Remnants of Rome

Great update:D:D:D:D

The SPQR looks interesting, but I have to remind you all, that nothing is everlasting.

Personally, I think changing the east was a great Idea, and I am looking forward to the next steps of the Horde;).

Maybe in the next update, Brittain could be changed?:p
I was hoping for a Langubardian invasion. I think this would change the face of Brittain for a long time, and It would give Ireland a chance to throw of the British shekels.

I have reasons to believe that the Hiberians will be independent soon, en certainly in the future:

  • Ireland (in this period) was a very de-centralized region. It is proven that in the early middle ages, the de-centralized lands where the hardest to conquer: it was nearly impossible. If you would kill a tribal warlord or a king, the Irish system of inheritance assured that their would be more then enough successors to seize the throne
  • The Irish had a way of warfare the Romans (and Roman based armies) couldn’t deal with. A fact well proven in Scotland and Germania.
  • nobody can deny the fact that the Irish warrior never sleeps: and their pride kept them from surrendering completely (until gunpowder ages, of course)
  • except for the southeast, the greater part of Ireland wasn’t suited for a centralized way of farming : without a stable farming community in the direct area of a fort of city, it was very hard to control.

So, will Hibernia eventually revolt against the HRE: I think so.
They will wait for the opportune moment;);)
Nice update. Finally the SPQR controls Rome again, though it doesn't look like they're going to make it their capitol or anything. Surely the Romans are going to come into conflict with the Langubardians at some point though, right?

I'm interested to see what happens in India. India has been unaffected thus far by the waves of barbarian invasions (unless you count the Zoharists, and that was a while ago) and so should be doing pretty well economically. Perhaps you could get some sort of Chola equivalent trading with SE Asia and Africa in both directions.

Will the Magyars head south and mess with the Taurikegutans, or will they keep on heading west into OTL Poland? Personally I'd vote for the latter, but in the end its up to you :).

This TL is one of my favorites on the site. Keep up the good work!
Would there be any interest in a language update or something of the sort, when the TL reaches around 700 or so?

Id personally like to hear more about the list of conditions surrounding the very interesting subject of the admittances of territory's of S.P.Q.R into full statehood.

Very few, if any, of the territories are going to become provinces. There is not really a process for admittance as a province, either, unless most of a territory's teritores (re)adopted Roman culture or served in the Roman army, or if a lot of Romans settled in the area, but if the teritores were in such a position they would just move to the provinces, anyway.

Asia is looking good as well. Through i wouldn't mind seeing a unified china under the Empire of Qidan is this possible?

Maybe, maybe. The King of all the Kong may have something to say about that.

Great update:D:D:D:D

The SPQR looks interesting, but I have to remind you all, that nothing is everlasting.

Personally, I think changing the east was a great Idea, and I am looking forward to the next steps of the Horde;).

Maybe in the next update, Brittain could be changed?:p

Is this timeline really that simple and dumb that everything is just something changing? :confused: I doubt that.
¿O Inglés no es su primera lengua, y usted solo sabe la palabra 'change' para este propósito? Si es así, entonces puedo entender eso. :p

I was hoping for a Langubardian invasion. I think this would change the face of Brittain for a long time, and It would give Ireland a chance to throw of the British shekels.

I have reasons to believe that the Hiberians will be independent soon, en certainly in the future:

  • Ireland (in this period) was a very de-centralized region. It is proven that in the early middle ages, the de-centralized lands where the hardest to conquer: it was nearly impossible. If you would kill a tribal warlord or a king, the Irish system of inheritance assured that their would be more then enough successors to seize the throne
  • The Irish had a way of warfare the Romans (and Roman based armies) couldn’t deal with. A fact well proven in Scotland and Germania.
  • nobody can deny the fact that the Irish warrior never sleeps: and their pride kept them from surrendering completely (until gunpowder ages, of course)
  • except for the southeast, the greater part of Ireland wasn’t suited for a centralized way of farming : without a stable farming community in the direct area of a fort of city, it was very hard to control.

So, will Hibernia eventually revolt against the HRE: I think so.
They will wait for the opportune moment;);)


Hibernia, like Pictia is being settled and assimilated big time. They will break off, but they wouldn't be Goidels anymore. They wouldn't be Brytanianes either, but they'd be reasonably non-Goidel. Actually, Langubardia may conquer Hibernia.

Nice update. Finally the SPQR controls Rome again, though it doesn't look like they're going to make it their capitol or anything. Surely the Romans are going to come into conflict with the Langubardians at some point though, right?

At some point, yes. Once they are nearly equal in power.

I'm interested to see what happens in India. India has been unaffected thus far by the waves of barbarian invasions (unless you count the Zoharists, and that was a while ago) and so should be doing pretty well economically. Perhaps you could get some sort of Chola equivalent trading with SE Asia and Africa in both directions.


Rest assured that the Indian empires with the coolest names will be expanding :p. And one of them will equal or surpass the Chola.

Will the Magyars head south and mess with the Taurikegutans, or will they keep on heading west into OTL Poland? Personally I'd vote for the latter, but in the end its up to you :).

I'll say that it has something to do with the Taurikegutans getting their money back from the Türüks.

This TL is one of my favorites on the site. Keep up the good work!
Gracias, señor.
[...] After their trek across the desert and numerous small battles, the Kyrghiz, then numbered at about 89,000, found themselves in the first major battle of the war in January 600. 70,000 Toramanid troops defended Herat. After fourteen weeks of fighting, the Toramanids emerged victorious. Herat was looted and many of its inhabitants enslaved. Most of the surviving Toramanids joined the Kyrghiz army. After the battle, 40,000 Toramanid troops headed southwest and 34,000 headed southeast. By November 601, much of Persia proper belonged to the Kyrghiz.

Bit of a type there?
Did India have the same sort of monarchic succession that the Europeans did?
EDIT: I looked at wikipedia, and, for the things I am planning... yes it did... well enough. MUAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHHHHHHHHHH ahhh HAHAHAHAHA ow HAHAHAH MUHA
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Did India have the same sort of monarchic succession that the Europeans did?
EDIT: I looked at wikipedia, and, for the things I am planning... yes it did... well enough. MUAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHHHHHHHHHH ahhh HAHAHAHAHA ow HAHAHAH MUHA

You, evil genius!!:D

I can't wait!
The announcement in the court of the SPQR that henceforth Langubardia would be referred to as 'the next installment' caused grave concern among notable Langubards...;)
Is this timeline really that simple and dumb that everything is just something changing? :confused: I doubt that.
¿O Inglés no es su primera lengua, y usted solo sabe la palabra 'change' para este propósito? Si es así, entonces puedo entender eso. :p


Hibernia, like Pictia is being settled and assimilated big time. They will break off, but they wouldn't be Goidels anymore. They wouldn't be Brytanianes either, but they'd be reasonably non-Goidel. Actually, Langubardia may conquer Hibernia.

nope, I just made a educated guess:D

so Pictia and Hiberina as a Brythonic-Gaelic Hybrid
sounds like fun to me
now you made me curious:D:D:D:D

and Langubardia wil face some heavy resistance;)
tho I dont believe Ireland would be a sensible conquest for them
Brittain is far richer, and for an empire like theirs, SPQR is a greater threat then the divided Irish
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Updated ATL terms. Para mí. No es una excuse/replacement for an update.

Place names:
Tiranamaxima: Capital of SPQR. NW of Toledo.
Composita Tella: Santiago de Compostela.
Roma Nova: Along the coast of Asturiae.
Iuliopolis: Former fort, now walled city, in southern Gallaecia.
Roman provinces in Iberia: Post #41.
Khodasahr: Also called Khodasahrestan. The city of Jerusalem.
Al-Maqdis: Huge kelisa in Khodasahr.
Isca Silurum: Isca Augusta.
Ardrecken: Arbeia.
Lucky Arabia: Yemen and southern west-coast of the Arabian peninsula.
Gibidoijaz: Former Gepid capital, formerly called Gibidaz.
Parici, Lutetia, Lutetia Parisorium, and Parisorium: Four names for the same city.
Remorica: The Breizh peninsula plus a bit of Normandy.
Fhreinca: Most of the Breizh peninsula.
New Korsun: Noviodunum.
Buw: A city on the Southern Bug.
Hus: A city on the Dneiper/Nistru. Upriver, but not near Gibidoijaz.
Graecia Parva: Roman name for old Rome. Means ‘Little Greece’.
Nuubi-Sahr: City in Maqedunya with a primarily Nuubi population.
Kindasahr: City founded by the Yehudahids after the Zoharist conquest of Arabia. Lies on the lands of the former Badawi tribe of the Kindah.
Gymburg: Former capital of Frysklan.
Vlevo See: Zuiderzee/Lacus Flevo
Ninuecivitas: Alemannian name for the Frysk city of Nymwegen.
Sērēs: China
Eblana Coloniae: Holy Roman city. Built on the ruins of Eblana (Dublin).
Colonia Fidei: Holy Roman city in northeast Hibernia.
Colonia Zynoae: Holy Roman city in southwest Hibernia.
Dokkum: Frysk city.
Dongbeiziben: Means 'Northeast Capital'. Is northeast of Jianye.
Ocsidence: Everything west of Persia and east of the New World. Sub-Saharan Africa often excluded.
Fortunatae Insulae: Canarias.
Adaleia: Attaleia/Antalya
Ilva/Elvala: Elba/Aethalia
Augutaurino: Augusta Taurinorum
Fortunatae Insulae et Africa Extra: Fortunate Isles and Outer Africa
Garagum: Karakum
Attilaeum: Ancona
Fideraeriyar: Ravenna

Grand General Commander of the Faithful: Military title of Rahbars.
Târikh: Zoharist holy book...just to remember that the a has the little arrow above it.
Kelisa: A mosque in Zoharism.
Emperor-Consul: Also called the Flavitirani (singular Flavitiranus), these two people were the two most powerful elected officials in the SPQR.
Maqedunya: Zoharist name for the Zoharist-influenced areas in Europe. Completely separate from Makedonzja.
Kehsi: Religious and communal leader in Zoharism. Think ‘imam’.
Yehud Zoharism: Eastern Zoharism.
Qanun Zoharism: Western Zoharism. Sometimes called themselves Shapurs or Dins. Yehuds called them Kafars.
Slakhaliva: Zoharist slave-soldier. Means Slav, but most were Greeks or Copts.
Nuubi: An ethnic group. Descendants of the Makurian and Aksumite mercenaries who settled in Nuubi-Sahr and their intermingling with the local population.
Britannic Christianity: Led by a Papa/Pope who is the Bishop of Londinium. Practiced in the Holy Roman Empire.
Catholic Christianity: Led by a Papa/Pope who is the Bishop of Rome. Practiced throughout the Western Mediterranean and Europe.
Nomitrope Christianity: Also known as Nomitropo Christianity. Led by a Pater who is the Bishop of Constantinopolis (which is actually named Xorapolis and Shahrestan). Practiced throughout the Eastern Mediterranean and coexists with Zoharism. Calls itself the Nomitrope Catholic church.
Badw: Plural of Badawi, or Bedouin.
Vahshil: Leader of a Vahshilate.
Malka: Leader of a Malkadom.
Rahbar: Leader of a Rahbarate.
Mohammedan: Subject of the Mohammedan Vahshilate.
Qayan: Leader of a Qayanate.
Qahremân: Persian for ‘war hero’ or ‘champion’. It was a military award given to distinguished generals of Zoharist states. For most of the time it was granted, it was a golden helmet that looked similar to a Corinthian helmet.
Heilagkrig: Old Taurigothic for ‘holy war’. Its Hebrew form is Milkhemet Mitzvah.
Sacrapede: A crusade.
Bulgars: Khazartürük horsemen.
Duçue: Duke.
Patrickites: Small group of Goidel Christians that assimilated into Britannic Christianity.
Utigurs: Peoples related to the Khazartürüks.
Kutrigurs: Peoples related to the Khazartürüks.
Wan Yeman Ren: Million Barbarians. Seresian term for a barbarian horde or pirates.
cursus publicus: Public course/road. Roman postal system.
Blandini: Roads.
Cypri: Forts.
Three Excellent Flavitirani: self-explanatory. Tatianus Blandinus and Fabius Cyprianus and Drusius Fulvius.
milipasus: A thousand paces. 1481 meters / 1620 yards
Kespā: Zoharist currency.
Dominal: Feudal.
clone: serf.
Hermund Romans: North Italians
Kaisaros: Greek for 'Caesar'.
teritores: inhabitants of a territory
Maakkors: Nubian horsemen.

Everyone Else

Classical Antiquity: Everything before February 3rd, 530.
The Mediatempene Period: From February 3rd, 530 to <undefined>

Widespread, personal names, some alternate, some not. Some surnames and Arab-name-parts:
Antoniuso: A North Italian name.
Kunedzi: A Slavic name.
Rozedazi: A Slavic name.
Vlucezi: A Slavic name.
Ruczeu: A Slavic name.
Vluku: A Slavic name.
Judocus: A Biohaemian name.
Azipar: A Langobard name.
Cryten: A Votadini name.
Gorteim: A Pict name.
Aganaric: A Taurigoth name.
Velusius: An Italiaion name.
Lusitanius: A Roman name.
Drusius: A Roman name.
Flavius ... Tiranus: New names that Emperor-Consuls/Flavitirani recieve.
Boikoz: A Slavic name.
Khodadad: A Persian name.
Zarin: A Zoharist name most common in Persia.
Faramondus: An Alemannian name.
Archeos: An Italaion name.
Xanthipos: A Greek-Zoharist name and Italaion name.
Akariyar: A Hunnic name.
Ayarizich: A Biohaemian name.
Toramana: A Toramanid name.
Parekhlal: An Ahirstani name.
Sa’id: An Arab name, but used mostly by Mohammedans.
Mohammed: An Arab name, but used mostly by Mohammedans. Can be a surname.
Yehudah: Jewish and Persian surname.
Abas-Mashid: Possible component of an Arab name.
Shapur: A Zoharist surname.
-varman: Suffix for Varman kings.
Abd-: In Arab surnames, a prefix meaning ‘servant of’. In Persian names, just a meaningless personal name.
Abdahura: An Arab name. Means ‘servant of Ahura’.
Kardar: Zoharist surname.
Mustafa: An Arab name.
Genobephius: A name used in the Holy Roman Empire.
Leo: A name used in the SPQR, Holy Roman Empire, and Alemannia. Especially prominent among Britannic Popes.
Rek: A Taurigothic name.
Aimilio: A Holy Roman name.
Belut: An Arab name.
Estemi: A Türükic name.
Mergül: A Türükic name.
Abuğil: A Türükic name.
Zynno: A Holy Roman name.
Antoniuso: A Hermund Roman name.
Beluso: A Hermund Roman surname.
Georgio: A Hermund Roman name.
Lucio: Alemannian name
Marcianuso: Alemannian name
Xioktos: Greek Zoharist surname
Arastu: Salathelan name
Bahram: Salathelan name
Ali'ahmad: Salathelan name
Adam'hadi: Salathelan name
Vangelis: Greek name
Valamers: Taurikegutan name.
Noe: Greek name.
Sengen: Taurikegutan name.
Arius: Roman name.
Zpartak: Slav name.
Vladezmykuskyi: Slav name.
Vladezmy: Slav name.
Alezandrak: Slav name.
Dashi-Lug: Qidan name.
Jyrghal: Kyrghiz name.
Abas-Zeno: Greek Zoharist name.
Zakkar: Makurian/Nubian name.

Khodi the Elephant: Character in Hunnic folklore.
SPQR system of government: Senators, generals, governors elect the Flavitirani. Senators are elected by the people, governors are elected by people of the provinces but the candidates are Senate-picked, and generals are appointed by their superiors. There are two types of legislative assembly, committees by any Roman citizens, councils by certain classes.
Arabian Zoharism: De jure Yehud, but worship of and belief in the old gods persists.
Hunnia Attilariquian: Attila-led Kingdom of the Huns
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Very nice. Did you make these up (the names), or are they mostly historical? I recognized some of them, but only a few. The level of detail you put into this is incredible. Keep up the good work.
Maybe have a new power move into the jerusalem region and forbid pilgrimage to jerusalem. And unlike the real crusades have the nation detrmined completly in the effort and have it launch a serious effort to hold it. Maybe a reconquest of the eastern roman empire?

Possibly, a restoration of the rhine and danube frontiers?
Very nice. Did you make these up (the names), or are they mostly historical? I recognized some of them, but only a few. The level of detail you put into this is incredible. Keep up the good work.
Almost all of it is alternate, though a lot of the names are bastardizations or evolutions from existing names.

Maybe have a new power move into the jerusalem region and forbid pilgrimage to jerusalem. And unlike the real crusades have the nation detrmined completly in the effort and have it launch a serious effort to hold it. Maybe a reconquest of the eastern roman empire?

Possibly, a restoration of the rhine and danube frontiers?
A new power is conquering Jerusalem, but it would be odd for them to forbid pilgrimage. However there will indeed be a reformation of an empire... I wouldn't call it Eastern Roman. I wouldn't call it a restored Yehudahid Rahbarate either...
A new power is conquering Jerusalem, but it would be odd for them to forbid pilgrimage. However there will indeed be a reformation of an empire... I wouldn't call it Eastern Roman. I wouldn't call it a restored Yehudahid Rahbarate either...

dun dun dun....
Dongbeiziben: Means 'Northeast Capital'.

No, it doesn't. Ziben is capital as in capitalism, not as in capital city. The character you're looking for is jing (京).

More generally, this looks like an interesting timeline, and I'll have to read the whole thing someday.