A different name for Operation Sealion

What if our favourate marine mammal was known by a different name. What would this be?

And far more importantly, would it have any more success, using a different operation name, than our beloved Sealion?

What if our favourate marine mammal was known by a different name. What would this be?

And far more importantly, would it have any more success, using a different operation name, than our beloved Sealion?


The german generals staff switches to a british-style random codename generator.

Fall Weiss is named Unternehmen Seelöwe. AH.COM explodes. :D

Grey Wolf

Well, the Imperial German panzers have just invaded Sussex in 'The Terrible Thirties' as part of Operation Adler

Best Regards
Grey Wolf

Grey Wolf

I was always amused by Halder's comment that no, he was not particularly impressed at the idea of crossing the Channel at half the speed managed by Julius Caesar two thousand years before !

Best Regards
Grey Wolf
Operation Saxon

Operation Wolf

Operation Werewolf

Operation Brynhildr

Operation Valkyrie

Operation Odin

Operation Götterdämmerung

Operation Mephistopheles

Operation Singing Fat Lady


I can't think of a different name for Operation Sealion.
"On land, I am a hero. At sea, I am a coward."
Adolf Hitler