WI: Napoleon won the Siege of Acre?

Napoleon asserted that, had he won the Siege of Acre which sealed the fate of the Egyptian Campaign, that...

"I would have put on a turban, I would have made my soldiers wear big Turkish trousers, and I would have exposed them to battle only in case of extreme necessity. I would have made them into a Sacred Battalion--my Immortals. I would have finished the war against the Turks with Arabic, Greek, and Armenian troops. Instead of a battle in Moravia, I would have won a Battle of Issus, I would have made myself emperor of the East, and I would have returned to Paris by way of Constantinople."

Although my knowledge on late XVIII is little, I do not think this is plausible. But I would like to ask what are the probable consequences of a victory at Acre. Could Napoleon march to Jerusalem, make additional gains, or would he only postpone his eviction from Egypt?
The French position was strategically untenable. Napoleon could very well continue to defeat opposing armies and bring more land under his administration, but he won't be recruiting masses of native troops to create a self-sustaining empire.

Napoleon could possibly last a very long time until the combination of attrition and British blockade do him in, but he won't become an Eastern Emperor.