WI: Empress Dowager Cixi died in 1881 instead of Empress Ci'an?

So I think everyone were knows who Empress Dowager Cixi is but you all might be unsure about Empress Ci'an. Ci'an was the Xiafeng Emperor's senior wife and, with Cixi, co-ruler of China from 1861 until her (Ci'ans) sudden death in 1881, of a sudden stroke. At the time Cixi herself had be very ill, to the point were unable to serve her functions at court. So what if, instead of Ci'an, Cixi died in 1881? Would this death be enough to allow true reforms to take shape in China? Would the Qing Dynasty survive? Would they be able to modernize? Would Prince Gong become formal Regent? Or would this do nothing to change the Qing Dynasties fate?
A good PoD would be a few years earlier - Ci'an took over the reigns in the late 1870s thanks to Cixi falling ill. Have that disease kill Cixi, and Ci'an is left as the sole regent. Historians either characterize her as being naive and sidelined by Cixi or lazy and uninterested in governing - either way, I would imagine that she wouldn't be willing or able to usurp Guangxu's power after he came of age in the manner Cixi did, which could mean and more successful reform movement. Whether the continuation of the 戊戌变法 or something like it would be enough to stave off the Qings collapse is certainly debatable, though.
A good PoD would be a few years earlier - Ci'an took over the reigns in the late 1870s thanks to Cixi falling ill. Have that disease kill Cixi, and Ci'an is left as the sole regent.
If Emperor Constantine is looking to improve the situation of the Qing dynasty then this is the best point of departure and probably the latest you could really do it. I tried to get some interest in pretty much this scenario a while back but didn't get much interest.

Long version short with Cixi not around when the Tongzhi Emperor dies in 1875 instead of her putting our timeline's Guangxu Emperor on the throne Prince Gong's son Zaicheng is crowned instead as tradition said he was meant to and Ci'an proposed he be. This gets you rid of Cixi's rather toxic influence, Prince Gong isn't forced out so can continue to push for reforms, in fact in this timeline his position is probably even more secure now that he's the father to the new Emperor. The Self-Strengthening Movement can continue without being completely sabotaged and whilst not able to change things overnight Imperial China becomes something less of a complete basket-case, able to fight Japan to a draw later in 1895. But it's not exactly what you asked for so I'll shut up now. :)