Pertinax Emperor in 185?

In 185 AD Legion VI Victrix stationed in Britain at the time mutinied against Emperor Commodus and proclaimed their commander Priscus as Emperor...
Priscus however declined the crown and the mutiny was easily crushed by the military Tribune Pertinax...
WI Pertinax (who despised Commodus like almost everyone in the Empire) accepted the crown and marched against Commodus with the British and Gaulish Legions?
How Commodus reacts to that? And pulling Legions towards Rome and a civil war could be interpreted as an invitation to Barbarian tribes to invade...
Any thoughts?
well commodus wasnt really clever around that time he would be in a villa on the coast of italy having sex with 10 boys and girls on the same time.
so probably he gets mad and orders one of his generals to attack the legions of priscus.
If Pertinax was succesfull into kicking Commodus out in 185 this butterflies away his premature death at the hands of the Praetorians since the Imperial Treasury was full by 185 and he didnt had to cut the "donatio" in half...
No Didius Julianus and No Septimius Severus...