Korea 1953: Syngman Rhee continues war

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OTL in 1953 Syngman Rhee wished to continue the Korean War despite the war weariness of both the UN/US and Communist sides, so that he could pursue his objective of a reunified Korea under non-Commie control. Rhee's actions in this regard included unilaterally freeing 25,000 NK and Chinese POWs without consulting the US. WI he'd been able to successfully continue fighting using ROK forces ? Would the US have been compelled to keep the 8th Army in the fight, and how would a prolonged Korean War have proceeded ?
Rhee made this threat before the warring parties signed the armistace. If this were to happen, the Panmunjom talks would end and the war would continue. Since both sides were heavily entrenched, the US/ROK/UN would not get very far. Unfortunately for the ROK President, his allies were war weary and wanted an end. Its likely a US supported coup would displace Rhee if he did not come to his senses soon.
Rhee made this threat before the warring parties signed the armistace. If this were to happen, the Panmunjom talks would end and the war would continue. Since both sides were heavily entrenched, the US/ROK/UN would not get very far. Unfortunately for the ROK President, his allies were war weary and wanted an end. Its likely a US supported coup would displace Rhee if he did not come to his senses soon.

I think you make some completelty valid pts here.


Monthly Donor
Well, the new record. And DO NOT try to break it!:mad::p

This isn't a zombie. This is an actual dancing skeleton.

Best/worst part is it only had one response and it was from one of original Coventry colonists.
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