Recent content by BryanIII

  1. Graphic Thread

    -------------------------- United Belgian Provinces political parties 2017 United Belgian Provinces federal election Composition of Incumbent Belgian Government De Gaulle political family BBC News 11/1/19: French Republic to ease border restrictions
  2. Map Thread XX

    There are none, just use census data
  3. Map Thread XX

    Stop using the modern linguistic border established with data from the 1960s for a pre-1900 PoD smh..
  4. Hail, Britannia

    So German/Luxemburgian isn't a official language at the federal level? Also when was Wallonia created as a constituent country, 1893 or at a later point?
  5. AHFA 2020 World Cup

    The coach is Michel Preud'homme fyi! :p
  6. Map Thread XIX

    Nord for Flandre is indeed an option, Sambre for Hainaut would be an excellent second choice but Escaut would remain the principal river so would probably more likely be the pick imo
  7. Map Thread XIX

    The point of départements being named after geographical stuff was done deliberately in order to break with the traditions of and ties people had with the old holding of the Ancien Régime. That means that names such as Flandre and Hainaut would not be picked. Flandre would probably be either...
  8. AHFA 2020 World Cup

    You forgot my team
  9. Map Thread XIX

    Beautiful map, Bouillon was it's own thing and not part of the Three Bishoprics however and the boundaries of said Three Bishopric are a bit exaggerated :p
  10. AHFA 2020 World Cup
    Threadmarks: Team: United Belgian Provinces

    United Belgian Provinces Map Flag Basic Information Capital: Brussels, Grand Duchy of Brabant Major Cities: Liège, Luxemburg City, Eindhoven, Verdun Population: 11.7 million National Anthem: Brabançonne Languages: Dutch, French, Luxemburgian Government: Federal parliamentary democracy...
  11. AHFA 2020 World Cup

    Well there goes my 'Sardinia-Piedmont extends to the Rhône' idea :p @Red Arturoist I see your United Germany/ies has claimed Luxembourg already, are you willing to switch it out for say Friesland so I might use it?
  12. AHFA 2020 World Cup

    I'll post something by Sunday!
  13. Our Fair Country: The Commonwealth of New England

    Fokker’s succes is largely due to the Zollverein’s common market en continued Dutch rule of West Papua. Zollverein’s common market has given Fokker immense wealth and status (which is how they avoided OTL’s partial bankruptcy) as Fokker is the preferred civilian airline manufacturer in the...
  14. Our Fair Country: The Commonwealth of New England

    There has not yeeeeaaaah.... no! Still wouldn't be the same... IF, and that's a big if, the Zollverein and the LMU were to merge they would be more similar to the EEC not the EU
  15. Our Fair Country: The Commonwealth of New England

    The Zollverein =/= the EU