The August Crisis

A Meeting


The White House; Still active, even at a late hour​

Washington DC, District of Columbia
United States of America
October 6th, 1991

George Bush began to drift to sleep at the Cabinet meeting, he had been up for almost 12 hours straight and was getting sleepy. Suddenly someone grabbed his hand and his jumped awake "What! What? I'm awake. Something about China." he said. He turned to see his Secretary of the Navy Henry L Garrett III with wide eyes and an empty mug "Sir, you have to stay awake. The Chinese sunk out boat...this the most serious situation you have been faced with." he said. Bush shuffled some papers before responding "What about Kosovo? I heard something was going down there." he said absentmindedly. Garrett waved that away "Sir, Kosovo didn't send the USS Antietam,a $1 billion dollar Cruiser, and 289 US Sailors to the bottom of the sea. We have NATO looking into it, keep the European War to the Europeans." he said. Bush nods as a secretary puts a cup of coffee down near him. He takes a drink and finds it just as he likes it Stifling hot, no sugar, with light cream served at room temperature*. He smiled and returned his mind forefront to the meeting.

"So" he said "Tell me what we know as of now." Bush said to nobody in particular. Garrett responded first "Well the USS Antietam, along with 289 US sailors, was sent to the bottom of the South China Sea by the PLANS Zhuhai off the coast of Taiwan while both were on a routine patrol. According to the Zhuhai captains testimony they attempted to contact the Antietam three times with no answer, so they declared it hostile." he said, reading from a transcript from the Chinese government. Bush nodded "Ok, so what are our options"? His State Department was next to speak "The Chinese have, on the advice from the Soviets of all people, offered us payment in return for the sinking. They also are prepared to release a Taiwanese man they have had imprisoned on espionage for almost a decade". Bush smiled "The ChiComs are bending over backwards to appease us. God that feels great." he said. The State Department man rose his hand "Not so fast sir, they say it's either or. If we take the money the man will rot in prison, or we can free him." he said.

Bush's smile dropped "Damn." he said. "If I take the money and run it will hurt our position abroad. If we take the man then it will hurt my approval ratings at home, something I cannot afford." he thought to himself. He rose to his feet and dusted himself off "So how long has the man been imprisoned?" he asked. The State Department man looked down at his notes then back up "It says here since 1984 sir." he said. Bush nodded "OK, tell the Chinese we will like the money". The room got quiet, that probably was not what they were expecting so Bush decided to tell them why "After the whole protest debacle my approval ratings have tanked, I wasn't to run for re-election, especially since Jeb and George are looking for a career in politics. I feel having a two term father as an example will get them far in this dog eat dog world of American politics." Bush said. The people in the room nodded and walked out and his two sons, Jeb and George Jr walked in behind them. Jeb was first to speak "Hey dad, we just came to check up on you, see how you are dealing with the recent...stressful situation." he said with a smile. George Sr smiled and hugged them both "I am doing just fine Jeb, how are you?" he asked. He had not seen them for a while...about a month actually and was glad that they had come to see him. Jeb and George Jr both said "Great." in unison. George smiled "Dad, I am planning on running for Govenour of Texas in 2000." he said, continuing to smile. George Sr smiled "Great. If I can spare the time I will gladly help you in your race. That is assuming I am able to win re-election." he said with a softer tone. George and Jeb both nodded and looked at the ground, not speaking a word. Jeb was first to speak, again "Dad, if polls are correct you still have strong following in the Mid-West and minority population in the West. They could possibly carry some crucial states like Ohio, Iowa, the list goes on." he said in a cheery tone. Sr nodded "That's correct, but not enought to win what I need. This recent tension in both Eastern Europe, the Balkans and South China Sea isn't helping much either." he said. They nodded but George's head perked up "What happened in the South China Sea?" he asked. "That's right, the Media has been in the black about that...well most of it anyways." Sr thought before speaking "Well, the ChiComs blew up the USS Antietam in the South China Sea, 289 US sailors died." he said. Both Bush's eyes widened "What? What are you doing about it?" they both said. Bush took a deep breath "Well I am accepting their offer of re-compensation for the lost cruiser and men." he said.

Both Bushes gave him judging stares but Sr brushed them off "Oh whatever. How about a really late dinner?" he said. They both nodded and they went to the kitchen and whipped up some sandwiches and as they ate the Bush kids turned to their Dad "Hey Dad, where's mom"? Bush shrugged "To tell you the truth me and your mom have been...not getting along lately. Mostly because I have been forced to stay at the office for longer and longer. Probably'll blow over like it always does." he said. The boys looked at their dad, then each other then began to eat.

*I Found an Iinterview where he told the interviewer how he liked his coffee
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To push for the release of the Tawainese man, is the morally right thing to do, and it will be helpful in terms of foreign policy.
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He said "Indianopolis"? Was he that drowsy? Is this a typo? Is the wrong name going to leak, and one of the kids get into trouble, 'cause they were the only ones with that incorrect ship?
A Tragedy at A Tragic Time


Li Peng​

Beijing, Beijing Municipality
Peoples Republic of China
October 7th, 1991
6:00 AM

Li Peng was walking in Tienanmen Square, the site of the pro-democracy protests a couple of years ago, to get out of the office. He had his security detail forming a tight guard and keeping a 3 foot bubble around him. He sat on a a bench on the edge of the Square as his security began to take positions around him, and took a moment to think "Should I be so willing to bend to the Americans will?" he asked himself. "China is quickly gaining its rightful place at the forefront of international politics, so much so that the Soviet Union was kind enough to lift the trade restrictions on them. They also were using their promise of cheap labor to draw in foreign companies like flies to a piece of shit. "Fucking pigs." Li thought to himself. Suddenly there was a burst of gunfire from a side street. This was quickly followed by his detail closing ranks and pushing Li back towards the office.

Suddenly a car drove into sight, and it was coming right for them. Li took off running back to the office as his guards opened fire. People exclaimed in surprise and fled and the car continued onward in its mission. Suddenly there was a loud bam as the front right tire popped, probably from a bullet. The driver lost control and plowed into a building near Li. Some guards ran for the car as others rushed back to escort Li to the office. One of the guards near the car exclaimed "bomb!" before a loud explosion disintegrated the car and everyone around it. The concussive force threw Li and his men to the ground and he hit his head on the hard ground. He was out cold before he knew what had happened. His guards resolved to carry him to the hospital as the Army moved into the city, Beijing was once again on lock down.


Moscow, Central Oblast
October 7th, 1991
12:00 PM

"Goddamn it!" Yanayev yelled. He calmed down as Li Ximing continued talking "Yes, I know. Until we discover who did this, and until Li Peng emerges from his coma, then we will negotiate with the Americans." Li said. That made Yanayev sit up "Wait. You are halting negotiations?" Yanayev said. "Yes Premier Yanayev." Li responded "We cannot be sure who did this, so we are not negotiating with the Capitalist oppressors. We urge you to support us in this action." Li said, trying and failing to sound pitiful. Yanayev sighed "Uhhhhh. Well you have put me in a tough spot, the Soviet Union is going through some...changes of its own. We don't want to garner unwanted attention, not until the problem blows over at least." Yanayev said. On his desk lay a newspaper, dated for that day, with "Revolt in Chechnya!" emblazoned across the top. Yanayev gave it a worried look before Li began talking again. "We understand Premier Yanayev if your internal troubles do not allow you to aid us in this troubled time. Have a nice day, I have another call to make." he said before hanging up. Yanayev slammed the receiver down "They were supposed to kill him! Not put him in a fucking coma!" Yanayev thought. His new Minister of Defense, Pavel Grachev, walked in with the latest report from Chechnya "So the Rebels have captured the cities of..."


Washington DC, District of Colombia
United States of America
October 7th, 1991
12:20 PM

Bush's face dropped as the news entered his ears "An unknown terrorist attacked Premier Li Peng today at 6:00 AM, he is currently in a medically induced coma at the 301 Military Hospital". What came next almost hurt him "Until Peng's condition stabilizes and/or we find out who did this, China will retract the money it has sent in compensation for the Antietam". Bush stood and almost shouted in anger, just keeping it back "Mr Ximing I am supposed to address the american people in *checks his watch* forty minuets about this. What am I supposed to tell them?" he said. Ximing took a second to respond "I am sorry Mr President but I cannot suggest anything. I will contact you if Peng's condition improves in enough time for the money to still be wired to you." Ximing said. Bush hung up the receiver and sat back down.

The door to the Oval office opened and Barbra walked in with a smile on her face. She held a silver plate with four sandwiches on two plates on it. There were also two steaming hot cups of coffee which instantly lightened Bush's mood. As she walked up to the desk he smiled "Hey honey, sorry I have had to stay late...again. I promise I will take you out after this whole thing with China is sorted out." he said, rising for a kiss but getting rejected. "When will that be?" Barbra asked as she picked up a sandwich and began to eat. Bush shrugged "I honestly don't know now. Peng was almost assassinated today and was put in a medically induced coma, the Politburo has taken over until he wakes up." he said grabbing a sandwich of his own. Barbra got up and went over to the globe "Sounds like a seizure of power to me." she said with her mouth full. Bush nodded as he took a bite, BLT, he loved it "I hope not because they took their money and ran until he wakes up. That is assuming he wakes up." he said with his mouth also full. Barbra shrugged "What are you going to do your address today then"? Bush swallowed before speaking "I don't know, hope that the ChiComs get their shit together fast enough for me not to have an entire new speech written." he said with a smirk. Barbra laughed before walking over and taking another sandwich "Ok, well I got stuff to do, see you later." she said before exiting the office. "Bye." Bush responded quietly.
Teaser: Read with Caution

Radio Signal from Pyongyang:

*The Dear Leader asks you stay in your homes until this troubled time is over...The Dear Leader asks you to stay in your homes until this troubled time is over...*
Oh my.

Still hoping the USSR falls.

Well the situation there certainly has improved some. They are now more close to China so more food is going to them, so that ruled out bread lines. Other than that their economy has stagnated and they are hopping from one rebellion to another so who knows.
Well the situation there certainly has improved some. They are now more close to China so more food is going to them, so that ruled out bread lines. Other than that their economy has stagnated and they are hopping from one rebellion to another so who knows.

True, and the Korean war is about to re-start, by the looks of it.
Hell in A Handbasket


North Korean Propoganda​

Pyongyang, Pyongyang
Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea
October 10th, 1991

Marshal O Jin-u sighed as Kim Il Sung left the room. He had just ordered more military maneuvers close to South Korea's border to intimidate the West. O Jin-u turned to the other men in the room, some were just as brainwashed as the rest of the country. O Jin was once like them, totally devoted to the Kim family, but then he woke up to the truth. He didn't know why it clicked, but it did. Sung was starving his people while he dined lavishly on French wine and American porn. He used most of the money North Korea did have on the military and created a beast which will bite the hand that feeds. He had been talking to commanders across the nation and had gained support for revolution, for change. Now all he had to do was give the signal, timing was critical in this endeavor. As he was looking around he locked eyes with Yon Hyong-muk, the Premier of the country. He had also expressed his dismay at Kim's ruling style. Yon stood and took a deep breath "Marshal O Jin-u, may I please see you outside?" he asked. Jin bowed and followed him outside. They walked a fair distance away from the building, from the guards, from the constant surveillance, before speaking.

Yon spoke first "Marshal, we cannot let these maneuvers happen, they will start a war." he said urgently. Jin nodded "I know, those tunnels under the DMZ will not handle the amount of men they need to if we are to invade the South. This isn't even counting the technological superiority they have over us." he said. Jin reached into his pocket and handed Yon a piece of paper that announced Sung's death "Read this after we depose Kim and his family." Yon said with a stone face. Jin began to turn to leave but Yon stopped him "What are we going to do about his children? Especially Kim Jong Il?" Yon asked. He was concerned Sung's 40 year old son would cause problems for the coup, not to mention his numerous other children. Jin looked at the street and quickly formulated a plan "We will arrest all save for Kim Jong Il, he dies." he said in a firm tone. Yon gulped before nodding "Understood. Go notify the troops that the time to strike is now." Yon said in a firm tone of voice, practicing for later.


From Hell In A Handbasket: The Collapse of North Korea and the Rise of Kim Jong Il By Adolf A Greiger PhD.

When Marshall O Jin-u began his coup nobody knew how bad it would get for both the people and Premier Yon's government. With the Chinese government in turmoil and unable to aid the Kim dynasty the coup plotters assumed 'now or never'; oh how wrong they were. Kim Il Sung was first to die, during the initial storming of Pyongyang, he was cut down as he attempted to escape the city. With the death of his father Kim Jong Il, who was hiding elsewhere in the city, took this as his chance to seize the dying throne. The Loyalists in the city quickly pledged their loyalty to the new Kim and the country descended into Civil War.

The Western-Leaning Faction,led by Primer Yon Hyong-muk and Marshal O Jin-u, quickly secured the DMZ provinces of South and North Hwanghae and Kangwon. The Loyalists under Kim Jong Un pushed back the initial rebel assault on Pyongyang and secured the province and gained the loyalty of South and North Pyongan, South Hamgyong and Chagang. A Rogue general named Kim Kyok-sik (no relation to Kim Jong Il) seized control of Ryanggang and North Hamgyong instituting a Stalinist/Marxist-Leninist system. Meanwhile the Russians quietly moved into Rason and annexed the small province. The stage was set for a particularly bloody Civil War.

The Russians under Yanayev declared Kyok-sik the rightful government and pledged their support for him. The West contacted and began to transport Marshal Jin-u's forces weapons and food, South Korea even began talking about direct intervention on their behalf. The Chinese however were not as paralyzed as the plotters had hoped. Their government had pledged support only after Kim announced himself the true government. World focus slowly began to shift from the South China Sea (much to China's glee) and to North Korea as the Hermit Kingdom imploded with violence.


Map of North Korea​
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A rouge general named Kim Kyok-sik (no relation to Kim Jong Il) seized control of Ryanggang and North Hamgyong instituing a Stalinist/Marxist-Leninist system.

Well, I suppose he is MORE red than the others, but I always wonder why we don't see blanc, noir, bleu and vert generals in addition to the rouge ones.
Big Brother


General Kim Kyok-sik​

Moscow, Central
October 11, 1991

Yanayev sighed as read his embassies dispatch from Korea. "Their Dear Leader has been deposed in a Military Coup apparently led by Premier Yon Hyong-muk. Yon has seized the DMZ and surrounding provinces while the younger Kim Jong Il has taken his father's place as the Great Leader. Kim's forces control Pyongyang..." and they went on to list places Yanayev couldn't locate on a map. One thing did interest him though, a Stalinist general, Kim Kyok-sik seized the Northwest part of the country. This interested him greatly because Kim's regime has taken on a distinctly dystopian look. They have deviated far from Marx, Lenin and Stalin's doctrines. This new general though, he showed promise, he just needed a 'Big Brother' to lead him. Yanayev smiled "I guess I am that big brother." Yanayev thought. He reached for the phone and dialed the Foreign Ministry. A young womans voice came over the phone, she sounded board "Hello. This is Natalia with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs how may I assist you?" she asked in a monotone voice.

Yanayev looked back at the paper before responding "Hello Natalia. I am Comrade Yanayev and I need to speak with Comrade Pavlov". While Pavlov had been Premier since Yanayev seizing power almost a year ago he had taken an interest in foreign policy. The woman was silent for a time before responding "I am patching you through now." she said in a noticeably more peppy voice. Yanayev tapped his fingers on his desk while the girls struggled to find out what to do, they probably were not taught how to use this new system. After what seemed like an unusually long time Pavlov got on the phone "Hello Comrade Yanayev. What do you need?" he asked. Yanayev looked at the paper once again "Have you seen the latest dispatch from North Korea?" he asked. "Nyet, I have not had the time. What does it say?" Pavlov responded. He seemed worried but Yanayev could not tell how much of it was him faking. "Well it appears their Dear Leader has been assassinated in a military coup, much like our own. Unfortunately this has collapsed the country into Civil War. We have the plotters straddling the DMZ, Kims son, Il, he has taken most of the East while a Stalinist general has seized hte North East." Yanayev said. He was just barely avoiding reading directly from the dispatch.

There was a silence as Pavlov did something , probably thinking. Finally he responded "I am guessing that you are debating on helping the General?" Pavlov asked. Yanayev grunted in agreement and Pavlov returned "Well I think we shouldn't help to much. The West will surely back the plotters and China will join ranks with their old ally the Kims. Just scurry some weapons across hte border...maybe a squad or two of trainers or something, you get what I mean." he said. Yanayev grunted again "Ok, thank you Comrade, I need to make another call." he said. Pavlov hung the phone up and returned to his business...whatever it was. Meanwhile Yanayev dialed the number for Colonel General V.I. Novozhilov, commander of the Far Eastern Military District. The spoke a few words and Novozhilov began to set up relations and contacts in General Kyok-sik's Korea.


Seoul, Seoul National Capital Area
Republic of South Korea
October 11th, 1991

President Roh Tae-woo sat in his office and looked out upon Seoul. He had gained the Presidency some three years earlier and already he was regretting taking up the position. Those damned students have been protesting for democracy, seeing the Presidency as more of an inherited position than elected. While that may be true they are the ones who keep electing the right people into office. Suddenly the phone rang and Roh Tae-woo rushed to answer it. "This is President-" he only got that far before the man on the other end interrupted him. "I am sorry for the interruption sir, but I have urgent news from the DMZ." the man said. "Who is this? What is your ranK?" President Roh asked. The man disregarded his question "Sir, DPRK Primer Yon Hyong-muk wishes to speak to you." he said. The President's heart skipped a beat. A high ranking official in the DPRK wishes to talk, for the first time in years. "Ok." Roh said as he gathered himself "I will speak to him." he said confidently. He hoped he sounded confident, he thought he did but he felt like a scared little girl. This is the first time a truly powerful man in the DPRK wants to talk directly to a South Korean government official that was not a mole. Thankfully the man did not comment on his lack of confidence.

Some time later a gruff voice came over the phone "This is Premier Yon Hyong-muk and I have some very sensitive information. The Dear Leader has been deposed and North Korea has been plunged into civil strife. I am currently in hte process of seizing the DMZ provinces. If you assist me in a victory over the Kim regime, I will enter talks for re-unification." Hyong-muk said. Roh almost dropped the phone in surprise. The South's greatest enemy was on it's knees and coming to him for help. A sly smile crept across his lips as a plan formulated in his mind. "Of course Yon Hyong-muk, how could I refuse." he said.
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Unless the Soviets pour a lot of resources, chances are good that South Korea will get a slice of North Korea, and the rump North Korea becomes a de facto Soviet puppet (which, for said hypothetical rump North Korea, would still be an improvement over the Kim family).