Alternate Lives of Lee Oswald?

Yes I got too involved in Stephen King's 11/23/63 novel..

The man was a depressed lunatic who had grown up less fortunately and whatever sanity he did have from an early age faded quickly...
But I wonder if the man had potential, then just being a young wife beating ideologue Knowing that we was crafty enough to flee to the USSR and back.. and then at the very least have a role in killing the president.

What if he had played it cool while being part of marines
What if Oswald has stayed in the USSR..
What if he had gone to Cuba..

I kind of picture Oswald turning up in the 80's as a leading Stalinist voice against Perstrokia.. maybe even getting involved in the gang of eight

How would America change with a different Oswald which could very likely mean Oswald never being known by the populace at all..