WI: The Great War starts around 1904 or 1905?


1. Germany offers alliance with Japan
2. Russia invaded --
3. France invades Germany -- Germany on defensive in west
4. England afte fishing fleet attacked by Russian fleet and its friendship with Japan - stay neutral / Germany agrees not to dismantle France
5. Russia tottering on revolution and Fleet destroyed by Japan
6. Turkey - Rumania invade Austria stays neutral
7. Russia gets an early Brest - Lit treaty
8. With Russia dismantled Germany has little to fear from France and peace comes to west with no territory changes


How would this hypothetical WW1 begin?

Barring Russia being preoccupied with matters in Asia, the Entente Cordiale was only signed in April of 1904, and the Schlieffen Plan wasn't drawn up until 1905. (not sure of the month)

So I guess the CPs have that going for them.

On the other hand, the Haber-Bosch process has not been perfected, so if Britain does enter the war (which assumes a late 1905 start to the war with the Entente Cordiale and Schlieffen Plan both being in place) then the CPs might be screwed.

Also, dreadnoughts are not around yet.

Easy to give you the POD. The original Schlieffen Plan was drawn up as a case study to see "If the Germans should crush France while Russia was occupied". So the POD is simply, the answer comes back "Yes".