Yet another Sealion thread

OK, first of all some pointless rant so that members can't see what I'm writting about by placing cursor on link. Will this do? Hmmmmm, not sure, let's try a bit more. Yes this should do it....

Sealion (v.): to argue a point that is indefensible, impossible. e.g. "You can't walk on water. Claiming to be able to do that is sealioning."

:D :D :D :D :D
Well, if the Germans had built a fleet of hovercraft...or helicopters...or bred giant mutant sheep that could carry a platoon on their back as they waded across the channel...
wkwillis said:
Well, if the Germans had built a fleet of hovercraft...or helicopters...or bred giant mutant sheep that could carry a platoon on their back as they waded across the channel...

Hoonestly. Dont you think the hovercraft belong in the ASB forum? :D