British Franco Union


Hey - newbie to the boards here :)

One question that intrigues me, could you see the UK and France joining in union during World War 1? During WW2, Monnet tried unsuccessfully to form a Union between the two which would of strengthened the defence of France (which was unneeded in the end I guess!).

How would you see a British-Franco Union forming during World War One?



Just out of cursorily, where did you get this idea? Alot of new members often have it, and I'm wondering where you pick it up at.


Hey - well is probably the simplest source for it I've seen, but I've learned of it through general European history reading I've done before.

Doesn't suprise me that many newbie's have the same's quite a potent mix of probably the 2 largest global powers at the time!
Welcome to the board :)!

I am currently writing a TL on a WW2 Franco-British Union which I strongly invite you to read and comment on :)!

To answer your question there has never been a proposal for a Franco-British Union during WW1. However someone called Finot wrote a book called the Anglo-French Nation a study in interpenetration, apparently calling for an union of some sort.
I find it highly unlikely personally. Churchill only proposed the Franco-British Union in 1940 pretty much out of desperation really, with France on the verge of defeat.