U.S civil war II

Ok so this is based on Roosvelt becoming incapacitated

August 1921 Roosvelt becomes ill and ends up being paralysed from the neck down and so needs to be under an iron lung for the rest of his life
1929 The great depression happens since few want to take the presidency an incompetent person takes over as the U.S president in 1932 although Herbert Hoover is defeated the president had no answers for the depression. As a result the U.S quickly becomes unstable with in the south turning mostly to the Ku Klux Klan and associated politicians the Midwest, severely affected by the dust bowl becomes fascist and the areas around the industrial cities turn socialist. Soldiers in the army become politicised and in Utah calls for a state of Deseret become stronger
1936 Spanish civil war starts. Divisions are shown when violent clashes break out in the u.s over aid supplies
The democrats win the election but soon afterwards there is an attempted coup due to the apparent weakeness of the democrats and civil war breaks out
By 1937 the divisions are clear. A coalition of communists socialists anarchists and liberals hold most of the north except for the Midwest which is fascist, Ku Klux Klan holds the south Utah tries to declare independence
1938-1940 Japan takes U.S pacific islands with little resistance
Due to greater industrial strength the socialists have the upper hand Britain covertly supports the KKK and the fascists on the basis that they don’t want the spread of communism.
1940 Due to the lack of support from anywhere Britain sues for peace. The terms are very lenient with only minor war reparations for Britain to repay. Japan is given the dutch possessions in the far east Britain takes some of the French islands though this is a sticking point
1941 Despite the general lack of support from other countries the socialist coalition controls much of the U.S with sporadic guerrilla resistance. Trotsky moves to the U.S. Utah given a large degree of autonomy.
Germany invades Russia
December Although Germany captured Moscow and Leningrad it is overstretched and since the Russians have little to lose this makes it more difficult
October the Caucasus is separated but due to the sheer length of the front a stalemate is reached
March Japan ignores an offer to declare war on the Soviet Union
elections are held under a new constitution in the U.S which gets rid of the Electoral College and both the senate and house of representatives are based on the additional member system. A coalition is formed involving socialists some non Stalinist communists and a few liberals. The U.S gives a little bit of aid but due to the civil war and Leon Trotsky it isn’t much
By December the front is beginning to be pushed back
1943 The Soviet Union begins to push back Germany but this is a very slow process and by August Moscow and Leningrad are recaptured. Trotsky is assassinated by a presumed Stalinist later historical evidence shows it to be a fascist U.S stops giving support to the Soviet Union
1944 Japan controls most of china Tibet is allowed to be free though in practice it becomes a Japanese puppet. Japanese manpower becomes tied up with suppressing china.
By December Soviet Union is close to controlling the Crimea. However Soviet Union resources are severely stretched and the standard of living is low as well. The situation in Germany is dire as well
France becomes a centre of revolts
1945 attempted coup by Stalinist communist fails in the U.S after this most communists are either trotskyist or a form of Christian communism which though small becomes more popular.
People start to starve in great numbers in both Germany and Soviet Union by winter
1946 Successful coup against Hitler as starvation sets in severely in Russia Stalin becomes very concerned about potential coup plots and starts a crazy purge by September with the Red army in Poland but very weak a coup happens in the Soviet Union with a less mad person in charge. As a result the Soviet Union is given most of Poland and the Balkans become mostly soviet as well. Both Germany and Soviet Union are very weak and Germany is unable to stop most of Norway becoming independent with British support
British politics becomes polarised with both the BUF and the communists both having MPs and labour starts moving to the left liberals become centre right and control parliament Conservatives gradually lose relevance and move to the right.
1947 main powers are British Empire Germany, Soviet Union U.S and Japan
1929 The great depression happens since few want to take the presidency an incompetent person takes over as the U.S president in 1932 although Herbert Hoover is defeated the president had no answers for the depression.

Problem, how come you assume that no one wanted to take the Presidency? Even during the worst of time, there will always be people who want to take power. An advantage of coming in during a crisis is that if you solve it your name will be splashed on the history books for all to see. Your entire assumption is operating on FDR being the only man who can save America in a giant financial crisis which is highly doubtful.
Problem, how come you assume that no one wanted to take the Presidency? Even during the worst of time, there will always be people who want to take power. An advantage of coming in during a crisis is that if you solve it your name will be splashed on the history books for all to see. Your entire assumption is operating on FDR being the only man who can save America in a giant financial crisis which is highly doubtful.
I never said no-one. I merely said few which happens to be an incompotent person
Soviet union and Japan both are interested but neither wants to hieghten tensions between the 2 so they leave well alone and it goes socialist somewhere when it looks like the socialists will win
Who rules Alaska, or does it become a libertarian republic? :D
I never said no-one. I merely said few which happens to be an incompotent person

If there incompetent how did they beat the competents during the Presidential race. Also note that a crapload more people supported the constitution then they do communism and facism, the good part about the US government is that there is always a scapegoat and people coming with their versions of the "New Deal". Also, how did the Germans conquer Moscow? They were barely a threat to the integrity of Moscow during OTL WW2. Also remember that Japan relies heavily on US oil during WW2, 90% of their oil imports I think. That would hurt their war effort bad. Also another note, people of a country tend to unite against a foreign threat.