What if all countries had to use Nordic Cross style flags?

Thanks for the list!

This one took some thinking, but this is what I came up with. Maryland is one of the most visually compelling state flag, so I had to give it a crack.

Just seems that the bottony is a bit stretched IMO. I've a nordic bottany here that I did in Paint, and maybe I'll add in the black and gold in the canton, or in each corner later...

EDIT: Reduced dimensions

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Why do I feel compelled to make more?

Two takes on the City of New York.

EDIT: Reduced dimensions

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North Korea
Ice Korea is Best Korea

Ehhh...unfortunately, I don't recognize most of those flags. Could you enlighten me?
I can't speak for the first 14 pages but,

White-Maroon: Crossland banner from Maryland state flag
Blue-White-Orange (x2): Oh, only the Greatest City In The World®™©
Red-Blue w/ Yellow Border (with the two dragon things in the sun): Tibet
Blue-White: Kosovo
Red-White-Green (with the hand): Abkhazia
Dannebrog: Switzerland
Red-White-Light Blue (with the yellow stars): Tuvalu

The rest are named, I believe.

Also, Chinese flag.
