Thoughts on Shattered Nation?

Shattered Nation was written by Jeffery Brooks and was written well IMO. Its premise is that Lee vouches on Johnston's behalf and convinces Davis to not replace him with Hood. As a result Johnston fights and wins a decisive battle at Peachtree Creek. He inflicts heavy losses on the Union and captures General George Thomas. The battle itself is genius and really is plausible, I commend him on that most of all. The tragic loss at the battle, soon followed by the Battle of the Crater does a number on Lincoln's prospects for victory in 1864. Sherman has a mental breakdown and Vallandigham is assassinated further hurting Union chances. Grant takes control in Georgia in a desperate attempt to stave off complete defeat in the campaign and salvage Lincoln's administration but fails. McClellan is victorious and soon after a peace is signed with the CSA.

What are your thoughts on the book? I think it was tremendously well written and plausible and would love for there to be more. The characters (both historical and fictional) were both well fleshed out and relatable. They didn't do things just for the sake of the plot and honestly I cannot stress this enough. I recommend it highly to anybody who loves Alternate History. Well worth the read. What do you think?