turnerinos until Spring at least.
Oct 13, 2016 1 CannedTech Going offline for 7, @PiratePartyist and @Fenrir_Angerboda, I'll be dropping, but I'll reclaim when I come back innit.
Going offline for 7, @PiratePartyist and @Fenrir_Angerboda, I'll be dropping, but I'll reclaim when I come back innit.