Weirdest world map ever!

:) Okay, I do have a notion for how this world might have come about--no ASB, of course. Thoughts and suggestions, please?

silly world map with pictures.JPG
I'd never posted a map before; I saved it as a .jpg file. It looks kind of grungy around the edges. Why is that?
I had erased a bunch around the edges to make the file smaller, before I read David's recommendation to save it as .jpg; thanks, David.
The U.N. assumes global sovereignty and does a ridiculously bad job drawing up the new national borders?


The commission that drew up the European borders after WWI gets responsibility for the whole world, and German agents seeking to sabotage them lace their tea with LSD. :rolleyes:
Thanks, guys! ;)

I was trying to reduce the file size so it would fit, then I found out I could make it a .jpg file. That's why Australia and other places are missing.

This could be in the near future, after a pandemic or something, when the only survivors are quilters, Scotsmen, surrealist artists, New Agers, role-play gamers....

There is another rationale.

The Persians win various significant battles, including at Marathon, and the occult ideas of the East become more influential.

Also, either an ancient philosopher becomes a geographer, or vice-versa, and his ideas become very influential.

Maps have words and images.
Words and images can have magic power.
Putting those words and images in concrete form (on a map) can manipulate reality.
Having the borders correspond to certain images can have a magical influence on reality.

I don't know if politicians and generals would go along with that, but they've gone along with a lot of other wacky ideas.

The regions of North America are actually administrative districts, part of the Empire of Scotland, England, Ireland and Dominions Overseas. The smaller districts are Indian reservations.

Shall I tell more about this world, or modify the map, or would you rather drop the subject?
I'm going to go out on a limb, This is niether a political, nor geographical map. It is a sign for a band sponsered by the UN.

Grey Wolf

I suppose if you view it as a map with symbols on top sumbolising something or other, it makes rather more sense

Thus the hatching in N America, the oval and star in S America, the A, the ankh, the grey and green in Nigeria/Niger, the weird symbols in Iberia, the dragon thing across central Asia, the symbol on India are all symbols not country boundaries

Grey Wolf
Nope. Those *are* national borders. Though in NA those are administrative districts. How about, the POD is 4000 BC? :)


Are the people who live in the big sword shaped country in Asia as aggressive as that suggests? (The Mongols, perhaps?)
Nazi Scandinavia becomes the dominant world power. It is ran by a bunch of madmen who one day conquered the world using highly advanced technology. After all of them, apart from one, died, that surviving one decided to paint the new world map, dividing his empire.