TL 191 A carved up world/Entente victory in the Second Great War

Jake Featherston.jpg

Jake Featherston

First President of the Freedomite Confederacy of America


"Believe it. I did what no other could do. I licked the damn yankees when no one said I could. But I told the truth, and now the world knows the name Jake Featherston"

-Jake Featherston upon learning of the Unionist unconditional surrender



The Second Great War

Return Engagement

Drive to the East

The Pocket

In at the Death

Post Second Great War

So guys! tell me what you think! Thoughts? Comments?
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Freedom Party banners flew everywhere. The reversed colour C.S. battle flag was legal, being the symbol of a political party like the Socialists’ red flag and the Democrat’s donkey. Morrel thought Socialist Al Smith was a donkey to let that inflammatory flag fly here, but Smith did. Featherston uses our own better instinct to steal from us. Michael Pound’s words came back un-comfortably.

And then a middle-aged man on the street pulled out a pistol and fired at Morrel, who as usual rode with his head and shoulders and upper torso out of the cupola so he could get a better look at what was going on. The bullet entered Morrels neck, cutting through his left Common Carotid Artery and Left internal Jugular Vein. Irving Morrel collapsed and was dead within several seconds, chocking on his own blood as the clatter of machineguns and the screams of the dying filled the air... [1]

[1] As opposed to how the bullet missed Morrel in TL-191
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