WI: No Pastry War

Santa Anna never regains the love of the Mexican people, postponing the Texas Revolution as a big part of it was Santa Anna's regime (but yeah, the settlers also wanted independence/join the US even if Mexico had been nicer. So ungrateful) and his policies.
How this affects the Mexican American War I can only guess. Maybe there's no Polk presidency, since most of his campaign was annexing Texas. With a different war the US might have to just keep Texas, leading to later wars on the future or Mexico getting part of it stuff together by the loss of the state.
What happens if the Pastry War in Mexico does not happen?

Other than the fact that Antonio de Santa Anna would have kept his leg intact(fun fact: he had to have it amputated after losing it to a French cannonball), probably not much.....except the possibility of what the user above wrote, maybe.
Santa Anna never regains the love of the Mexican people, postponing the Texas Revolution as a big part of it was Santa Anna's regime (but yeah, the settlers also wanted independence/join the US even if Mexico had been nicer. So ungrateful) and his policies.
How this affects the Mexican American War I can only guess. Maybe there's no Polk presidency, since most of his campaign was annexing Texas. With a different war the US might have to just keep Texas, leading to later wars on the future or Mexico getting part of it stuff together by the loss of the state.

Too late Texas already won its independence