Of all of Eastern Europe's communist dictators, Enver Hoxha stands as one of the most notorious. A brutal, paranoid hardline Stalinist, he successively broke with Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union and China because he considered them "too revisionist", effectively leaving Albania isolated from the greater communist world.

Hoxha died in 1985, and communism in Albania fell in 1990. But what if he had lived just five more years, long enough to see the OTL year of its fall? Since I can't imagine a man like him giving up power peacefully, would he have been able to maintain his rule, at least for a time? Or would he have ended up like Nicolae Ceaușescu?
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I dread to think what Hoxha would have done during the Balkan Wars.

The pro-Albania party in Canada was the CPC-ML. I was a regular, albeit ironic, reader of their free magazine in the late 80s/early 90s.

I remember when things started falling apart in the Balkans, they ran these shrieking editorials against the Serbs(I believe it was).

"Be warned that anyone who has ever marched on Tirana has left their bones in the ground!!"

As I recall, no one ever actually did march on Tirana, and in any case the Party Of Labor collapsed before they had the chance to put those threats into action.
If Albania does get invaded, Hoxha would probably see all those bunkers actually be used for their intended purpose.
Or he gets replaced by a general Who is more willing to do business with the Yugoslavs

I could be completely wrong but I feel like Albania could easily have been under the influence of Yugoslavia ideologically economically and militarily during the Cold War
I can't see Yugoslavia invading Albania at end of 1980's/early 1990's. Yugoslavia was at this point entering with full speed towards civil war. It hardly can be chaned ITTL. Even in OTL it didn't do that so I don't see it doing that ITTL too.

But definitely remvoing communism is going to be really violent if people even try rise against Hoxha. Hoxha has now five years more to mess things. But I can't see Albanian communists survivivng without any foreing support. No one is going to bother with Albania. So Albania would be in 2021 even poorer than in OTL.
I can't see Yugoslavia invading Albania at end of 1980's/early 1990's. Yugoslavia was at this point entering with full speed towards civil war. It hardly can be chaned ITTL. Even in OTL it didn't do that so I don't see it doing that ITTL too.

But definitely remvoing communism is going to be really violent if people even try rise against Hoxha. Hoxha has now five years more to mess things. But I can't see Albanian communists survivivng without any foreing support. No one is going to bother with Albania. So Albania would be in 2021 even poorer than in OTL.
That seems pretty likely.
An Albanian Civil War in 1989 would have happened. If Hoxha dies, he was probably killed by his own troops who would have defected to the masses after seeing what happened in Romania. if Hoxha is captured, he's probably going to The Hague for crimes against humanity.
Or he lives long enough to perfect the immortal science of marxist-leninism, and the early 1990s see the collapse of capitalism from the core inwards as Hoxhaists revolutionaries storm DC.
An Albanian Civil War in 1989 would have happened. If Hoxha dies, he was probably killed by his own troops who would have defected to the masses after seeing what happened in Romania. if Hoxha is captured, he's probably going to The Hague for crimes against humanity.

If Hoxha is captured by rebels it is mor elikely that he would be shot after kangaroo trial instead sent to Hague.