Victoria 2 Mod: Asia Universalis

Based upon the DBWI Thread here, I've been slowly building up a Vicky2 mod based upon the timeline therein.

What I've done so far:

This is for further discussion and for suggestions, so that we don't continue to clutter up the main thread.

Methinks you copied the wrong URL for the link that is supposed to go to the DBWI thread. On the other hand, where the link ACTUALLY takes you is kind of funny.
Methinks you copied the wrong URL for the link that is supposed to go to the DBWI thread. On the other hand, where the link ACTUALLY takes you is kind of funny.

*sigh*. This is what I get for staying on Reddit so late. I fixed the link (and retained the older one, since it IS pretty funny) -- I had it in my clipboard since I was going to send it to the wife, must have overwritten the DBWI link.
Interesting concept. Do you have a coherent timeline behind it?

By the way, that's probably the best DBWI I've ever read.

Also: I am unable to play Victoria 2, but I have past experience in modding Victoria and, to a lesser extent, EUIII. I may be able to re-learn the coding and offer some help, and even if not I can help as an "ideas guy" or something.
I don't yet have a coherent timeline. I've been trying to piece together what's been discussed in the DBWI thread.

For all intents and purposes - Europe outside of the Balkans, today, is equivalent to the Middle East of OTL today. Very religious, very reactionary. The Middle East and Asia, on the other hand, progressed as Europe did, becoming the Great Powers of the world.

The POD, IIRC, is a Byzantine victory at Manzikert, leading to the Empire regaining control over the Holy Land. With the Holy Land under Christian control, the Crusades never occur, leading to the direct infusion of both ideas and disease not happening. Without ideas to spark the Renaissance, and diseases such as the Plague destabilizing the social structures, Europe never really leaves the Middle Ages.

Since the V2 mod is taking place starting 1790 CE (the date in-game is Hijri, since it makes more sense given the context), I presume that we are seeing both the Middle East, Asia, and Europe as more fragmented.

I am presuming that there were at least some wars in this period of time, which would make for good events. China is fragmented into at least two kingdoms, and I am planning on cutting their population by half or even a third (and explaining it away as warfare and/or plagues). Otherwise, they are heavily unbalancing. Same with India.
What do Africa and the Americas look like?

In particular, how have the indigenous people of the Americas fared? Do they have any independent nations of their own in modern times or were they totally steamrolled like IOTL?
Unsure - I know that China has/had colonies at least on the West Coast. Either the thread needs to come up with more information, or it needs to be made up for the mod.
Back when I was making (rather, trying to make) a Victoria mod where the Caliphate of Cordoba survived and went to the New World, I assumed that they would perhaps spread Islam to the indigenous peoples, but largely avoid doing what the Europeans did (destroying their civilizations, etc.).

A surviving Islamic Inca Empire would be neat.
I don't really see that happening - not peacefully, at least. Most of the regions Islam spread to were spread to via conquest. The mere act of the Arabs going to the Americas is going to kill off millions of Americans by disease. It's still unlikely that they would abandon their religious beliefs without conquest, and Islamic policy only says not to kill "people of the book". American animists and shamanists don't count under that.

Now if you accept that a Conquest would be necessary, I could see something like a Hananid Caliphate or something appearing, perhaps the Tawantinsuyu Emirate?
Who were or were not considered people of the book was often determined by the situation on the ground, such as varied opinions on the Hindus.

I could see a southeast Asia style spread of Islam in the Caribbean, if the main vector for Old World influence is Islamic traders. I can see groups of locals suffering under the Aztec yoke converting to Islam, rebelling as they did under Columbus, and bringing jihad to Tenochtitlan with some Islamic support, but without resultant takeover by Old Worlders. New Islamic Mexican empire trades with Islamic world, and later tries to conquer the Incas.

I would suggest having Chinese, Korean, Japanese, etc colonies in North America, which would set the stage for new Asian kingdoms/republics with an ever more divergent culture.
Sorry for the lack of responses, I've been getting nasty migraines at work, and have been passing out upon getting home.

I suppose that could work. I don't have to follow the DBWI exactly I suppose (just honor the spirit of it). One of the events occurring was that apparently Charlemagne's Empire collapsed early on, causing the HRE to never form. My interpretation of this is that the Slavic/German linguistic border is far more west, with Polabians still existing, and Sorbs still being a majority. Since there'd be no political entity unifying anyone, I presume that the German dialects, such as Bavarian, Swabian, Saxon, etc would continue to diverge until you basically had a number of West Germanic languages, so a relatively fragmented Germania (from Rotterdam to Triest).

I question whether France would exist as a solid entity, or if, say, Aquitania would be independent. In the original thread, it was a solid kingdom, but since this would take place ~200 years prior, so there might be more fragmentation?

Outside of Europe, my focus will shift to Africa and the Middle East, where we should be having the Maghreb Sultanate, the Egyptian Malikate, the *id Caliphate (not sure what family), the * Khanate (not sure of the name yet), Persia, some setup in India (thinking fragmented with the potential to unify), a divided China (at least north and south kingdoms, possibly more fragmented than that), and Japan (more unified than OTL at this time, still possibly partially fragmented).

I imagine that the Americas are a hodgepodge of colonies of these powers as well as native powers. Not sure about non-North Africa yet.
So, I've made a bit more progress (shots below).

I've finished most of continental Europe. I have no idea how Eastern Europe should be divided.

I am also missing a lot of city names for Andalusia, and if anyone could help with that, it would be appreciated.

Closer shot of Andalusia:
Quistion. I'm assuming Eastern Rome is unless you change it to civilized be the Japan of Asia Europoralis.

Also we should make a HOI mod as well as Europa Univeralis and Crusader Kings. You know, the whole series.:D
Quistion. I'm assuming Eastern Rome is unless you change it to civilized be the Japan of Asia Europoralis.

Also we should make a HOI mod as well as Europa Univeralis and Crusader Kings. You know, the whole series.:D

Well, CK would be focused on the primary point of divergence, and HOI isn't a good geopolitical simulation, it's a war sim. Ever play a non-GP in HOI? Excessively boring.

Not sure what you're saying in the first sentence - the ERE is on the precipice of the civilized eastern world and the western barbarians; it's going to be slightly more modernized than the rest of the continent, but certainly not "civilized". Not quite the same as Japan, but similar in concept. Possibly more like the Ottoman Empire. Europe is uncivilized barbarians, but a lot of them. Large armies, often armed with eastern weapons. This will dissuade conquests of Europe by the East.
Well, CK would be focused on the primary point of divergence, and HOI isn't a good geopolitical simulation, it's a war sim. Ever play a non-GP in HOI? Excessively boring.

Not sure what you're saying in the first sentence - the ERE is on the precipice of the civilized eastern world and the western barbarians; it's going to be slightly more modernized than the rest of the continent, but certainly not "civilized". Not quite the same as Japan, but similar in concept. Possibly more like the Ottoman Empire. Europe is uncivilized barbarians, but a lot of them. Large armies, often armed with eastern weapons. This will dissuade conquests of Europe by the East.
Well in the DBWI in modern day it is a fully modernise great power. So here's my quistion. Does the Eastern Romans start out as modernised or not and if not how come?
Well in the DBWI in modern day it is a fully modernise great power. So here's my quistion. Does the Eastern Romans start out as modernised or not and if not how come?

I don't see any reason it would be a fully modernized, easternized power in the year 1790 CE. It has too close of proximity to Europe to fully integrate into the Eastern powers without severe reforms.

Derekc2 said:
Well, what about MotE? The guy who made Divergences is making a mod for that set in the same universe.

Not sure what you're saying here... what universe?