WI Ottoman siege of Vienna succeeds

If the Ottomans expand into OTL Cislethania there will be logistical limits no matter when they do it. They were the most powerful Early Modern State in Europe but if you're starting from the Balkans you won't reach Calais from the south quite like that. I do think it's possible for them to conquer a lot of OTL Cislethania, but not likely they get all of Galicia or Warsaw.

Not because there's too much to oppose them militarily, but because there's conquest and then there's knowing overstretch. Going for all of Europe would be that. If anyone benefits from this in the short term, it's Poland.
If the Ottomans expand into OTL Cislethania there will be logistical limits no matter when they do it. They were the most powerful Early Modern State in Europe but if you're starting from the Balkans you won't reach Calais from the south quite like that. I do think it's possible for them to conquer a lot of OTL Cislethania, but not likely they get all of Galicia or Warsaw.

Not because there's too much to oppose them militarily, but because there's conquest and then there's knowing overstretch. Going for all of Europe would be that. If anyone benefits from this in the short term, it's Poland.
Still would Austria be annexed y Ottomans if Vienna falls:confused: Just think, Austria under Otoman control.....:eek::eek: Muslim Germany anyone:eek:
Still would Austria be annexed y Ottomans if Vienna falls:confused: Just think, Austria under Otoman control.....:eek::eek: Muslim Germany anyone:eek:

That's what I mean when I say "Cislethania" Austria-Bohemia-Moravia-whatever-of-Croatia-has-not-already-been grabbed. Conquest of Austria in all likelihood (going from the 1529 POD here) would nip Habsburg power in the bud save possibly in Spain, while Poland and either Saxony or Brandenberg assume greater power earlier. One thing's for sure, the next Holy Roman Emperor is quite unlikely to be a Habsburg in this scenario.
The French will probably demand that they be nicer to the Catholics, while secretly dancing at the death of the Hapsburgs.
That's what I mean when I say "Cislethania" Austria-Bohemia-Moravia-whatever-of-Croatia-has-not-already-been grabbed. Conquest of Austria in all likelihood (going from the 1529 POD here) would nip Habsburg power in the bud save possibly in Spain, while Poland and either Saxony or Brandenberg assume greater power earlier. One thing's for sure, the next Holy Roman Emperor is quite unlikely to be a Habsburg in this scenario.

In all probability he'd be a Protestant!
If the Ottomans have conquered Austria and Croatia (Bohemia has good defensive borders and should be able to hold out at least. Possibly parts of Moravia as well), then we will have an anti-Ottoman coalition comprised of the Pope, Venice, Bavaria, Bohemia-Moravia, Poland, Spain and some of the other states in Germany and Italy at the least.

Valdemar II

At most the Ottoman set up Lower and maybe Upper Austria up as a vassal state, with one of the local Lutheran nobles either set up or elected as prince. The Ferdinand move his capital to Prague, and may folloe much more pro-Protestant to avoid being thrown out of Bohemia and keep Inner Austria from joining Ottoman Austria. I doubt Ottoman Austria will even survive Ferdinand, but it will have enourmous effect by pushing the Habsburg entirely out Hungary except a few border areas in Croatia and Slovakian Carpathian, creating a large Calvinist Hungarian state under the vassalage of the OE.
At best the Ottomans will turn Hungary into a vassal, and annex Croatia and OTL Slovenia and probably Trieste, if only to see the look on the Venetians' faces when they realise that they can be attacked over land. :p

And probably extort a huge pile of gold from the Austrian Habsburgs.

If they went any further, they'd find a horde of angry Frenchmen, Italians, Spaniards and Germans breathing down their necks...
Austria under Ottoman control doesn't mean a Muslim Germany.

This. Remember that the European territories of the Ottoman Empire were religiously mixed; the Ottomans don't go converting people like in Europa Universalis.

And yes, I could think that the Habsburgs would lose their Hereditary Lands except for Tyrol and most of Further Austria as a vassal state to the Sultan. Thus Habsburg power in the east of the HRE is greatly weakened, with the Bohemian Crown being the only other Austrian Habsburg possession. And with the Ottomans even closer to the rest of Christendom at this point, expect the French and the Spanish Habsburgs putting aside their differences, in fact I can see this move weakening Franco-Ottoman relations.
Would they really get much further than Vienna?

It's all very rugged, mountainous country in those parts. They might push a little further up the Danube, taking most of Lower Austria, but I suspect they would soon bog down after that. Also, of course, advancing much further would lead to Austria acquiring more allies.

The most important result is probably a considerable tightening of the Turkish grip on Hungary, which is far more cut off from Western help. Expect them to hold it well into the 18C or even longer.

The Sandman

I would think that the Ottomans would be more likely to try to hold on to Carinthia, Carniola, Croatia and so forth. Which in turn would give them a land border with Venice proper, not just its Dalmatian and Greek colonies, something that would make future wars interesting.

Austria proper would likely be made into a puppet instead.
Austria under Ottoman control doesn't mean a Muslim Germany.

It wouldn't even mean Austria under Ottoman control, as the Hapsburg's could easily hold up and regroup in Salzburg or Innsbruck. Best case scenario for the ottoman's is the hold it and use it as a major bargaining chip for peace negotiations so as to solidify their hold on Croatia and Hungary, worst case is they continuing to advance and overextend themselves.

As a side note, this will lead to a very interesting Reformation as Autria is like to be more preoccupied with securing its southern borders, and attempting to regain its lost influence than serving as the protector of Catholicism in HRE.
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