N00BWI: WI Humanity All Died Because of A Catastrophic Event?

Hey dudes, what would happen if the earth was hit by a hypercane/a gamma ray burst/a huge frickin' nuclear bomb/an asteroid/Yellowstone exploding/a zombie invasion?

What would happen? What would the history of humankind look like after a world-ending, catastrophic event?
OOC: Well, since this is a NOOBWI, let's grab the info from the über-noob...

IC: The ozone layer would be screwed up, most life on the planet would be killed,
and those "lucky" enough to survive, would starve to death because there wouldn't be any food, and if there were survivors, they'd have to band together in order to survive because we'd be back in the 19th century because
our satellites wouldn't be working. Btw, 100 light-years is just down the road

The GRB would create tsunamis that would slam into the West Coast. It would also create fires that would burn for years and block out
the sun.

There'd be a handful of survivors. If they could band together, everything
would be back to sort of normal, in about ten years, maybe more. That
would mean it would be safe to plant crops.

Oh, BTW, did you know that in 1941, FDR was supposedly seen on the presidential yacht, Sequoia, which was going through the Cape
Cod Canal at the time. It wasn't FDR. It was someone else. FDR was on the cruiser Augusta on his way Newfoundland at the time
It's already happened and we are still here:


"According to the Toba catastrophe theory, 70,000 to 75,000 years ago a supervolcanic event at Lake Toba, on Sumatra, reduced the world's human population to 10,000 or even a mere 1,000 breeding pairs, creating a bottleneck in human evolution. The theory was proposed in 1998 by Stanley H. Ambrose of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.[1][2]"


"The Toba-induced volcanic winter hit these small bands hard, reducing their numbers drastically; in what is known as a population bottleneck, the worldwide human population shrank to as small as 10,000 people or even less (estimates vary).5"
It's already happened and we are still here:


"According to the Toba catastrophe theory, 70,000 to 75,000 years ago a supervolcanic event at Lake Toba, on Sumatra, reduced the world's human population to 10,000 or even a mere 1,000 breeding pairs, creating a bottleneck in human evolution. The theory was proposed in 1998 by Stanley H. Ambrose of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.[1][2]"


"The Toba-induced volcanic winter hit these small bands hard, reducing their numbers drastically; in what is known as a population bottleneck, the worldwide human population shrank to as small as 10,000 people or even less (estimates vary).5"
OOC: I love how someone tries to look smart, yet can't even look up what a NOOBWI is in the wiki:rolleyes:

Guys, this is a NOOBWI. We act like we're noobs and make bunch of stupid comments for the fun of it.
Guys how would this effect WWII? Would the Nazis win and invade America if there aren't enough people left there?!?!?
Hey dudes, what would happen if the earth was hit by a hypercane/a gamma ray burst/a huge frickin' nuclear bomb/an asteroid/Yellowstone exploding/a zombie invasion?

What would happen? What would the history of humankind look like after a world-ending, catastrophic event?

At a guess we'd all starve because our 401Ks would be worthless and we couldn't afford to eat when we retire.
If we're all wiped out...

...what will happen?

Clearly, the rats will take over.

It will take them a few dozen years (over 3 million rat generations) to get to Stone Age technology.

Then it will take 345 years to get to Feudalism, give or take.

After that, they won't know how to use oil or coal or stuff because it's mostly gone and besides their rats, but theil figure out how to recreate us from the remnants of are civilization. Meanwhile all the oil and stuff will restock because of the catastrophe.

Then once the new humans get here rats will realize we're the best and just be our servants and stuff, but they would make all the cool anime tech and Gundam stuff for us, because it just so happens thats what rat's brain's R good 4.

Also, they'll make rockets, so we can take over all of space, and their fatser than lite (flt).

Then we'll have levitation vision and virutal realty and giant robots and stuff thanks to the rats who thought that would be neat for us to have and theil make us magic batteries that R rilly sceince.

Also, they'd find a way to regrow me and most of you guys, but not the dickwads. And I would be the guy they respected the most, cuz rats are perceptive like that, so Id be the boss, but lowkey I promiss.

So I'd be the most influenshul guy in the ratocracy, and the rat slaves would be salves for all fo us but you sukcwads, so teh good ppl would have all and the rest of u r dead, but reborn as andriods so u can be torcherd 4 sucking.

Sweet! Youtopia!