Columbus where he had traveled or history with geography.

Columbus where he had traveled or history with geography.

The history of the discovery of America is replete with dark spots. The biggest mystery is the personality of Christopher Columbus, a man of unknown origin and religious affiliation.
What were the caravels of Columbus?
Why Columbus until the end of his life he was convinced that sailed to India?
Why is the new continent was named America, not Columbia?
Our contemporaries are particularly intriguing question: where are the treasures brought by Columbus from his journey? Where?
In Karaganda! Meets book E. Koltun - "The New Geography", published at "Basta!"

A retired lieutenant commander Koltun served as a military cartographer, which engendered in him a certain mistrust of the maps. "I know how to make them," - he would say repeatedly.
After retirement Koltun tried to sail from Kamchatka to Alaska on a basalt raft, in order to prove the priority of Aboriginal Russia in the opening of the New World. The attempt failed, but the true cause of the failure of the scientist became clear only later.
Inspired by the "New History" Fomenko and Nosovsky, Koltun exposed some geography-related pseudo-myths.
Brilliant conjecture, as is often the case, was born at once. "If the falsified history of Russia, why not take that falsified and the geography of the world?" - Asked himself a scientist.
The essence of the new doctrine Koltun explained by the example of the expedition of Christopher Columbus, who is considered by researcher named ... Athanasius Nikitin! Yes, yes, that Tver merchant, the pioneer of India, bestselling author of "Journey Beyond Three Seas".
How did Russian Athanasius Nikitin, turned into a rootless cosmopolitan Christopher Columbus?
It's very simple. Rumors of a successful exploration of Nikitin, came to Europe in a distorted way. (Who then in Europe knew the Russian language?) So it turned camels Maria, Nina and Panko in the caravels Santa Maria, the Pinta and the Niña.
Why Columbus looking for India in the west, not the east? The fact that the old maps were (from our point of view) is turned upside down. The North Pole is at the bottom and the south - from the top. Consequently, India was left of the observer. Nikitin, Columbus went to the left!
Later, without explanation, (which is in itself suspicious) card overturned. However, the usual hand blunt European cartographer still charted the route of the expedition Nikitina right to left, in the vast expanses of the Atlantic Ocean.
"Think about that word," - writes Koltun. - "Boundless! In fact of the matter is that there is no edge of the Atlantic Ocean. He is quite imperceptibly into another ocean - the Pacific. "
And here comes the moment to expose the biggest hoax in the history of mankind, the so-called "America."
No America, and therefore the country, under the name unreadable U.S. does not exist! At the beginning, so the Europeans loved the myth of a continent, has reduced the population pressure in Europe, sending the surplus population leading to nowhere swimming. Later, a myth has gained a new meaning, it is useful to intimidate the USSR threat of nuclear war with the mythical overseas superpower.
Another twist and the story takes on the Second World War: who, for example, fought the Japanese accidents deceived? With England? And maybe with Germany and Italy? Whose ships sank so successful German U-boat?
Our Time - successfully get rid of the accumulated stereotypes so wish E. Koltun new successes in establishing the truth hidden enemies of Russia. According to available information the scientist engaged in the exposure of another series of myths surrounding this time with astronomy.
Columbus where he had traveled or history with geography.

The history of the discovery of America is replete with dark spots. The biggest mystery is the personality of Christopher Columbus, a man of unknown origin and religious affiliation.
What were the caravels of Columbus?
Why Columbus until the end of his life he was convinced that sailed to India?
Why is the new continent was named America, not Columbia?
Our contemporaries are particularly intriguing question: where are the treasures brought by Columbus from his journey? Where?
In Karaganda! Meets book E. Koltun - "The New Geography", published at "Basta!"

A retired lieutenant commander Koltun served as a military cartographer, which engendered in him a certain mistrust of the maps. "I know how to make them," - he would say repeatedly.
After retirement Koltun tried to sail from Kamchatka to Alaska on a basalt raft, in order to prove the priority of Aboriginal Russia in the opening of the New World. The attempt failed, but the true cause of the failure of the scientist became clear only later.
Inspired by the "New History" Fomenko and Nosovsky, Koltun exposed some geography-related pseudo-myths.
Brilliant conjecture, as is often the case, was born at once. "If the falsified history of Russia, why not take that falsified and the geography of the world?" - Asked himself a scientist.
The essence of the new doctrine Koltun explained by the example of the expedition of Christopher Columbus, who is considered by researcher named ... Athanasius Nikitin! Yes, yes, that Tver merchant, the pioneer of India, bestselling author of "Journey Beyond Three Seas".
How did Russian Athanasius Nikitin, turned into a rootless cosmopolitan Christopher Columbus?
It's very simple. Rumors of a successful exploration of Nikitin, came to Europe in a distorted way. (Who then in Europe knew the Russian language?) So it turned camels Maria, Nina and Panko in the caravels Santa Maria, the Pinta and the Niña.
Why Columbus looking for India in the west, not the east? The fact that the old maps were (from our point of view) is turned upside down. The North Pole is at the bottom and the south - from the top. Consequently, India was left of the observer. Nikitin, Columbus went to the left!
Later, without explanation, (which is in itself suspicious) card overturned. However, the usual hand blunt European cartographer still charted the route of the expedition Nikitina right to left, in the vast expanses of the Atlantic Ocean.
"Think about that word," - writes Koltun. - "Boundless! In fact of the matter is that there is no edge of the Atlantic Ocean. He is quite imperceptibly into another ocean - the Pacific. "
And here comes the moment to expose the biggest hoax in the history of mankind, the so-called "America."
No America, and therefore the country, under the name unreadable U.S. does not exist! At the beginning, so the Europeans loved the myth of a continent, has reduced the population pressure in Europe, sending the surplus population leading to nowhere swimming. Later, a myth has gained a new meaning, it is useful to intimidate the USSR threat of nuclear war with the mythical overseas superpower.
Another twist and the story takes on the Second World War: who, for example, fought the Japanese accidents deceived? With England? And maybe with Germany and Italy? Whose ships sank so successful German U-boat?
Our Time - successfully get rid of the accumulated stereotypes so wish E. Koltun new successes in establishing the truth hidden enemies of Russia. According to available information the scientist engaged in the exposure of another series of myths surrounding this time with astronomy.

...the hell is this?
Alt-Russian Columbus?

I'm not sure if this is supposed to be some sort of conspiracy theory or he's trying to create a TL where a Russian guy discovered the Americas
Not saying it....

I thought this was just a parody of are favorite bad hair styled tv host "I not saying it was Aliens!".

Grey Wolf

I am mildly drunk and as far as I can see, the article asks strawman questions. Where are the "treasures" brought by Columbus? Well, AFAIK almost all the gold was melted down into bars and used as currency, that kind of thing. Why is the continent not called Columbia? Well, there is the fact that he never discovered the continent. Why did he think he had found India? Harder, but possibly he thought he was at the Eastern edge of the East Indies.

As for Nikitin and so on, huh?

Best Regards
Grey Wolf
I am mildly drunk and as far as I can see, the article asks strawman questions. Where are the "treasures" brought by Columbus? Well, AFAIK almost all the gold was melted down into bars and used as currency, that kind of thing. Why is the continent not called Columbia? Well, there is the fact that he never discovered the continent. Why did he think he had found India? Harder, but possibly he thought he was at the Eastern edge of the East Indies.

As for Nikitin and so on, huh?

Best Regards
Grey Wolf

Run-merchant, in 1466 traveled to India. After returning wrote a memoir. Nothing special, but it was the first in Russia to write a book about India.

The rest - a parody.
Well, you give!
It's a parody of the conspiracy theories, such as that famous that the Americans did not fly to the moon. Have you taken seriously?
America does not not exist! I knew it!

The world is an objective reality given us in imagination.:)

In general, the idea came to me after endless debate on Russian website Alternative history: of flying or not the Americans to the Moon. Well, just do not fly, then therefore and America did not exist.:p