WI No Miliukov Note

What if Pavel Miliukov (or Milyukov) had thought better of this? Would the April Crisis, and the subsequent May Coalition, be prevented? If so, what does this mean in future months (during July, say)?
It won't make a difference if the Kerensky offensive still goes ahead.

Well we might be getting ahead of ourselves here. First things first -- without the April Crisis, the Provisional Government would not bring in six socialist ministers from the right wing of the Soviet. Does this help the medium term political prospects for the Mensheviks and other "moderate" socialist parties and factions?
With the socialist parties mostly out of government I'd imagine they're downward spiral of popularity might not happen quite so quickly. This would also weaken the Bolsheviks ,since the government wouldn't seem quite like such a bunch of "reactionary warmongers". Still the Kerensky offensive was probably doomed from the start and there would still be big political consequences( although the July Days might be less disruptive with a minimised Bolshevik Party). Perhaps Lvov could remain in power by jettisoning the Kadets?