Interlingua replace French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. A Collaborative TL.


Interlingua wikipedia : (ISO 639 language codes ia, ina) is an international auxiliary language (IAL), developed between 1937 and 1951 by the International Auxiliary Language Association (IALA). It is the second or third most widely used IAL, after Esperanto and perhaps Ido, and the most widely used naturalistic IAL:[2] in other words, its vocabulary, grammar and other characteristics are largely derived from natural languages. Interlingua was developed to combine a simple, mostly regular grammar[3][4] with a vocabulary common to the widest possible range of languages,[5] making it unusually easy to learn, at least for those whose native languages were sources of Interlingua's vocabulary and grammar.[6] Conversely, it is used as a rapid introduction to many natural languages.[2] Interlingua literature maintains that (written) Interlingua is comprehensible to the hundreds of millions of people who speak a Romance language,[7] though it is actively spoken by only a few hundred. AND MUCH MORE INFO;, take a look

a important guy in this TL Charles de Gaulle (wikipedia)

and you will have fun in constructed language known colloquially as a conlang (wikipedia)

My first real try of a Timeline in this forum, also full of holes but this is a Collaborative timeline:

1951: Interlingua is finaly showed to the World, after developed between 1937 and 1951 by the International Auxiliary Language Association (IALA).
1952: the year alter The Marshall Plan finish, Charles de Gaulle promoting a french foreign policy independent of U.S. and British influence call the International Auxiliary Language Association (IALA) to get headquartered in France and hiperdevelop the Interlingua language strongerly based in french, italian, portuguese and spanish.
1953: de Gaulle use tons of money in his personal project, Interlingua.
1959: finaly Francisco Franco who not resive USA support/Marshall Plan help accept the proposition of change the foreing language instruction in his spaniars schools to Interlingua with the support of de Gaulle. And tons of books donated by the french goverment.
1964: In September and October, despite a recent operation for prostate cancer and fears for his security, Charles de Gaulle set out on a punishing 20,000-mile tour of all ten republics in Latin America. He had visited Mexico the previous year and was again keen to show the French flag and gain both cultural and economic influence in this new 26-day tour. He spoke constantly of his resentment of US influence (hegemony) in Latin America - "that some states should establish a power of political or economic direction outside their own borders". Yet France could provide no investment or aid to match that from Washingtog.
1966: with french support Interlingua become the foreing language study in both countries of Hispaniola isle, Haity and the Domincan Republic
1969: Charles de Gaulle
1970: Charles de Gaulle die by natural cause.
1980: because the Falklands conflict the military goberment of Argentina choice change english to interlingua as foreing language teacher in public school of the country
1982: Falklands War (later become knowled as First falklands War)
2009: brazilian real become the co-official currency of 6 southamerican nations
2010: By a democratic plesbicite Uruguay and Paraguay become 2 new states of Brazil
2010: with help of argentinians scientists Brazil develov his first atomic bomb, and test it in chilenian soil, with permise
2010: Dominican Republic absorb Haity and change his name to "Ispaniola"

and yes, know this become a little Future History but....sorry

2012: Brazil and India become permanet members of the United Nation Security Council
2012: Second Falklands War winned by the American Aliance between Brazil and Argentina
2014: By a democratic plesbicite Argentina become 5 new states of Brazil
2015: Brazil change his name to “Union Americana Republicana Federal Brasileira”, mostly know as Union Americana, and adopt a new flag
2017: Mauricio Macri become the first not native brazilian president of Brazil
2018: after Chavez death, by a democratic plesbicite Venezuela become 3 new states of Union Americana.

SORRY FOR MY ENGRISH, seriously, also you know some online english ortographic corrector? my MS Word have not that option in english

the map with

Romance languages in the World 2010, official and co-official
  • Blue - French
  • Green - Spanish
  • Orange - Portuguese
  • Yellow - Italian
  • Red - Romanian



my first idea was
Lingua Franca Nova (abbreviated LFN) is an auxiliary constructed language created by Dr. C. George Boeree of Shippensburg University, Pennsylvania. Its vocabulary is based on the Romance languages French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Catalan. The grammar is highly reduced and similar to the Romance creoles. The language has phonemic spelling, using 22 letters of either the Latin or Cyrillic alphabets.
Boeree began working on LFN in 1965, with the goal to create a simple, creole-like international auxiliary language. He was inspired to do this by the Mediterranean Lingua Franca, a pidgin used in the Mediterranean in centuries past, and by creoles such as Papiamento, Haitian Creole, and Bislama. He used French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Catalan as the basis for his new language.
but I feel 1965 was too late (and the name is tooo long "Lingua Franca Nova replace French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. A Collaborative TL.")

but the flag is nice and clear



the map with

Romance languages in the World 2010, official and co-official, and secundary language no official
  • Blue - French
  • Green - Spanish
  • Orange - Portuguese
  • Yellow - Italian
  • Red - Romanian

and secundary language no official, is seriously not the same that co-official, sorry.


60-80 and beyond: to stop the catalan secesionist movement Francisco Franco impulse Interlingua as foreing language teached in public schools of Spain, when he die in 1975 King Juan Carlos I continue that polity

Timor leste: get support of complete Interlingua World when it change his foreing language teached in public schools in 1975 also same happen with the wester part of the isle in 2000.

in 2005 Interlingua and Hindi-Urdu become 2 of the official languages of UN, with Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), English French, Russian and Spanish.


Where the hell do you get Italian as secondary language in the italian colonies, let alone Ethiopia; Erythrea and Somalia are fairly ethnically uniform, while Ethiopia was italian for a whopping 10 years most of which were spent fighting to conquer it.


Where the hell do you get Italian as secondary language in the italian colonies, let alone Ethiopia; Erythrea and Somalia are fairly ethnically uniform, while Ethiopia was italian for a whopping 10 years most of which were spent fighting to conquer it.

you are right... that map is not my own work, copy-paste from wikipedia, I just suppose was absolut right but looking again that part is wrong