AH Challenge: Scared and moving Right


Come up with a TL with a POD no earlier than 1994 where along with the War on Terror/9/11 the following happens:

-The republicans nominate someone other than George W. Bush, and they end up in the White House.

-The Senate passes legislation which makes Uniforms/Stricter dress codes/etc. compulsory.

-The US has moved considerably towards the "right" (in the sense of being more restrictive and capitalistic as a society).

-The public is less concerned with Civil Liberties than in OTL.

-The National Guard is permanently positioned at the borders.
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Ok So Anne Coulter gets the Republican nomination and somehow manages to win the 2000 election, she suspends the remaining elections in 2002, and 2004 as National Security issues. Anytime a liberal/democratic person speaks out against her they disappear, few resurface but are obviously different and been through re-education camps.

Its a start
Xen said:
Ok So Anne Coulter gets the Republican nomination and somehow manages to win the 2000 election, she suspends the remaining elections in 2002, and 2004 as National Security issues. Anytime a liberal/democratic person speaks out against her they disappear, few resurface but are obviously different and been through re-education camps.

Its a start

Judging from the way you talk about him normally, I'm surprised you didn't say "Shawn Hannity becomes der fuherer of Amerika."
Straha said:
-The National Guard is permanently positioned at the borders.

This guy is advocating placing US armed forces along the border to prevent drugs crossing borders. He also makes some references to laws etc, something I (non-American) don't really understand but I'm sure Yanks here will understand.

Make a case that this should also apply to Mexican border and not just preventing smuggling flu shots from Canada and you already have one point realsitically covered. ;)
aktarian said:
This guy is advocating placing US armed forces along the border to prevent drugs crossing borders. He also makes some references to laws etc, something I (non-American) don't really understand but I'm sure Yanks here will understand.

Make a case that this should also apply to Mexican border and not just preventing smuggling flu shots from Canada and you already have one point realsitically covered. ;)

If 9/11 had been worse, I can easily see increased paranoia leading to the borders being surveyed by the military.

Also, plenty of people have advocated it already (ex: Bill O'Reilly). I personally think that considering the threats posed by drug smuggling, terrorism, etc. we now face it just makes sense to have a stronger Border Patrol.
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POD early 2000

John McCain defeats GWB during the primaries, but, in the same way that Kerry did selects GWB as his running mate

The attacks of 11 September occur as per OTL (although perhaps a different day), with one difference -- the plane designated to hit the white house or capitol is in this TL targeted at the capitol, and the timing is deliberately chosen to take out McCain in addition to most of congress. This last attack also succeeds.

US response, with VP GWB sworn in hurriedly in midair is, predictably far more extreme than OTL -- Public Support for ferocious anti-islamic policies is 100% supported and the use of martial law, suspension of habeas corpus raises no problems.

GWB continues this policy, and the "you;re with us or against" us of OTL directed at the world is also directed inward. Again the majority of USAns support this

Congress is re-elected in 12-18 months, but is far more right wing, xenophobic and militant than in OTL

How does that sound?

All the best

On September 11th, two planes crash into WTC. There are no survivors, the dead number in the tens of thousands. In Washington DC, the McCain Whitehouse is attacked and so is congress. One of the few to survive is speaker of the house Dennis Hastert, who assumes the duties of the presidency within a few hours. He orders the military to patrol the borders almost immediately. It's action which an overwhelming amount of Americans now support.

After the initial chaos, a far more right wing and militant GOP is voted in resoundingly in 2002. They proceed to pass multiple PATRIOT acts, legislation establishing far stricter rules and regulations for schools (eventually including uniforms), and other previously unthinkable laws. By 2004 American "liberalism" and other "pre-9/11 viewpoints" are all but dead, and Hastert wins re-election.

The USA by now is rapidly becoming a One Party state, with the "political spectrum" ranging from Center-Rightists (or at least what is now considered center right) and Ultra-conservatives. Nationalism and "Hawkishness" are now at levels which make the 1950's pale by comparison. Eventually, the USA's radical change in foreign policy outlook leads to it exiting the UN.
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Straha said:
Come up with a TL with a POD no earlier than 1994 where along with the War on Terror/9/11 the following happens:

-The republicans nominate someone other than George W. Bush, and they end up in the White House.

-The Senate passes legislation which makes Uniforms/Stricter dress codes/etc. compulsory.

-The US has moved considerably towards the "right" (in the sense of being more restrictive and capitalistic as a society).

-The public is less concerned with Civil Liberties than in OTL.

-The National Guard is permanently positioned at the borders.

Most of your notions are quite scary.

In the year 2000 THE GOP nominate and the country narrowly elects Pat Robertson, only because of a few guys named chad in Florida. His cabinet include General Boykin as Sec Def, John Ashcroft as Sec State, James Merritt as sec of Education, Billy McCormack as interior, G.w. Bush to energy.

In response to 9/11 Pat Robertson first sends in Special Ops teams to retrieve the Christian Missionaries from Afghani prisons then nukes them. It is hard to say whether we progress further militarily by invading other middle east countries. If opec retaliates against the US for nuking we would certainly invade other countries to secure our oil supply.

Dress code legislation passed by congress and signed by president pat, but later over turned by supreme court. Pat has angered many youthful voters and voters to be.

Scare tactics and real fear because we have further angered scary people bring the general public far more to the right that they were before. Hate crimes go through the roof. The civil government turns a blind eye to persecutions of religious and moral minorities. The draft returns. Don't ask don't tell ends. the US ends assylum for foreigners except persecuted christians, in which case they are resettled in communities that are well away
from white communities for "their own protection". It wouldn't be the NG that patrols the border but regular military most of whom are conscripts.

In other words the country goes to hell in a hand basket.


look my " oh joy a utopia :rolleyes: " was sarcastic.

Newsflash: Just because you propose a TL scenario DOESN'T mean you wish it had happened... If that was the case half of the board members would be neo-Nazis.