UA 93 reaching its 9/11 target - Relocation of Congress and/or POTUS

If it is possible then at least three engines would have to be stopped this way.

Manuvering close enough to do this might be tantamount to ramming. The slightest slip or turbulence could lead to collision.
I was thinking something more violent, like putting the exhausts in front of the cockpit windows, or maybe a near pass at supersonic speed (I know it's illegal and all, but given the circumstances...).

The Capitol had been evacuated right after the twin towers attack., So if flight 93 had hit it, nobody would have been killed. The Capitol is too big a building to be destroyed by one airplane.
Ah, so not even if it was flight 77 aimed at the Capitol.
What if the plane hitting Congress was the first plane to hit, with the WTC being hit shortly afterwards?
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