Recent content by Bees

  1. To Delve and Spin – A Medieval English timeline

    I'm enjoying this so far. Considering that part of why the rebellion was able to sprout as it was because of troops being in France...I wonder if France will make a move on what's left of the English holdings? That of course depends on the state of France too, plus things like whether the...
  2. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    It's probably fairly optimistic especially at this stage, but if Italy capitulates earlier it probably won't have German forces in its borders this time round, and with what happened in North Africa, the Germans might want to put some forces aside to keep an eye on them even if they aren't...
  3. WI: Catherine of Aragon dies during the League of Cambrai

    This whole business might butterfly the Church of England, at least as/when it was formed OTL.
  4. A Blunted Sickle - Thread II

    I finally caught up. I quite like this timeline, it's going to be rather interesting post european war.
  5. Sir John Valentine Carden survives.

    I read through the whole thing in a space of a few days, and I'm loving it so far.
  6. I can't believe it took me this long to notice the name change. It's the kind of name you can...

    I can't believe it took me this long to notice the name change. It's the kind of name you can eat pizza with...I don't know if that makes any sense, but it's 5am.
  7. Thanks...I think. No idea who you are though.

    Thanks...I think. No idea who you are though.
  8. UK Nuclear Targets in 1982.

    Birmingham is actually rather ni- oh wait, this takes place in the 80's? Nevermind:p Surprised to see Solihull mentioned, even if it's being (moreorless) killed by that nuke.
  9. Discussion: Why Did France Fall So Easily in 1940?

    I wouldn't say the French over relied on the Maginot line; it did precisely what it was supposed to, which was make the Germans attack elsewhere. They didn't think that tanks would successfully head through the Ardennes.
  10. Would No Black Death delay the Renaissance?

    It's likely possible, but with the sheer amount of people killed I'm wondering if there would have been people born ITL who weren't OTL, who might do clever things.
  11. Hitler Wants Carriers!

    Thanks Sa- wait a minute, there were TWO of these? I must've jammed the forks in too hard, I had no idea. I'm gonna reread these :D.
  12. Hilarious Ways For Hitler to Die

    Through a quirk of fate (OK, ASB fiat), the Nazi's manage to start developing nuclear weaponry in the late 50's- a spree of sandwich poisonings mean that only one team is left to get the funding, rather than having it spread out like the last margarine in a tub. Unusually, Hitler doesn't do...
  13. Hitler Wants Carriers!

    It's on the tip of my tongue, I don't think I can remember. But yes, it was entertaining in the way The Room or Birdemic are entertaining. It's like watching someone trying to make an anti-dog suit out of sausage meat. I really should look for the Frisian Islands one, that had moreorless the...
  14. Hitler Wants Carriers!

    The Overon thing is a rather long & extensive scenario about Germany building a ton of Carriers pre-WW2, leading to them attacking Scapa Flow and causing the surrender of the British government. None of the other powers react to this carrier buildup in a way which impacted Germany enough to...
  15. Hitler Wants Carriers!

    If their only goal is to make carriers then clearly Hitler can just use all the steel he would have used on other stuff, like cars and tanks and forks. To man them he'll just ship in personnel from other navy areas, I mean, once you've served on one ship you've served on them all, right?