Map Thread X

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Reroute the immigration to the other countries in the America towards Mexico, maybe? Nah, that would only bring in millions of anti-monarchial people.

Although that just gave me an idea...a forced (or at least coerced/propagated) migration of the Serbs, Croatians, Czechs, Poles (shoutout to tnowacki :D) etc to Mexico. If living standards are actually better (which due to the higher availability of land and work they may possibly be), that might hit two birds with one stone...somewhat diminish the numbers of the separatists and nationalists in the non-German parts of the Empire, and get more European-cultured people into Mexico. Especially because, now in Mexico, the anti-Germans would probably realise that they have more in common with German culture than Mexican and support a cultural "Germanification" or at least Europeification of Mexico to an extent.

Alternatively, you could have a genocide, but I'd quite like a timeline where Germany doesn't do that.
In the twentieth year of the great war, 1934. See mlore in the mapgame (Silent Mapgame).

Firstly, my apologies for this being an unfinished map. I'm new to this stuff, it's slow going making a map and legend and trying to make it not look awful. Most of the rest of this map will end up being OTL for the year mentioned. How would I best splice that in?


On the Run- 1810 AD

The year is 1810. Several years ago, a deadly pandemic emerged from a remote part of central Canada. Though devastating to people of European extraction, itt does not affect most natives, but they can become carriers- and through trapping and trading quickly spread it to the more populated eastern regions. The results are nothing short of devastating. The condition works extremely quickly- less than a week, sometimes within 48 hours. It causes delirium and over time, paralysis of the lungs. After 18 months in the the United States and other New World territories of the French, Spanish, and Portuguese, more that fifty percent of non-native peoples are dead.

The condition is named by the Europeans as Indian Kiss; many indigenous languages use a term analogous to "the Foreseen Wind."

However, these people, these towns and cities, do not disintegrate into dust. Instead, they leave behind valuable technology- whole armories of weapons, advanced farming implements, printing presses, and large amounts of valuable trade commodities. There is a rapid movement by natives to obtain and begin to reverse-engineer these things. Natives who received some degree of training help advance productivity. The process is slow, but over the next few years native society begins to morph and change.

Using the existing stockpiles of weapons, several large powers come to push back the United States of America and British Canada. The visionary Shawnee Tecumseh creates a large confederacy north of the Ohio. After severe damage in several Anglo-French wars and the American Revolution, the Iroquois have occupied much of Ontario. The Four Civilized Tribes- Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Cheeroke- have occupied most of their original territory and pushed far up the eastern seaboard, assimilating several mid-Atlantic tribes.

The United States is in a crisis, with no friends to rely on. Europe has already had some cases break out, and England, France and others see no reason to send an army to keep colonial claims. They'll either all die or worse yet, contribute to the spread. America still has New York and Boston, but depleted numbers (and an uneven spread of Indian Kiss) means that the economy and the food supply must be substantially changed. The native groups have factions in favor of full invasion and assimilation, while others have a more favorable view of Americans and would rather avoid bloodshed.

The slaves, African and native, have weathered the storm in the Caribbean and Brazil. The lopsided proportion of slaves to masters in many plantations meant a rapid takeover to land by rebellion. The newly created class of freedmen join in a republic, and quickly secure the smaller islands.

The most ominous thing is that the freedmen have a new resource- huge fleets of ships for piracy, trading, and transport are undamaged and plentiful in the many islands, Florida, and Brazil. Motivated by ancestral connection, in 1810 a large force lands at the main sites for the Atlantic slave trade.

The New World is poised to not only remove colonial powers...but they have their sights set much higher.

Me start map

I would like to start a map, but when do I start it? Maybe world war two as i have lots of knoledge of that period in time. I will also need an editable base map.
I would like to start a map, but when do I start it? Maybe world war two as i have lots of knoledge of that period in time. I will also need an editable base map.

Look in the basemap thread, there you will find many good basemaps on that period. These ones might be useful: (1939) (end of world war II)

But there are many more, make sure you have the most up to date one.
What's with the American strip on the West Coast? You know that's an inland valley separated from seaside resorts by 500-meter mountains, right?

Yes, I'm aware. That strip is actually an enclave created by American expeditions to the west coast. They are a major naval power ITTL. However, now that I've thought about it, this venture seems unlikely to occur, so I'll remove it when I modify the map and post its description tonight.
I would like to start a map, but when do I start it? Maybe world war two as i have lots of knoledge of that period in time. I will also need an editable base map.

I would strongly suggest that for your first few, rather than trying to do a whole-world map, you focus on a specific part of the world and crop the image so that nothing else is there. The map in my signature is large enough that you can have decently-sized maps of say North America or Europe & North Africa. Alternatively, there is a Blank maps thread full of blank maps of parts of the world.

Couple of tips - try to keep your borders to 1 pixel thick, and don't do "random" maps where you've just thrown out some lines and called it a day - try to develop a backstory or mini-TL for the map to explain it.
Yo can someone make me a map in a world where the French won the War of Spanish Succession? (aka the union is established)

French victory wouldn't mean a union between France and Spain. When Philippe became king of Spain, he renounced his right of succession to the French throne, so if the French had won, we'd have seen something like the OTL relationship between the two countries.


This map is set in 2047, twenty years after the great Europlague (a genetically engineered superbug) brought the world to chaos. Estimates of world fatalities range from 35% to 40%. After the fall of the United Nations, a new institution called the World Cooperation Initiative formed and recognizes all legitimate states in the world.

There are many lands that remain unclaimed by nations, with many possible reasons:
- A state does not have the resources to control the area (The American Wilderness)
- The area has been so devastated that no coherent state has been able to form yet (Europlains, Illryia, Indian Desert, China, Philippines, Indonesia)
- The area is dominated by crimelords and rogue states, a reflection of the state as they had existed during the onset of the plague (Iberia, Sicily, Greece, Bulgaria, Ukraine, North Korea)
- The area is dominated by raiders and warlords (Mexican Corridor, Congo)
- The area was set up as a refugee zone by the W.I.C. but has fallen into chaos (East Africa Refugee Zone, Sahel)
- The geography makes it an unwanted burden (Amazonia, Sahara, Najd, Oman, Kalahari, Siberia, Kamchatka, Aborigea, Tibet, Xinjiang)
- The tribal traditions of the populace make them disinclined to large central states (Turko-Kazakhstan, Afghanistan)
- Corporations (mostly headquartered in the Union) have purchased the fertile American midwest and manage the production of food on super-farms. The lifequality of the workers here is near dystopian.

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This map is set in 2047, twenty years after the great Europlague (a genetically engineered superbug) brought the world to chaos. Estimates of world fatalities range from 35% to 40%. After the fall of the United Nations, a new institution called the World Cooperation Initiative formed and recognizes all legitimate states in the world.

That's pretty ASB, even with 40% dead there's still 4.2 billion people left. Most countries would not completely collapse (unless it is extremely virulent in some and near nothing in others.)
The black death killed around 33% of Europe off. Countries didn't cease to exist.


That's pretty ASB, even with 40% dead there's still 4.2 billion people left. Most countries would not completely collapse (unless it is extremely virulent in some and near nothing in others.)
The black death killed around 33% of Europe off. Countries didn't cease to exist.

I thought as much... I was gonna say 70% originally, would that be better?
I thought as much... I was gonna say 70% originally, would that be better?

You'd still have 2.1 billion people. And again depending on where the illness strikes and how fast, some countries would probably survive intact while others would disappear. You'd see countries either staying 'shut' because the disease is still out there, or a joint recovery effort where by areas that have collapsed come under international rule. Perhaps the start of a world government?
Either more would die from the loss of lands available for growth of food because there's still infection, or there would be near immediate dispatch to secure the farmlands required to feed the survivors and the resources, such as the oil, to power the world.
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