Map making tips for n00bs....

Map/flag making tips for n00bs....

Hi, I'm a n00b, though I don't plan to remain that way, but anyways, I was looking at the maps on the awesome map thread, and came away feeling small:eek::(

You see, I'd like to be good at making htem, but I have avsolutely no idea how to make them, well, respectable next to even the mediocre maps. So, like the Hobo I am, I came looking for advice. Then I had a thought, that the situation is probably the same for all n00bs. Then something rare happened, I had an about I create a thread with advice, not just for myself but all n00bs.

Ian, if your reading this, is stickying it a consideration? It would be quite helpful for all newbies, and seeing as mapmaking is the primary function of this section of the board, well, I have the arrogance to suggest the sticking of my own thread. Sorry if thats against board etiquette.;)
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Making this thread was a great idea.

Hmm. Mapmaking tips. Well, if you want to make maps that look really realistic, you should probably get something more advanced than MS Paint. I use Paint.NET.

I learned how to make good maps just by looking at the maps of others. So maybe you should look through Map Threads I, II, and III.
From the Map Thread:

No. 1 Rule: When making a map with a pre-Stalin POD that changes a lot of stuff, DON'T use the same Russia-Kazakhstan border as OTL.
No. 2 Rule: Cornwall is neither as big nor as influential as you think it is.

(By the way, I always use MS Paint. They don't look as flashy as the Paint.NET or Photoshop ones, but they're excusable. Oh, an extra tip for labelling on maps: don't use a font so fancy that you can't read it.)



Maybe he's inebriated.

Anyway's mapmaking tips. Yeah, get Paint.NET: its free, easy to use, and makes great maps. Let me show you the wide range of maps it can make (I know euio can do it better, but I'm bored today):

This is one:

Best Map Ever jpg.jpg

Maybe he's inebriated.

Anyway's mapmaking tips. Yeah, get Paint.NET: its free, easy to use, and makes great maps. Let me show you the wide range of maps it can make (I know euio can do it better, but I'm bored today):

This is one:
It is free?
Great news!


It is free?
Great news!
:confused: Why would I charge for maps? Its a labor of love.

Anyways, here's what you do to get the effects:

or should I let euio tell the secret to texturing? Sorry.

Open up a second layer, make a cloud cover of black and white (try not to jack up roughness too high) , emboss that cloud cover, and overlay it with your first layer with the map on it.

Maybe he's inebriated.

Anyway's mapmaking tips. Yeah, get Paint.NET: its free, easy to use, and makes great maps. Let me show you the wide range of maps it can make (I know euio can do it better, but I'm bored today):

This is one:
prussian wank.:eek:
and my favorite, spanish wank.:cool:
'Prussian Indochina' isn't Prussia-wank?
Well, it is, yet isn't.
I mean, they'd be significantly weaker in Europe for this to be the case, so things have gone worse for them somewhere else...
So, overall, it wouldn't really fill the definition of wank, yes?


Well, it is, yet isn't.
I mean, they'd be significantly weaker in Europe for this to be the case, so things have gone worse for them somewhere else...
So, overall, it wouldn't really fill the definition of wank, yes?

Hmm, I suppose, given current info on the Prussian empire, we don't know how strong they are elsewhere, so we don't know whether it's a wank or not.

Suffice to say that it indicates a Prussia-wank.