The Raptor of Spain

Has Aragonese died out?
Aragonese as we know it never existed. In RoS it's considered a minor Latinized dialect of Basque. If you go back to the map in #437 look at that line of cities east-to-west from Rocagastula, to Huesca, to Barbastra. North of those cities into the mountains is the extent of the alt-Aragonese (though it wouldn't be called that). It probably isn't spoken by too many people even there and a lot of those people are now dead thanks to taking part in the rebellion. Absent some development I haven't foreseen (always possible) it'll most likely die out in the next 200 years or so.
A cliffhanger!

Just once I'd like to see a hiatus begin with "As the fire burned lower the gathered friends shared stories and ale, taking comfort in each other's presence and the arrival of more cheerful times"


Just kidding. Nice work as per usual MNP
Great stuff, MNP. I notice on the wiki that Francia has expanded by 1150, is that is a result of this war? I'm really interested in Francia ittl, is there any chance you could post something about it during the hiatus? Also, when the war of spanan succession is all over, could we have a map of europe? Again, great job, this is my favorite medieval timeline, it is very compelling.
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Great stuff, MNP. I notice on the wiki that Francia has expanded by 1150, is that is a result of this war? I'm really interested in Francia ittl, is there any chance you could post something about it during the hiatus? Also, when the war of spanan succession is all over, could we have a map of europe? Again, great job, this is my favorite medieval timeline, it is very compelling.
To be perfectly clear, the wiki map for them is... in flux. It's my general conception of how it's going to end up but I've redrawn the map several times as different circumstances emerge. Amina herself hasn't quite realized what her main goal in regards to Francia is aside from "keep her throne" though she will. I probably will not post about Francia during the hiatus, as there are some scenes set between Amina and Robert that might cover that. However something about Robert's early life might happen since he's pretty remarkable in his own way.

A bigger map will be coming because major events are occurring off screen in India (thanks to Chola discovery of a little island south of the Sunda Kingdom) and closer to home, in Byzantium and the Pontic-Caspian steppe.
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Great, thanks so much for answering my question! I love this timeline, I think it is the best medieval one. Spana is just so . . . cool. It's interesting that they have gained control of the otl medieval cultural region of Iberia, southern france and Italy, which was obviously split between various powers otl. Can't wait for the end of the hiatus, but you should enjoy your more than deserved break.
Hmm, I would have thought this would have been nominated for a Turtledove - maybe in the Continuing Renaissance & Reformation category but it seems not and the nominations appear to have closed. Damm, I would have liked to vote for this
Extra #5

Note on the Chronology: While all entries are accurate, they are not exhaustive. I might add more events if I have missed adding them. Since this is what I generally work off of for dates, you can all follow along more easily now I hope.

8th Century
731: Birth of Abd ar-Rahman
742: Birth of Charles
748: Al-Fihri becomes governor of Al-Andalus
750: The Battle of the Zab
750-753: Abd ar-Rahman’s Maghreb adventures
752: Bedr the Greek freedman is sent to secure support in Al-Andalus
753: Abd ar-Rahman escapes to Al-Andalus
754: Abd ar-Rahman is defeated and imprisoned in Cordoba
755: Abd ar-Rahman escapes and takes service with Alfonso the Catholic, birth of Adalgis
757: Birth of Salamon
758: Desiderius captures Spoletto and Benevento
759-761: Asturian Civil War, Franks subdue Septimania-Gothica
760s: Using people movements and migration, Charles pacifies Aquitaine
761: Bermudo slain, Abd ar-Rahman becomes King of Asturias and converts; marriage to Munina; Capture of Toledo
762: Birth Peio and Krum; Djafar Expedition; Battle of Toledo
763: Marriage of Tassilo III and Liutperga Desideria
764: Battle of Cordoba; Al-Andalus collapses; Djafar ibn Adullah sent west by Caliph Al-Mansur
767: Birth of Marozia Desideria
768: Djafar crosses to Al-Andalus, Himiltrue and Pepin die, Pepin born, Charles weds Gerberga
770: Fall of Sevilla to Djafar; Charles crosses the mountains; Avars invade Bulgaria (1st Time)
771: Battle of Rio Carbones, death of Djafar, Birth of Constantine VI
772: Abd ar-Rahman founds Fentiside, Charles and Carloman divide the Frankish Realm, Jon born
773-774: Portugal Incident, Carloman battles the Avars and Bohemians
773: Martinus born
774: Zaragoza invades Valencia, Avars invade Bulgaria (2nd time)
775: Constantine V campaigns in the Balkans/Bulgaria, meets Krum
778: Leo IV the Khazar reigns, birth of Alboin Adalgia
778-780: Krum campaigns in Anatolia against Harun ar-Rashid
779: Siege of Barcelona
780: Deaths of Carloman & Leo IV
780-786: Krum campaigns against the Avars and incorporates the Bulgars into the Empire; rise of Ongendus the Dane
781: Battle of Rio Segre
780s-790s: Saxon Campaigns of Charles, Saxons flee to Britain
781: Fall of Zaragoza
782: Capture of Al-isbona (Lisboa), death of Elipando
784-785: Conquest of the Rif, death of Tashfin; Foundation of Luz
786: Krum named Western Commander, Marozia Desideria marries Constantine VI
787: Idris ibn Abdullah flees west
788: Death of Desiderius, Adalgis becomes King of the Lombards
789-790: First Indrisid War, death of Pieo
791: Death of Abd ar-Rahman, Salamon King
792-794: Spaniards conquer Granada
793: birth of Aldric
794: Salamon founds Granada, Harun ar-Rashid Caliph, Eudokia born
795: Krum and Irene depose Constantine VI; Charles invades Italy; Harun captures Baghdad as Caliph; death of Al-Hadi, escape of Jafar
796: Death of Tassilo III against the Avars, Odilo II rules, Spanish invasion of Serdenia
797: Alboin Adalgia returns to Italy
797-800: Spanish port enclaves in Italy
798: Birth of Alexander
799: Creation of Pribina as Prince of Nitra by Krum and Charles, Avars annihilated
800: Harun ar-Rashid invades Byzantium; Salah joins Hispania; Salamon and Eder Abarran conquer Corsega (Corsica)

9th Century
800-808: Byzantine-Arab war
801: Alboin Adalgia becomes Duke of Benevento; Charles and Salamon become Consuls of Rome
802-812: Consulate War
802: Battle of Verona; Zaragoza Campaign and the death of Husayn
803-804: Siege of Toledo
804: Siege of Valencia; Battle of Metz; Fall of Lejon; Marozia’s Coup; Death of Jon; Princedom of Brittany founded; Kreanus’s counter Coup
805: Battle of Ventana Pass; death of Amrus; Second Battle of Metz; Death of Irene, Princedom of Brittany emerges
806: Ramiro captures and executes Muaregato; Battle of Rheims
806-807: Eder Abarran's Frankish campaign
806-808: Galician Campaign
807: Battle of River Mino; Capture of Iria
808: Battle of Compostela; Siege of Iria; Cyprus ceded to Harun Ar-Rashid; Paulicians settled in the east
809-811: Second Idrisid war
809: Paulicians settled in the east; rebellion of Thomas the Slav
810: Battle of Albi; death of Charles; Duel at Tensipa
811: Battle of Muluya; Death of Peppin
812: Death of Salamon; Treaty of Balyon; Ramiro the Wise crowned king
813: Thomas the Slav’s revolt ends
814: Royal Assembly of 814; Theophano marries Alexander
817: Birth of Evan; Birth of Rolando; Viking raids in Frankish kingdom increase
819: Death of Kreanus; Alexander I crowned
820s: Kabar rebellion crushed by Magyars
820: Dublin founded; birth of Patrick the Great
826: Divan of Documents created
829: Duchy of Alsesta created
830: Death of Harun; Reza Azad’s revolt
832: Aldrian conquest of Sorbia
833: Ramiro imposes a slave tax
835: Dorestad Raid defeated; marriage alliance between Spana and Pisa; Reza Azad conquers Persia
837: Viking invasion; sack of Merida
838: Royal Assembly of 838; School of Interactions founded; Reza Azad captures Baghdad
839: Library of Scriptures founded
840: Eudokia’s invasion
841: Lances of Illumination published
844: Birth of Alejandro I; 4-field agriculture adopted by the Spaniards
846: Death of Alexander I; paper-making arrives in Spain
849: Imad ibn Agassi executes Reza Azad; Agassid Persia founded; Aldric crowned king; Patrick the Great becomes king of Mide
850-860: Byzantine Aggasid War
850: Death of Ramiro the Wise;
852: Plague of the Coast; Battle beyond the Fane
855: Grammarium of Sevilla founded
856: Vieido Vimaranes enters the army
857: Physicians Codex released; invasion of Serdenia
858: Capture of Caliastra
859: Treaty of Edura, paper-making arrives in Italy
860: Death of Rolando I, Royal Assembly of 860; First Acladiz; First silver dars struck at Badajoz
861: First Ahmarid invasion of Sicily
862: Evan's Anabasis
863-869: Second Byzantine Agassid War
864: Second Ahmarid Invasion of Sicily
865-891: The Reclamacion
865: Salamanca Campaign; Patrick the Great founds the H.E.I.N.
866: Vallalida Campaign
868: Third Ahamarid Invasion of Sicily
869: Basil the Macedonian crowned king of Armenia; fall of Lejon
870: Olaf’s invasion
872: Treaty of Oviedo; House of Olavez founded; Battle of the Golden Vale; El-Halcona administers Valencia
873: Imato raised Alcadiz of Lejon; Death of Evan I; Petros I crowned
874-875: Garone River Campaiagn
875: Sack of Barcelona
876: Siege of Chalon; Eirik the Hungry lands at Jorvik
877: Battle of Selva
878: Battle of Auscita; Siege of Lyon; Italian Kingdom abandons Tolosa
879: Danish conquest of Sussex
881: Olaf Ironarm captures Pampleo
882: Danish conquest of Mercia
883: Siege of Zaragoza
885: Capture of Marselhio (Marseille); North Albaney submits to the Danes
886: Death of Alejandro I; Enrique crowned King
888: Death of Enrique; Alfonso I crowned King; Birth of Rolando the Bastard
890: Battle of Basigera; first use of the crossbow; Rus'-Pecheng alliance
890-891: Siege of Tolosa
891: Death of Patrick the Great
892: Birth of Alfonso II; Death of Alfonso I; School of Metallurgy founded (Zaragoza)
894: Battle of Kiev; Cornwall seeded to the H.E.I.N.; H.E.I.N. invasion of Rhodri
896: School of Agriculture (Lisboa)
899: Battle of Culloden

10th Century

911: Teresa born. 912: Anigan of Naoned becomes Prince of Brittany
913: Death of Ramiro II
914-917: Collapse of Viscaya Principality; Creation of the Marca of Bordeio
915-c.960: Francian Conquest of South Denmark and Scandinavian Hegemony
921-935: Third Idrisid War
932-935: Ghuzz War
934: Second Battle of the Amul River
940: Birth of Ortiz Araman
943: Death of Alfonso II; Birth of Ramon Araman
945: Death of Alejandro II
947: Birth of Rolando the Timely Sword
949: Birth of Azalais
948: Death of Sigrissa
948-950: Interregnum
950: Ortiz Araman crowned king
950-970: Khazar invasions of central Europe
950-954: Byzantine invasion of Italy; First Roman War
951: Siege of Amalfi; Battle of Grosseto (951)
955: Formation of the Haclona Junta
957: Hugh, Duke of Thuringia becomes regent for Charles II of Francia
958: Foundation of the Republic of Ravenna
959-962: Second Roman War
960s: Arrival of Harald Gormson in Italy
963: First meeting or Ortiz and Azalais
965: Mustan, Count of Zaragoza arrested
966: Ortiz marries Alazais
966-969: Anti-corruption investigations devastate the Halcona Junta
969-971: Third Roman War
969: Battle of Bescara
970: Sack of Rome; Death of Sancho Najera
971: Spanan capture of Campania region
c.972-998: Francian Civil War
973: Collapse of Reka; Scandinavian revolt
974: Conquest of Milan by the Confederacy of the South Aar, first Battle of Matera, Tornikes Revolt
974-976: Fourth Roman War
976: Second Battle of Cannae; First Division of Europe
976-985: Balkan Interventions; Creation of the Second Bulgarian Empire
980: Birth of Robert I of Francia
992: First Harmonization of the Laws issued
993: Birth of Alejandro III; Birth of Lucas Almaghreb
997: Birth of Miguel
998: Foundation of the Commonwealth of Nidaros
1000: Death of Azalais, death of Allan of Brittany

11th Century

1001: Ainella founds the monastery of the Virgin on St. Paul's Island
1002: Death of Ortiz; Brian II marches into Roazhen and claims the crown of Brittany
1002-1023: War of Breton Succession
1007: Abbasid Caliphate destroyed by Qarmatians
1016: Disaster of Albi
1019: Murder of Armando by Alejandro III
1022-1025: First Srivijaya-Chola War
1026: Second Division of Europe
1026-1040: Ecumenical Reconquista
1032: Kimek invasion of south Caucasus
1034: Battle of Manzikert
1030: Birth of Leon
1032: Al-Hasi of Damascus becomes the head of the Qarmatian Council
1036: Battle of the Jabbul flats; Kipchaks convert to Christianity
1036-1048: Great Baltic War; H.E.I.N. removed from the Baltic
1037: Siege of Acre; Death of Miguel
1038: Exile of Queen Sophia to the Monastery of the Virgin
1040: Alejandro III becomes the ruler of Damascus
1046-1050: Hirajaraya visits Spana
1047-1050: Spanan Civil War
1048: Leon Araman crowned, Alejandro III established the co-monarchy
1050: Leon ends the co-monarchy
1053: Brian Chaisil discovers the New World
1057: Birth of Rodrigo de la Vega
1057-1059: Adriatic War; First sustained offensive use of pikemen
1065: Birth of Mejed
1066: Battle of Bathumgate
1071: Birth of Alejandro IV
1072: Second Srivijaya-Chola War
1074: Birth of Saloman II
1076: Ibrahim Al-Nasiri claims the title of Caliph
1080: Birth of Garcia Maurez IV
1084: Second Harmonization of the Laws issued
1085: Birth of Marcus of Granada
1087: Marriage of Alejandro IV and Havisa of Roazhen
1089: Birth of Mazin
1091: Birth of Giovan; Saloman II's first battle
1093: First working telescope the "largojo"
1095: Church of St. Paul built on St. Paul's Island by Leon Araman; Robert II of Francia born
1096: Birth of Enrigo de Lejon

12th Century
1101: Birth of Amina Araman Alejandriz; Death of Leon; Alejandro IV Araman crowned; Conversion of Kimeks to Islam
1102: Disastrous reign of Srei Chey begins
1103-1115: Fall of the Naiman Khannate/Great Naiman Migration
1105: Kimek armies cross the Volga
1109: Aditya II Chola concludes an alliance with Kalinga
1108-1110: Perinthian Plague; death of Alejandro IV; Saloman II crowned
1117-1125: Makanid civil war
1117: Kimeks cross the Don
1119-1126: Third Srivijaya-Chola War
1120-1122: Saloman II's Italian Expedition
1120: Ortiz Almagre born
1122: Death of Saloman II; Marriage of Amina to Tajer
1125: Birth of Juan the Bastard; Death of King Tajer; Amina Araman Alejandriz crowned
1126-1129: Amina's Italian Expedition
1127: Papal Declaration of Spanan Regicidal Illegitimacy
1127-1148: War of Spanan Succession
1128: Battle of Agen; Francian forces cross into Spana
1129: Second Battle of Grosseto; Spaniards secure central Italy
1130: Fall of Kiev, Kimeks cross the Dnieper
1131: Fall of Great Liao
1132: Battle of Auscita; death of Mejed
1132-1133: First Councilliarum
1134: Birth of Rodrigo Enriguez; Battle of Daressina; Moveable Type
1135-1136: Siege of Toledo
1136: Wahamargapan invasion of Shu; Magyars defeated at the Battle of Bugas

You said things are happening in Byzantium...

Could we see them get hurt badly?:cool:
You'll see Byzantium stuff after the hiatus.
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Nice job, I'm surprised to see that the Spanan War of Succession will last for another 12 years, it seemed to be coming to a head when you left off.
I am asking one last time, for all my readers please go vote for me in the Superlatives poll!

Extra #6: Irish New World

In the year 1085, Broccan named Brian Chaisil Lord Warden of Avalon. At the time, Broccan was in the midst of trying to build up the mystique of the emperor after defeat in the Baltic War (1036-1048) that saw the loss of trade routes in the Baltic and North Sea, and the disaster of Bathumgate (1066) that all but ended Irish intervention in Greater Albaney. His demands touched off a revolt in Brittany that revealed the presence of the Bernardian Hersey and led to Francian support for the rebels. While León Araman of Spaña prevented a full on invasion of Brittany after 1082, the Bretons began to pursue a more independent policy from Irish. They reminded Broccan that Emperor of the Irish he might be, but Andrew Mac Collan was the Prince of Brittany to them and not mysterious at all. While parts of Brittany did follow Catholicism as it was constituted in Ireland, they ignored the position of the emperor as vicar of the church. Broccan attempted to settle more loyalists from Ireland in Brittany but the plan was expensive and futile and had to be abandoned.

With all other avenues closed, Chancellor Broccan turned west. At the time the main export from Avalon was timber, though its fishing industry had gone some way to alleviate the food pressures in Ireland that emerged in the eleventh century. It was also he realized, an excellent place to send undesirables instead of killing them outright. Thus Avalon became a home for rebellious men and the harsh conditions there forced them to spend their energy on survival rather than plotting against the state.

Brian’s role did not change much, but he treasured the honor of it none the less. He often greeted the new arrivals with his wife Brigid--a native--and after 1075, his son Ciarán. Having met Brian when he rescued her from an attack by the Olcaine people, Brigid helped establish friendly relations with her own people, the Tunian.[1] At first wary in exchange for teaching the Irish how to hunt the native animals, the Irish provided them with the technology and resources to make bows which they had earlier lacked. This helped them face Oclaine incursions on closer to equal terms and also provided the Irish a way to explore the lands north of Avalon. It also helped produce a supply of animal skins to compete with the eastern sources that the Irish no longer had access to. These sources themselves were starting to become more difficult to come by.[2] Thanks to the much larger ships they had helped develop with the Spaniards, the journey itself was fairly routine with stops at small forts in Iceland and the much older population of Greenland that was already full with some 15,000 inhabitants.

Avalon itself was menaced by the Dearga who shared the island[3] and metal supplies were rather poor so that most weapons and armor were concentrated at St. Brendan, the stronghold that divided the two sides of the island. While Broccan found enough political dissidents and criminals at home to send him a steady stream, he also encouraged intermarriage between the natives and his men. Brian was even lenient about the women adopting Christianity as long as any children were raised Christian. The Dearga however, were resolute enemies. It was difficult to provide for a population which reached 1,200 souls during the last decade of the century.

By 1090 therefore he was sending out parties to the south to explore beyond Avalon and the surrounding areas with their main requirements being farmland, new places to hunt, or places where iron could be found. It was in this mission that an Irish new comer known only as O’Bhreithiún (probably a political exile) first entered into history.

Sailing south, he came on the island of Naticoslaigh. Returning to hunt with a small group, he became separated from them and while trying to find his way back was almost slain by a stone-tipped spear. Amazed at his luck he turned to find one of the natives appeared--apparently he had mistaken O’Bhreithiún for an animal he was hunting. Any potential difficulty was averted when a bear emerged from the underbrush. O’Bhreithiún kept his head and together he and the native slew the beast with the help of the other man’s dogs and discovered that hunts on the island were common in February and March. Afterwards the man invited O’Bhreithiún back to his camp and they were able to communicate in the Dearga tongue with some difficulty. It was in this way that the Irish met the Lnúk people of the south.

The Lnúk (or those O’Bhreithiún met) could speak the Dearga language because the two peoples often competed for the resources on Avalon but the Dearga always defeated any invasions.[4] Brian was rather pleased to find some native allies and he expended considerable effort in getting to know them, finally meeting one of their leaders Wopk, on Naticoslaigh island. Unlike the Irish and like the other peoples they’d met, the Lnúk did not practice much farming due to poor soils though it was practiced farther south. The Lnúk themselves only adopted more complex leadership during times of war, otherwise they generally operated in smaller bands of close kin or friends. They proved very impressed with the Irish metal work and in exchange for tools they agreed to help the Irish make war of the Dearga for possession of the island. This was Brian’s last triumph as he died in 1099 at the age of 73 only a year later.

He had hoped his son Ciarán would succeed him, and petitioned Ireland for this. By this time Broccan himself was in his last years and far more concerned about passing on his position to his own son than anything that would occur in the west. To keep the Avalon settlements quiet, he immediately agreed and granted Brian’s last request for a quantity of livestock mostly sheep but also a small number of other animals. Broccan himself died in 1100 the year before King León.


Despite Broccan’s order, O’Bhreithiún eventually became the leader of the settlement. He allowed Ciarán to keep the title of Lord Warden but it was O’Bhreithiún that became the military leader of Avalon, in a way analogous to Broccan’s own son in Ireland. Broccan’s son however was eventually displaced by Emperor Andrew who then fell ill in turn in the Perinthian Plague and eventually died, precipitating the War of the Stallions between his children over the succession. The war however, might have ended up saving Avalon.

The war itself raged for a number of years, first in Brittany and then after 1120, in Ireland itself. By the time Amina began to rule as well as reign, Brittany was a source of mercenaries for Ireland but any political control was gone. In Ireland Ovala and her husband Irél emerged triumphant in 1121 but she died a year a later and without her, her husband could not retain the support of the Ecclesiarchy who united under Andrew’s grandson and rose against him.

While the south was plunged into the conflict between Amina and Robert II, Ireland’s own war continued in fits and starts destroying the delicate system that had been build with such care over the centuries by Patrick and his descendants. In fact it proved an echo of the conflicts in the south as the two main factions were the Ecclesiarchy and the temporal lords and governors who wanted the church out of their lives and out of positions they hoped to claim.

The widespread raids and devastation caused a great famine to visit Ireland. Had war not been raging on the continent as well, many may have migrated there but Spaña wanted mercenaries not families and the Bretons wanted nothing to do with anything from Ireland. Albaney was a long time enemy who had in the years since Bathumgrate slowly crushed the Saxon kingdom under its heel and saw any Irish as potential troublemakers. The final indignity was when the various claimants to the throne began to simply take land from those they conquered and reward it to their own supporters to keep them loyal.

To many the only way out seemed to be west. In the west O’Bhreithiún and the Lnúk had managed to drive back the Dearga who were not prepared for a coordinated effort. Thus when more families some at least a little well off began to arrive, there was more land to be had to prevent immediate conflict. The Irish themselves had no desire to betray their allies--by this time several hundred were related to them--allies who quite possibly saved Avalon and for the moment there was enough land though food was growing tight once again even if the newcomers sometimes brought horses for expanded farming.

A new wave of exploration set out in the late 1120s. Some went east to explore the great river and follow the trade routes that extended far inland. More shall be said of them later. Others, men of mixed heritage, took the opportunity to sail south of the Lnúk lands along the coast to find the peoples who practiced farming as they did and the Lnúk did not and also for better lands for the current wave of new comers and themselves. Several of these expeditions set out, some creating some small settlements on the coast that were mostly supply stations as they moved farther south.

In the year 1133, 80 years after Brian Chaisil first set foot in the new world, a group landed on a forested peninsula with the remains of a settlement that they named Trí Ardú.
[1]Oclaine from the Irish daoine olc “bad people” and Tunian from Inuit word for the Dorsett Culture, Tuniit which is what Brigid is.
[2]This is because Europe in this time has higher demand due to a larger and richer population by far than OTL at this point. This includes things like walrus ivory. Other things include native grasses (for hay) which are shipped in the big holds. Also the wood itself is used for construction meaning native European wood can be used to create charcoal for steel (since steel making is more advanced) and heating baths. The main reason this is even possible is because of the much larger closed-hold ships in use.
[3]Lit. “the reds.”
[4]This happened until the Europeans wiped out the Dearga in OTL.

Author's Note: I am indebted to the discussions of the posters in this thread and this thread and to the late William C. Sturtevant.

To Scipio Africanus and Ringo Starr: Thank you for kind words. Also I had about 5-6 updates on the war then realized I can get it done in less. So I'm re-writing everything starting with Stand Pt. 3. I think it'll move more sharply after the hiatus. Right now I have set a tentative return date of February 14, Valentine's Day!

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Always good to see more on Irish America.
When will the diseases from the old world start to effect Avalon?
Yes!!! It is back!!

Love the update on Avalon! I like the idea of slowly colonizing the Americas/Avalonia. I reckon that populations will be able to recover from deceases before there is a larger influx of Europeans.
It would be cool to also see some American foods slowly enter Europe.
Having a weak, fragmenting power during a period of widespread wars, as the coloniser certainly will give the indigenous peoples a better chance to adapt. On the north east coast anyway. South or central America not so much
The Irish in the new world, as conquerors/colonizers instead of housekeepers (like my ancestors), too cool! I can't wait for the (official) end of the hiatus!
Having a weak, fragmenting power during a period of widespread wars, as the coloniser certainly will give the indigenous peoples a better chance to adapt. On the north east coast anyway. South or central America not so much
The Irish in the new world, as conquerors/colonizers instead of housekeepers (like my ancestors), too cool! I can't wait for the (official) end of the hiatus!
For now I'll just say that different groups are screwed in different ways.

Extra #7 is going to be about Francia. Right now it's mostly a history though I've done that before. So I'll take some requests: what do you want to know about Francia? (Or as the common tongue around Toledo calls it: Fransa.)
MNP said:
what do you want to know about Francia?
I am interested in life and culture in Francia. How romance-influenced is their language and culture? How much power to nobles have? I'd guess their society is a mix of otl France and Germany at the time, but with a much more centralized state. I am also very interested in the history of Francia, military social and political. Also, will Francia and Spana colonize the new world? Might any other countries join the fray?
I am interested in life and culture in Francia. How romance-influenced is their language and culture? How much power to nobles have? I'd guess their society is a mix of otl France and Germany at the time, but with a much more centralized state. I am also very interested in the history of Francia, military social and political. Also, will Francia and Spana colonize the new world? Might any other countries join the fray?

Ditto with the same requests for Francia/Fransa - with perhaps some comparisons and contrasts between Francia and Spana in terms of social/society, military, govt. (especially how centralized each country's respective govts truly are), cultural, scientific (including exploratory and colonial interests), etc. :)