Worst World Possible

Around 250 million years ago, Earth had the pleasure of a mass volcanic event we now call the Siberian Traps.
Around 66 million years ago, Earth entertained a Second Coming of mass volcanism called the Deccan Traps.

On January 22, 1901, Earth marks the passing of Queen Victoria with the British Traps, as mass volcanism returns for a third exciting season. Check local listings for stations and times.

ADDENDUM Oops. My scenario is ASB (unless I could figure a way for the British to do something regrettable that causes the volcanism).

Perhaps an earlier discovery of nerve gases, maybe in time for World War One would qualify, linked to some national leaderships venal enough to spray it around like water on a hot summer day.
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That isn't removing all unhappiness and inequality from the world. That's making everybody unhappy in the name of equality.
Well it’s not uncommon for ideologies with extremely utopian ideals and goals to become horrifying tyrannies in practice.

Much like Marxism and leftism in general, transformism IMTL is an ideological spectrum of ideas - united by one single goal no matter how vague: the direct application of technology on human biology to make a post-scarcity society actually possible. The version practiced within The Network was particularly extreme as the adoption of Soviet-style psuedo communism failed to uproot the toxic work culture of East Asian cultures. Thus Jidoism (Japanese for auto) as the variety was in The Network - called for the complete abolition of human labor (viewing it as akin to slavery) while also calling for the routine destruction of all divisions in society - including biological.

The fact that so many people jump on the transformist/Jidoist bandwagon IMTL is because while the state socialist establishment has little love - people consider traditional monotheistic religions, liberal democracy as practiced IOTL and capitalism (all virtually wiped out in the purges of the 1950s/60s) as archaic as Ancient Greek gods and Medieval feudalism. Transformism also promises the abolition of all government and its replacement by a super-efficient, all-powerful artificial intelligence - much like how communism promised (but ultimately failed to deliver) the “withering away of the state”.
For a Pre-1900 one, Nergal as described by Quantum Branching

For Post-1900 something akin to Red Spies in the White House or Pax Atomica where America goes Nazi

In both cases, to have the worst possible scenario, humanity would have to go the route of Soylent Green in the end

Now if you just want to be even more over-the-top evil, have AM be created
Worst possible just have a super volcano happening in Yellowstone park as well as the same, Carrington event at the same time

Oh, so if you wanna make it worse for my boy @Aluma then have no Pedro II to make Brazil even worse than it is. Sorry bro.
@SpanishSpy's The Hammer, The Sickle, and The Earth.

To sum it up, the Soviets and the Red Allies win World War III in 1951. The Soviets also manage to annex all of China, Korea, Eastern Europe, Germany, Alaska, Yukon, British Columbia, and Hawaii in a series of Mary Sue incidents. The U.S. loses its prestige and gets humiliated in the Cuban War in 1962 and Nicaraguan War in 1984. By 1986, the U.S. has balkanized after states seceded because another war with the Soviet Union is unwinnable.

A Fourth World War erupts in 2004 between the Confederate States of America and its allies vs the USSR, which saw initial gains by the weakened NATO alliance (they manage to capture Minsk), but then the Soviets manage to push them back. The Soviets also bomb Richmond, Virginia (the capital of the reestablished Confederate States) and kill CSA President Mike Huckabee. The Allies surrender in 2010 and the Hammer & Sickle flies supreme on the world stage.

(Yes the author himself says the scenario is ASB levels. He wrote this as a teen when he kept on playing Red Alert on the PC).