DBWI: No Boozetown

Hey AH.com! Just a not to let you all know I arrived safe here in Boozetown Ohio. The Melbeer's kinda funky tasting, but the martini's are outstanding.

I have to admit, the atmosphere realy does get the creativity flowing.

There's a really funny picture of President Sinatra awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to that silly old actor Ronny Reagan in 1985 here that got me wondering...

So here's a funny WI for ya'll: What if Mel had failed in his Boozetown plan.

Back around 1962 he nearly pulled a Disney, so I don't think it's completely ASB. (That'd make a fun side note: WI good old Unca Walt hadn't gone off the deep end in 1961?)

Well, cheers from Boozetown.

Enjoy the speculation...